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January 2023 Update

Hi, I’m Mo Mulheren the Second District Supervisor.




Each month the Board members submit a written report that updates the other Board members and the community on the work that we are doing. I would also like to use this as an opportunity to share with you all events I’ve attended as well as other updates from our community. Here is a list of pertinent meetings and links so that you can look at websites or videos and of course reach out if you have additional questions.




This is not an exhaustive list of the meetings and events that I attended and instead is meant to provide an opportunity to remind my colleagues and the public about the projects that I am working on to be able to ask questions about these meetings or events.




January 3, 2023


Swearing in for newly elected Mendocino County officials. Sheriff Matt Kendall, Clerk/Recorder/Registrar Katrina Bartolomei, MCOE Nicole Glentzer, Supervisor John Haschak (not present but sworn in privately Supervisor Ted Williams)




January 4, 2023


On the first Wednesday of the month I meet with City of Ukiah City Manager to discuss any issues that affect both the County and the City of Ukiah. We cover topics from City project updates to health and human services with the County. If you have any questions please let me know, and I can share or find out.


Supervisor Gjerde and I had an internal tax sharing meeting




January 5, 2023


I did a walk through of the Public Health/Behavioral Health Dora Street Facility with General Services. There were many office vacancies and equipment in storage that needs to be disseminated to the public or surplus sold. When the Space Needs Assessment Part II comes forward I hope it has some useful recommendations.




January 6, 2023


I had a meet up with Neil Davis at Black Oak about volunteer program and partnership with the City of Ukiah




January 9, 2023


LAFCO Regular Meeting


LAFCO Executive Meeting




Internal Tax Sharing Meeting




January 10, 2023


I know that you can all read the agenda for meetings but I wanted to take highlight a few things that were discussed. The County spends money on a variety of contracts, here are some of them from the January 10, 2023 meeting. Funding for NaphCare Medical Health Services in the Jail was issued for the term 1/1/23-12/31/25, Laytonville Head Start to provide a Family Resource Center from 1/16/23-12/31/24, funding to the CDC for a Rapid Rehousing Program, Funding through the Housing and Homelessness Program through 12/31/2027, funding for Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program. We recognized January as Positive Parenting Awareness Month. Glenn McGourty was named the County Chair and I was named Vice-Chair. We also received our Assignments and Ad-Hocs, these are my assignments: CSAC (Alternate), Golden State Finance Association (Alternate), Golden State Connect Authority (Alternate), National Association of Counties (NACO) (Alternate), Great Redwood Trail Agency, Rural County Representatives of California (Alternate), Behavioral Health Advisory Board, First 5 Mendocino, Inland Water and Power Commission (Alternate), Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), Mendocino Solid Waste Management Authority, Economic Development and Finance Committee, West Company, Eel-Russian River Committee, Solid Waste Hearing Board, North Bay - North Coast Broadband Consortium Oversight Committee (Alternate), General Government Committee, Russian River Watershed Association, Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency, Workforce Alliance of the North Bay, Mendocino County Resource Advisory Committee (Alternate), Mendocino Transit Authority (Alternate), North Coast Resource Conservation & Development Area Council (Alternate), Policy Council on Children and Youth Public Safety Advisory Board (Alternate). We approved the MOU with the Mendocino County Probation Employees Association. We had an update on the costs of the new Jail Building going up by $1.4 million.






January 11, 2023


This year the Board of Supervisors will be having an additional closed session on Wednesdays in order to be back in Chambers more timely on Tuesdays. I hope this turns out to be a more efficient way to conduct this business.




I had a meeting about the Great Redwood Trail and the potential for Mendocino projects




I attended the Ukiah Women in Business Vision Board meeting




January 17, 2023


Special District Ballot Count with LAFCO Executive Director




January 18, 2023


Internal Tax Sharing meeting




January 20, 2023


Ukiah Walks planning meeting to update the placards that guide the Ukiah Walks. For more information about the Ukiah Walks you can visit UkiahValleyTrailGroup.Org


I had a meeting with a constituent about Human Resources and some ideas for improvement.


I had a meeting with the West Center about rejoining that Board.








January 23, 2023


General Government Committee continued the Legislative Platform to the February GGC meeting to allow more time for the cannabis items to be updated. Applications for LJAGP will be open 2/17/23 if the Board approved the documents at a meeting beforehand. A public meeting with explanations and Q&A will be after the Board approval. This grant funding shall be used for CEQA documents and projects that may need more than one building season so the grant can be extended for 18 months. You can use this funding source to complete your Appendix G documents as part of the CEQA piece of funding. The contract for application services will go directly to the Board instead of coming back to the GGC. We had a robust conversation about the questions and comments from stakeholders about the LJAGP grant and the progress of the document. We also reminded everyone that your application will be reviewed in order of your state renewal, so make sure you check the Cannabis Department reports to check what month you should hear back.




First 5 Mendocino – Took a trip to the Capitol to do a similar resolution to the one we did in the Board Chambers to highlight the important work that they do for kids under 5. They got to talk about Triple P and alternative funding options and the declining support of revenue from the State. The team has been working with our local tribes and Public Health to continue and create new programs and seek additional funding, of particular interest they want to increase instances of prenatal sign ups for home visiting programs.




January 24, 2023


Board of Supervisors Meeting:


Celebration of Eddie Ceccarelli resident of Willits for her 115th birthday. Unfortunately, we had to declare an emergency at the Creekside RV Park, the State Water Board has declared a boil water order. County staff has been on site and will continue to be to assist the residents in finding new places to take their trailers when there is a temporary bridge installed.


There was an unveiling of the new CEO Report and feedback from the board. It will be my desire to see each Department submitting a brief summary every month and will have the expectation that the Departments use this resource to communicate with the public. Elected officials are also encouraged to submit the summary to the CEO so that it can be published. Reached agreement with two more bargaining units. The Auditor was able to close last fiscal year, thank you to everyone on the team for rallying to support Ms Cubbison and we look forward to creating more streamline processes for the future. Direct the Department of Transportation to work with LAFCO for a Benefit Pilot Zone for evacuation for the Sherwood Road Area in Willits. Receive update regarding the Wildlife Exclusionary Program.




January 25, 2023


I attended the Brown Act/Ethics Training as required every two years.


I joined the Russian River Confluence meeting to hear an update from Sonoma County on the project.










January 26, 2023


The Countywide Oversight Board Met and approved the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules and Administrative Budgets for the Cities of Ukiah, Willits and Fort Bragg.




I visited with the River Church on Brush Street to talk about the flooding and pedestrian safety.




January 27, 2023


Meet with Dr Miller re RFP for Measure B and updates on local subcontractors




January 30, 2023


Mendocino County Food Policy Council Meeting had an update from Amber Fisette from DOT about the Mixed Waste Organics legislation.




Thank you so much for reading and following along with my role as the Second District Supervisor for the County of Mendocino. If you have questions or comments on these topics or others, please don’t hesitate to reach out. MulherenM@MendocinoCounty.Org or text my cell phone at 707-391-3664 to set up a meeting. See less





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