Hi, I’m Mo Mulheren the Second District Supervisor.
Each month the Board members submit a written report that updates the other Board members and the community on the work that we are doing. I would also like to use this as an opportunity to share with you all events I’ve attended as well as other updates from our community. Here is a list of pertinent meetings and links so that you can look at websites or videos and read about some of the topics that I work on, as always reach out if you have additional questions.
March 1, 2023
I have a regular meeting with the Mayor and City Manager for the City of Ukiah the first Wednesday of the month. Topics vary based on need, if you have questions let me know or visit the City of Ukiah website.
The CSAC Rural Caucus meeting focused on water availability throughout the State and the concerns about dam removal during a time when water storage would seem a necessity for water security.
I met with the City of Ukiah Human Resources Director to discuss the MSWMA Personnel.
LAFCO Agenda Review with the Executive Director. I chair several boards which often means discussing upcoming agendas with the Directors. Adding this as information as to the work that County Supervisors due in the month.
I had a meeting with the Mendocino Cannabis Director and Chief Planner about the LJGAP Grant to receive an update.
When members of the Board bring an item forward there is often staff coordination, in order to bring my cannabis tax item forward I worked with several departments and on March 1st I had a meeting with Chamise Cubbison and Cheyanne Gordon to talk about the process of bringing the item forward and the workload impact on the department.
March 2, 2023
At the regularly scheduled Emergency Medical Care Committee Meeting – Discussion regarding the presentation that was made to the BOS for continued funding for the $1,000,000 in PG&E Funding for the start up of an ambulance JPA. Fire Districts are calling for the completion of the JPA however there isn’t a position at the County that is currently working full time on this project so they are getting through it as quickly as they can. Director Emery is working with the LMSA and using the AP Triton study to try and get to a resolution.
Coastal Valley EMS updates about policies. Still working with Calfire and Coastal Valley to complete the CAD Project, just need to finalize the contract.
The Tax Sharing Ad Hoc had a meeting with the City representatives, negotiations about a Master Tax Sharing Agreement are currently ongoing and we meet at least monthly and sometimes multiple times a month.
March 3, 2023
While MSWMA has been without a Director I have been doing more direct work with the staff, including signing checks etc.
Special BHAB meeting to discuss Mental Health Services Act Funding Priorities. The Boards inputs of funding priorities included transportation, Tribal Government, homelessness, Behavioral Health Court, Collaboration, Education & Training, Rapid Re-Housing, Children’s & Youth Services, Evidece-based services, community coordination, communication, critical incident debriefing, re-entry program, active shooter response, dual diagnosis, etc.
At the monthly Parks Ad Hoc meeting we discussed the upcoming fees update, an online reservation system, the Parks Matrix, Clean California Local Grant Program, partnering with Visit Mendocino on marketing, and an update on the Low Gap Trail Maintenance by the Ukiah Valley Trail Group, the Mill Creek Park Per Capita Grant, Bower Park Updates and the Indian Creek Caretaker.
March 5, 2023
On Sunday we celebrated the Women’s History Event, this year the theme was “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories” and the winners were Dot Brovarney, Sarah Reith and Ellen Weed. For more information visit the Ukiah Daily Journal website.
March 6, 2023
Mendocino LAFCO named as Chair, approved the out of agency service agreements between the City of Ukiah and the Ukiah Valley Sanitation District for wastewater services north of the City of Ukiah and various other areas.
March 8, 2023
Special Board Meeting – Emergency Dec for winter storms
Meet with Chamise and Cheyanne regarding Cannabis Business Tax item
March 9, 2023
Meet at Sonoma Water re Potter Valley Project and Russian River Confluence and how I can add my support
At the EDFC Meeting three businesses received funding and we had an update about the website.
