Hi! I’m Mo Mulheren, your Second District Supervisor. Each week I put out an email and blog about some of the things I’ve been working on during the week. If you are interested in learning more you are always welcome to call me at 707-391-3664 or email me at MulherenM@MendocinoCounty.Org . I also have a Zoom meeting each Thursday at 7:15a-7:45a the Meeting ID is 7079548230 and the password is LOCAL707. I’m always happy to chat about whatever is on your mind.
At this month’s Second District Meeting with the City of Ukiah we discussed how the vaccination and testing mandates have fiscal impacts on the cities, the monthly calls with the City Managers offices from each of the four cities and the Executive Office are ongoing and successful and the City Manager focus group about the Strategic Plan was also a great opportunity for collaboration. The City and the County planning departments need to be working together to meet our housing needs. Mayor Brown said he’d be happy to work on picking up homeless trash as we start our new program. The City, UPD, Probation and MCSO are all working together to come up with a coordinated effort to combat graffiti. There are multiple possibilities for funding repairs of City streets that will be coming to the City Council soon. There are a few plans for improving the flow of the new streetscape and the updated hours of the City owned Parking lots have been successful. For more information about the City of Ukiah please make sure to follow the official City of Ukiah Facebook page or visit their website.
Strategic planning meeting links:
Are you wondering what kind of questions people call me with? This week I did constituent support regarding cannabis, housing, a family member with substance abuse issues, illegal dumping collection, and more housing issues including trying to seek information from the Millcreek Apartments going in near the Truck Stop and questions about Live Oak.
I attended a webinar about Talent Development
In order to accelerate development that we should include the following percentages:
70% learn by doing or on the job training
20% on coaching
10% outside development and education
After the pandemic its important to remember that:
Transition has been difficult for new hires
Remote work is a challenge for human interactions
Expansion of training opportunities
Meeting people where they are with their abilities to work remotely, or in some cases not
“Stay Interviews” at each anniversary (this sounds great and something we should implement)
MTA is continuing to have ongoing staffing issues, if it continues some routes may need to be reduced. If you know anyone looking for a job please encourage them to apply! https://mendocinotransit.org
I attended a webinar offered by CALAFCO called The Property Tax Elements of Jurisdictional Changes and Fiscal Reviews. They discussed the challenges of not having updated tax rolls to collect property taxes especially when an annexation occurs and how important it is for LAFCO boards to track and follow the work of County Tax Collectors and Auditors. It was very interesting.
I had a couple of additional meetings for the CEO/CAO Ad Hoc as well as the Mental Health Data Ad Hoc and hope that those will both be coming forward as agenda items in the very near future.
I spent Tuesday morning cleaning up trash and making calls about getting the homeless trash program started. Next step is to develop a map and get it out in the community. The expense at the transfer station was actually less than what I thought it was going to be but there is still more data to collect regarding time spent and costs. More to come on this!
There are a lot of different things I do day to day. That’s one of the best parts of serving your community in this role. Please know that you should contact me if you have questions, if I don’t have the answers I can direct you or try to find them for you. Thanks for reading! Have a great day!