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December 2022 Update


Hi, I’m Mo Mulheren the Second District Supervisor.




Each month the Board members submit a written report that updates the other Board members and the community on the work that we are doing. I would also like to use this as an opportunity to share with you all events I’ve attended as well as other updates from our community. Here is a list of pertinent meetings and links so that you can look at websites or videos and of course reach out if you have additional questions.




This is not an exhaustive list of the meetings and events that I attended and instead is meant to provide an opportunity to remind my colleagues and the public about the projects that I am working on to be able to ask questions about these meetings or events.




December 1, 2022


Meet with Visit Mendocino and constituents for a conversation about Air B&B


Emergency Medical Care Committee – JPA discussions are progressing now that documentation has been received from a majority of the parties




December 2, 2022


BOS/MCAFD in Anderson Valley to discuss local fire and EMS issues including when the Measure P tax funds will be received by the departments, ongoing challenges receiving permitting information, etc




December 6, 2022


At our BOS Meeting we received an update from Assemblymember Jim Wood and approved side letter agreements with the SEIU1021, County of Mendocino Management Association, Department Head Association and Teamsters 856 (Probation, Public Attorneys)




December 7, 2022


Meet with City of Ukiah re updates on projects related to homelessness, the recruitment for the new Police Chief and commissions and committees including appointing a City Council Member to the Library Advisory Board a role I continued to serve after my term on the Council but a Council member will take over that role after the new year.


Tax Sharing conversations continue we had an internal meeting with DOT about what a tax sharing agreement and annexation might look like for the budget and workload for our local roads.


I attended the outgoing Mayors Reception at the City of Ukiah to offer congratulations on the retirement of outgoing Mayor Jim Brown.




December 8, 2022


I had a meeting at the General Services Agency to learn more about their role and discuss the space needs analysis and what next steps the Board can look at to reduce liability and deferred maintenance




December 9, 2022


Tax Sharing conversation Internal meeting with Undersheriff Brewster from the Sheriffs Office to discuss how an annexation would impact the Sheriffs Office call time and resources




I attended a meeting about the “Ukiah Walks” and a plan to update the tiles. The project will need to wait until spring but if you are interested you can find the maps on UkiahValleyTrails.Org


I attended an internal Broadband Planning meeting to discuss strategies for 2023 and how County IT should be positioned in the conversations at the State




December 12, 2022


The General Government Committee discussed the Legislative Platform and Cannabis.




December 13, 2022


At the Board of Supervisors Meeting we approved agreements with SEIU1021 and the Management Association. We honored our team members with 15-40 Years of Service with the County and cleared referrals from ad hocs and directives.






December 14, 2022


I attended the Ukiah Main Street Program Meeting to find out about events and economic development in Downtown Ukiah


I had Meeting with HR to discuss the challenges I faced when submitting a test application through the only portal.




December 15, 2022


The tax sharing conversations continue with Supervisor Gjerde and myself and the CEOs office and fiscal staff.


I attended the Greater Ukiah Business and Tourism Alliance End of the Year Event where volunteers received recognition and we received a report about the events of 2022 and the focus of 2023.




December 16, 2022


We had a meeting of the Workforce Alliance of the North Bay, we previewed the new app to help job seekers.


As the Great Redwood Trail Agency Master Plan has started, I have had several interviews with the consultants to talk about the section in Ukiah and what next steps to Redwood Valley and Hopland could look like.


I attended the Mendocino County Farm Bureau Open House




December 19, 2022


I was named the Interim Chair of LAFCO today, we approved the MSR (Municipal Sphere Review) and SOI (Sphere of Influence) for the City of Ukiah and Ukiah Valley Sanitation District


Great Redwood Trail Closed Session


I attended the First 5 Commission Meeting as the alternate representative.


I was able to ride along with staff from the City of Ukiah to present the Let It Glow awards to houses that decorated their houses with lights for the holidays.




December 20, 2022


Each year I do Food Drive for the Ukiah Food Bank for my birthday in June and at Christmas. So I went to about a dozen houses and gathered non-perishable items from their porch to donate to the food bank.


It was my honor to go to LAFCO to sign the Resolutions that we approved on Monday.




December 21, 2022


The ad hoc had another meeting about Tax Sharing with the City Managers




December 22, 2022


I attended a virtual meeting of the Women of NACO






2022 Recap


Supervisor Mulheren Board Assignments:


Golden State Finance Association (Alternate)


Golden State Connect Authority (Alternate)


National Association of Counties (NACO) (Alternate)


North Coast Railroad Authority – Turned in to Great Redwood Trail Agency


Rural County Representatives of California (Alternate)


Behavioral Health Advisory Board


First 5 Mendocino (Alternate)


Inland Water and Power Commission (Alternate)


Local Agency formation Commission (LAFCO)


Mendocino Solid Waste Mgmt Auth


Mendocino Transit Authority


North Coast Resource Partnership (Alternate)


North Bay - North Coast Broadband Consortium Oversight Committee (Alternate)


Public Safety Advisory Board (Alternate)


General Government Committee


Russian River Watershed Association


Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency


Workforce Alliance of the North Bay




29 Board of Supervisors Meetings with 31,720 pages of agendas




The following is a list of some of my favorite things that happened in 2022.


Funds expensed so far for the PG&E Settlement include 17 MCSO patrol cars, funding directly to 22 fire agencies, Fire Training Structures, funding to the Mendocino County Fire Safe Council and Coastal Valley EMS, Funding to Country roads in the area of the 2017 fires and support for IT and Planning &Building Services.


Measure P passed thanks to the voters our Fire Departments will have an additional source of funds.


The Board voted to increase the minimum wage of Mendocino County Employees to $17.42


Through LAFCO we were able to approve the UVSD and City MSR and SOI updates


The Crisis Residential Treatment Facility is officially open, and the Psychiatric Health Facility is under design build.


We were able to find additional funding to build a new wing of the County jail.


And I participated in the creation of an Overdose pilot program with Behavioral Health and Public Safety.




Thank you so much for reading and following along with my role as the Second District Supervisor for the County of Mendocino. See less





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