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July 2022 Update

Hi, I’m Mo Mulheren the Second District Supervisor for the County of Mendocino.



Each month the Board members submit a written report that updates the other Board members and the community on the work that we are doing. I would also like to use this as an opportunity to share with you all events I’ve attended as well as other updates from our community. Here is a list of pertinent meetings and links so that you can look at websites or videos and of course reach out if you have additional questions.



July 1, 2022 – At our monthly MCAFD meeting we discussed the proposed Fire Sales Tax Measure, the ambulance JPA process, funding and SB443, discussion about the tracking of permits to Fire Districts from Planning and Building and better coordination between the districts and P&B.



July 6, 2022 – At the beginning of each month I meet with the City of Ukiah Mayor, City Manager and Deputy City Manager to discuss any issues that affect the County and the City of Ukiah in overlap. The City is currently embarking on several large streets projects including Dora Avenue reconstruction, a major slurry seal (coming in August) and community meetings regarding the Orr Street Bridge. You can read more about that project and provide feedback here:



I attended the Dept Head Meeting to hear an update re Planning & Building. They’ve been working to hire more staff and streamline processes. The Bella Vista housing development should be coming to the Planning Commission at the end of summer or this fall. Julia Krog our new Director of Planning and Building is working on providing more information to the public regarding ADU and funding opportunities you can find it on their webpage:



July 7, 2022 –I attended a Re-entry stakeholder meeting at the Grace Hudson Museum. This meeting was attended by the Inmate Services Staff, Public Defenders, Judge Pekin, New Life Health and Ukiah Recovery Center as well as someone from Social Services. The discussion was about an inmate that was seeking release from the Mendocino County Jail into a treatment program. The group discussed the best options moving forward and what could potentially be done for an inmate in this particular situation. This is an important exercise in collaboration between all the people that are involved in our justice system to try and achieve the best outcomes for incarcerated individuals.



I had a meeting with the new Director of the Boys and Girls Club, Kim Mercer. It was nice to have an update on the programming that the Ukiah Boys and Girls Club offers and brainstorm ways to get more attendance. My oldest daughter went to Boys and Girls Club when she was five and learned a lot of relationship building and had a safe place to be while I was working. If you would like to learn more about the Ukiah Boys and Girls Club, please visit their website:



I attended a County Parks meeting with Janelle Rau and Travis Scott from Visit Mendocino to discuss the marketing campaign they have been doing to help Parks and the Museum and to discuss what other options they can provide to assist the County with. We are talking about a collaboration with signage at the parks when they unveil their new branding and logo early next year. They will also continue to send out e-blasts as needed.



July 8, 2022 - Supervisor Gjerde and I met one more time to discuss bringing forward an agreement about how to fund future water projects if we were not going to bring it to the voters. We were unable to come to an agreement and both submitted separate memos. You can see mine here:



July 11, 2022 - Staff was able to provide clarification about CSA 3 during the LAFCO meeting specific to the Sherwood Road Pilot Project. If you want to watch the whole meeting, you can tune in here:


Otherwise here is the action and motion that were voted on.


The Commission will continue the Public Hearing and consider a Municipal Service Review (MSR) and Sphere of Influence (SOI) establishment study as required by LAFCo law. The final report includes written determinations on the level and scope of services provided by County Service Area No. 3 (CSA 3). RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 1) Find the County Service Area No. 3 Municipal Service Review and Sphere of Influence Study is exempt from CEQA pursuant to 14 CCR §15061(b)(1) & (2), §15306, §15301(c), and §15269(b) & (c) and approve the Notice of Exemption for filing; and 2) Adopt LAFCo Resolution 2021-22-17, approving the County Service Area No. 3 Municipal Service Review and Sphere of Influence Study and establishing a Service Specific Sphere of Influence for CSA 3 that is limited to the future Sherwood Firewise Community Zone of Benefit for road maintenance of emergency access routes and designating an Area of Interest for the Ukiah Eastern Hills, Fire Service Gaps, and Water Service Gaps Study Areas.


The motion passed unanimously.



I had a meeting with Sean White to talk about the City of Ukiah Water Resources and future projects so that I can be updated on where the City is with water. The wells are running efficiently, the existing recycled water projects are running as expected and they are continuing to seek funding for the additional phase of recycled water that would go west from the softball fields, under the freeway and up Low Gap Road to provide recycled water to the schools, cemetery and golf course.



I went to a meeting about the Great Redwood Trail with California Coastal Conservancy and the City of Ukiah to discuss the existing trail and future plans of the trail by the City of Ukiah and introduce staff to the City staff that works on the grants.



July 12, 2022 - During the regularly scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting the Board moved forward with the consolidation of the Treasurer – Tax Collector and Auditor – Controller offices to one office, approved placing a ballot initative on the November Ballot to use ¼ of the sunsetting Measure B sales tax to fund Fire Prevention and Protection services by allocating funds to the 21 Fire Districts and Mendocino County Fire Safe Council with its over 50 neighborhood groups. The board also appointed Darcie Antle as the CEO for Mendocino County. Darcie is respected amongst her peers in municipal government and with affiliated agencies to be able to move the County forward during these tough economic times. I was appointed to join an Ad Hoc with Supervisor Williams regarding making sure we have a living wage for our employees and bring forward ideas about how to make that happen. We approved a contract with Cupples Construction for the build out of Phase 2 of Live Oak Apartments.



