Hi, I’m Mo Mulheren the Second District Supervisor.
Each month the Board members submit a written report that updates the other Board members and the community on the work that we are doing. I would also like to use this as an opportunity to share with you all events I’ve attended as well as other updates from our community. Here is a list of pertinent meetings and links so that you can look at websites or videos and of course reach out if you have additional questions.
This year I am working through the NACO High Performance Leadership Academy and on August 1st we had our kick off event. This is roughly 8 hours a week of additional work plus two additional meetings per week.
At our BOS Meeting we discussed the drought ad hoc and what to do with the Water Agency and received an update about the jail expansion and an opportunity to fund the Ukiah Recovery Center with additional sober living beds for those people that are living in residential treatment. You can watch the meeting and review the minutes here: https://mendocino.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=922558&GUID=CF08164B-0138-4923-A35A-ACDC501CA24C&Options=info|&Search=
At the beginning of the month I meet with the City of Ukiah City Manager and Mayor. In August we discussed a vehicle abatement project with All-In-One, camping on Orr Creek and the current streets projects within the City of Ukiah.
Every Thursday morning I start my day with a zoom meeting I call Coffee and Conversation. During this meeting we talk about everything from roads to homelessness.
In the afternoon I attended my first NACO Leadership Breakout Group.
I had a meeting about Opioids and the programs that Adventist Health has with MaryAnne Cox. We discussed the need to raise awareness of the programs that are currently offered in Mendocino County and see if there are any gaps in services how we would fund those.
BOS MCAFD Steering Committee discussed the upcoming Measure P campaign, and the viability of the program to continue in its current form as some of the districts are not actively participating.
I attended a virtual NACO Live Event where the folks across the country in the leadership program meet to talk about the weeks work and our individual break out meetings.
I attended a meeting with Beth Salomone the ED of the Russian River Flood Control District and Supervisor McGourty and CEO Antle to discuss the current state of the Russian River and it looks like the Russian River Water Users are looking to have a collaborative effort moving forward between Mendocino and Sonoma County. I hope that there are more updates soon, right now it seems to be working through some of our various boards to come up with a workable document for the agencies to consider. Water doesn’t know County or District boundaries and all of our water is shared water.
I attended the Ukiah Main Street Program Meeting to discuss the Downtown business district in Ukiah and what events are upcoming.
I had a meeting with Auditor – Treasurer – Tax Collector Chamise Cubbison to find out what the needs are in the department and how the Board could work with her department to create improvements in transparency and reporting.
Each Thursday morning I start my day with a meeting called Coffee and Conversation on Zoom. This is an open meeting for the community to come and talk to me about whatever is on their minds.
I attended the Reentry Stakeholders Coalition. This group is attended by the Mendocino County Jail, the Inmate Coordinator, representatives from the Courts, the Public Defenders office and drug treatment program representatives. They review a case and talk about the challenges and what could be done in the future. One of the challenges that I will discuss from this meeting is that often when people are released from jail they don’t have a cell phone so the inmate coordinators or treatment service providers have no way to reach them. I plan to research this and see how we can make sure we can contact people that are interested in treatment so we can get them in to services.
I attended the NACO Leadership program Breakout session where we discussed how to change your organization with positive intentions.
I am still interested in the Ukiah Recovery Center Expansion so I attended a meeting to discuss what partners can do to assist URC in their efforts.
Friday afternoons are for the NACO Live event. This is part of the Leadership course that I am attending. Did you know that one of the Principles of Office for the Board of Supervisors is to be responsible for professional growth and participate in workshops, conferences and trainings?
I attended the Ribbon Cutting for the grand reopening of Observatory Park in Ukiah. There is much excitement about the renewed interest in the park and its interpretive signage. http://cityofukiah.com/observatory-park/
At our regular meeting of the Great Redwood Trail Agency we approved the financials and received an update from Karyn Gear, Interim Director. Staff is reviewing the budget to see if there are additional funds coming in from the State and will bring that to the next meeting, need to audit the former NCRA this is a priority, working on a fresh website for the GRTA Alta Planning has been selected as the consultant and we are waiting for contracts to be signed to be able to move forward with the community engagement plan.
At our BOS Meeting we received a presentation about Disaster Preparedness and how to sign up for Mendo Ready, received a presentation of the 2021 Behavioral Health report. If you would like to watch the whole video please go to YouTube:Mendocino County Video
At the RCRC &GSFA meeting we received an update about Wildfire and Forest Stewardship and a California Public Utilities update, reviewed the Strategic Plan and discussed the upcoming Annual Meeting.
Supervisor Gjerde and I met with County staff and representatives from the cities of Willits and Ukiah about the Tax Sharing Committee. There are still more details to work out about the agreement but we are moving forward with review of some possible scenarios with data from HDL we should receive that update next month.
I started my Thursday with my Coffee and Conversation meeting mostly discussing homelessness and some of the challenges being faced in the new apartment buildings on Oak and Brush in Ukiah.
I attended a meeting about Homelessness with a local community group and Bekkie Emery, Supervisor Haschak, and Megan Van Sant from the County Social Services Department. We discussed some of the challenges that face local businesses and what could be done differently in mendocino County.
At our regular MSWMA Meeting we had an update on the budget to actuals and progress of getting caught up at the facility. We also discussed possible action in Brooktrails at an illegal trash dump site on Dogwood Terrace, because MSWMA is so short staffed the clean up is going to have to move forward with volunteers.
I met with DA Eyster for a Tour of his offices and an opportunity to meet some of his staff and he took a moment to sit down and better explain their current workload and how they’ve been doing the last few years during COVID
Weekly NACO Breakout Group
I attended the Cannabis 21+ Mixer for the Greater Ukiah Business and Tourism Alliance
I attended the Leadership Mendocino Orientation to discuss my experience with the program and answer any questions.
I had a meeting with Sheriff Kendall and Under-Sheriff Brewster re Homelessness and ways that the County departments could collaborate better to have more successful outcomes.
I attended the NACO Live Event
I attended a meeting of the Mendocino Living Wage Ordinance Ad Hoc.
I had a meeting with a member of the public regarding the Grand Jury Report re conservatorships. Hearing from the families themselves gives me a better understanding of the concerns that the Grand Jury looked in to.
During the Board Recess I continued to respond to constituent calls and work with the County legal team and Ad Hoc on Grand Jury responses.
I was able to hop in to a Russian River Conflue
nce Meeting and I am looking forward to the roll out of the promotional campaign in September.
This is not an exhaustive list of the meetings and events that I attended and instead is meant to provide an opportunity to remind my colleagues and the public about the projects that I am working on to be able to ask questions about these meetings or events.