Hi I’m Mo Mulheren, the Second District Supervisor. Each week I issue a written report about some of the projects I’m working on and the meetings I attend. This is not a comprehensive list of my activities but meant to give you some ideas about topics that I am working on that might interest you.
The housing conversation in Mendocino County is ongoing. I attended the Inland HAT meeting and among the topics discussed were the Infrastructure barriers to developing housing, the recreation of a County water agency will help with this but sewage is also an issue. We need to survey other areas and seek solutions, at the end of the day there needs to be a lot more communication. Additionally a very important topic of the “Missing middle” as some people call it or “workforce housing” meaning people that work and earn to much to receive subsidies but don’t have executive level jobs that the current market seems to favor. Again this is something being discussed not only in Mendocino County but across California. I’m wondering if you’ve heard of any innovative solutions elsewhere?
I worked at the County Public Health Vaccine clinic at the fairgrounds on Friday. It was MUCH slower than last week. If you have a friend that hasn’t gotten a booster or is ready to get the vaccine please have them visit MyTurn.Ca.Gov to schedule an appointment.
Over the weekend I donated some couches to to the residents of the housing program at Building Bridges. They’ve been working hard to get individuals in to stable housing and sometimes a bed or a couch is really helpful. I’d like to encourage you to reach out to them if you are able and see if they have needs for furniture or other household donations. Here is the website: https://redwoodcommunityservices.org/homelessservices
Oh my goodness when I went to Lucky for the grocery pick up I was surprised by 10 huge boxes of hand sanitizer to distribute. I took some to the Ukiah Senior Center, Hope Ministries, Building Bridges and the Ukiah Food Bank.
I started to roll out the Homeless trash program. I found someone to assist me with the map. I created a couple of care packages with some snacks and bags and brought them to a couple of camp sites and I did get one bag of trash on my first day. Next steps are to figure out a funding source for the transfer station fees, get volunteers and do out reach to the homeless service providers to get the word out to the streets.
Did you know that Mendocino County has its own YouTube page where you can watch live streaming meetings or the replay at your convenience:
Covid Update: https://youtu.be/zZnffGxE6Vs
Coastal Permit Administrator: https://youtu.be/0HqyuEn1OpY
Archeological Committee: https://youtu.be/FE5SiWmtwMo
^ Here are some of the meetings from this week.
I took a walk in the beautiful sunshine with my granddaughter while listening to the COC Meeting.
They discussed the update to the Homeless Strategic Plan, Coordinated entry and the Point in Time Count as well as whether or not a safe parking proposal should be brought forward. You can watch the video here:
I like to end these posts by reminding you that I meet on Zoom every Thursday morning at 7:15a. The Meeting ID is 7079548230 and the password is LOCAL707, that is a great place to come and have me ask your questions. I am of course also happy to have coffee or a phone call. My number is 707-391-3664 feel free to text me to schedule an appointment.