July 13, 2022 - I attended the Chief’s Meeting in Mendocino. They discussed the collaborative efforts of a recent coastal rescue and the preparations for the upcoming fire season.


I met with Mayor Norvell and attended a Coastal Commission meeting in Fort Bragg.



July 14, 2022 - I’m going to use this opportunity to remind you that you can check in with me every Thursday morning on Zoom for a meeting that I call Coffee and Conversation. I am online from 7:15am-7:45am to hear your questions or receive feedback.



July 15, 2022 - The Great Redwood Trail Agency had a very brief special meeting to Delegate Executive Director Authority to Coastal Conservancy Regional Manager Karyn Gear on an Interim basis Pursuant to Joint Powers Agreement by and between GRTA and the State Coastal Conservancy.


I was invited by AEDC to attend the CERF Network Planning Meeting. This is a four-county collaborative with Lake, Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. Their goal is to build an equitable and sustainable economy to foster long term economic resilience and transition to carbon neutral economy and produce a regional plan that supports a high-road economy, favors businesses that invest in their workforces, pay living wages and engage in environmentally sustainable business practices. They are currently seeking grant funding for $5 million for economic development over two years.



July 21, 2022 - I was able to attend the NACO Annual Conference, so the following dates share a very brief summary of the sessions that I attended. I did bring back a lot of literature so if there is something you have questions on, I may be able to provide that to you and as always, I am happy to discuss.


I attended the First-time attendee orientation, very helpful to try to juggle the schedule of meetings and events. Environment, Energy and Land Use Policy Steering Committee Meeting discussion re the Waters of the US rulemaking process, the implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and innovations in the energy field. Justice and Public Safety Policy Steering Committee where discussion was had regarding proposed platform changes for increasing funding and technical assistance to local municipalities due to changes in body camera storage and processing, using a locally driven process for Comprehensive Emergency Management, increase funding for the Emergency Management Performance Grant, ensure County involvement in the FEMA Strategic Policy and the creation of a National Standard for Emergency Management Programs, encourage Congress to Fund the Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Incentive Grants for prevention, diversion and secure juvenile justice programs.



July 22, 2022 - I attended the Programs and Services Committee Meeting;


Rural Action Caucus Business Meeting; Naco Arts and Culture Commission Meeting;


Becoming an employer of choice: Leveraging Benefits to Attract Talent in a Tight Labor Market and the General Session followed by the NACO 2nd Vice President Candidates Forum.



July 23, 2022 – Meetings and workshops I attended; Leveraging Community Assets to Promote an Equitable Recovery in Rural America, Protective Leadership in Crisis: Supporting Your Community Through a Disaster, NACo Achievement Awards Luncheon, The Theory and Practice of Economic Development: Then and Now,


California Caucus Meeting, Women of NACo Reception and Annual Business Meeting



July 24, 2022- At this year’s Naco Annual Business Meeting and Election Sonoma County Supervisor James Gore and the resolutions were approved as follows and can be found on the NACo website:



July 25, 2022 – I had the opportunity to attend the New Employee Orientation. It was nice to welcome our new employees to the team and hear which departments they were working in. We have a lot of opportunities right now please take a look at MendocinoCounty.Org/Jobs



July 26, 2022 – We had a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Supervisors. We had an update about the Covid-19 Business funding from West Company and their plan to distribute the funds to the community, we received an update about the Measure B Projects and Programs.



July 27, 2022 – There were a lot of updates at the BHAB meeting from Dr Miller, including that the PHF is moving forward with the Architects and that recruitments are ongoing. RQMC presented the current data dashboards and discussed that they are currently recruiting as well and try to stay aligned with the County. Attached to the meeting packet is the schedule for the Mendocino County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) & Quality Improvement Committee (QIC) Stakeholder Forum Schedule for 2022/2023. These meetings will be held throughout the County. Here is the link:


At this month's MTA meeting we discussed the upcoming meeting dates, the capital budget and wage table for Executive Level staff.


I was able to attend the tail end of the Russian River Confluence Meeting where we discussed community outreach meetings happening in September.


I attended the Clean Up Planning Meeting for the Streets to Creeks clean up in September 17, 2022.



July 28, 2022 – I attended a virtual Childhood Exploitation meeting by CAHTO Tribe. They were raising awareness about human trafficking and discussing local instances.


I met with Josh Metz the consultant hired by West Company to work on Mendocino County Economic Development. We discussed having goals and objectives to bring back to the Board for reporting.



July 30, 2022 – On Saturday some friends and I cleaned up a section of Orr Creek. It only took us a few hours but again many of the things we were cleaning up were items that were left out on sidewalks for free. I mentioned this in my report last month and would like to have this be part of an upcoming meeting on the impacts of homelessness in our community.




Additional Ad Hoc Info:


Tax Sharing Ad Hoc did not meet in June – pending information from consultant


expected to meet in August



Voucher and Adopt-A-Road Ad Hoc didn’t meet in July pending potential changes from MSWMA will regroup after MSWMA Board discussions




As always please feel free to email me at MulherenM@MendocinoCounty.Org or phone me at 707-391-3664 so we can discuss any one of these topics if you need more information. Also don’t forget I have a weekly opportunity to contact me on Zoom at Meeting ID 7079548230 Password LOCAL707 Thursday mornings at 7:15a-7:45a

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