March 13, 2023
I had a meeting re Organic Waste Recycling Methods/Processes with General Services. I was provided with the worksheet that showed how much more time was anticipated to implement the organic waste recycling program. The information provided showed the expense for the containers and the custodians very clearly and I agree that $11,214 for containers is reasonable. However, I don’t think that we need to add an additional 30 minutes per day to do this task, if it takes that long I think we should figure out a way to balance other items in the workload in order to accomplish the mixed waste task, adding $100,000+ for the budget annually seems unnecessary. The Directive can be cleared and the expense will be discussed during the Budget approval process.
Discussion re new courthouse with Janelle Rau, Steve Dunicliff, Shannon Riley from the City of Ukiah and Kim Turner from the Courts. We set up a regular meeting so that we (the County, can plan strategically for when the Courthouse relocates, and the City of Ukiah is interested in being an active participant due to the changes that will occur Downtown.)
March 14, 2023
Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Meeting
Approval of the appointees serving on the various Boards and Committees, we couldn’t do this work without volunteers so thank you so much for your service. We approved a grant writing contract for grant writing services, the County of Mendocino has missed out on many grant program opportunities because of lack of capacity this is an important step forward to bringing more funding in to the County. Submitted a grant application for the Carl Moyer Program for Air Quality for $200,000. There were several adjustments to the salary classifications for the Sheriff’s Office, Payroll and Nursing to encourage more applicants and staff retention. $4.5 million in funds for corrective/preventative road maintenance in the Philo and Elk area.
March 15, 2023
MMIWP Agenda Item meeting with Hopland Band of Pomo Indians, Mendocino County Missing Murdered and Indigenous Women and Persons, and Consolidated Tribal Health to talk about the agenda item for MMWIP day and what we can do to support native community members.
Cannabis Department Check in
At the West Center Board Meeting we received a report from Carrie Rogers and Audrey Taylor about creating a Business-Friendly Environment and Capacity Building for Economic Development. See attached presentation
March 16, 2023
Visit Mendocino Update on programs
Homeless Conversation about outcomes and challenges
County Parks Ad Hoc and Visit Mendocino met to discuss opportunities for Visit Mendocino to partner with the County on advertising of our parks, to create signage and way finding to match the new branding and successes that have worked with other partnerships.
March 17, 2023
Workforce Alliance of the North Bay received a report about the Regional and Local Plan and a dashboard update. (See attached)
I attended the Historic Plaque dedication at Better Homes and Gardens Realty
Meet at Black Oak Coffee with Cannabis Cultivators about permitting system
March 19, 2023
Community Walk – Leprechaun Leap
March 20, 2023
New Hire Orientation – Board Welcome
NACO Arts and Culture Meeting
First 5 Commission – at the First 5 meeting we reviewed and update the budget and approved a bilingual bonus policy for staff.
March 21, 2023
Discussion re Potter Valley Hydroelectric Facility with PG&E and gate opening due to seismic concerns at Scott dam. This is very concerning to both the environmental community and those that rely on water further downstream.
Internal Tax Sharing Meeting
March 22, 2023
I attended the DEI Training at the Behavioral Health Center with Department heads
LAFCO Executive Committee Meeting to discuss the upcoming budget
March 23, 2023
MSWMA meeting to discuss the City of Ukiah taking over the agency as the General Manager and Ukiah Waste Solutions becoming the service provider.
Tax Sharing Ad Hoc meeting with the Cities
IWPC Special Meeting to discuss whom the members of the Russian River Water Forum should be, I will be the alternate with McGourty taking the lead from the County
March 24, 2023
Meet re Skunk Train and the future Great Redwood Trail
Meet re Cannabis permitting streamlining
March 25, 2023
Congratulations to Mendocino College on their Anniversary Celebration
March 27, 2023
GGC Meeting 832 Active AG Numbers (Applications for the Cannabis Program), 4Leaf Contract has been on Boarded and will be trained on 3/28-29, 2023. DCC Meeting on Friday, streamlining of the environmental to the State with the Appendix G going to the State would be the
LJAGP funds could be used for an EIR that would be to the benefit of the State by the extension of the provisional permits for a year while that process is under way. The State would look at the Humboldt model with site specific review. Direct grants would likely be on hold for now, but the funds could be used for the environmental review and the contract planners. What the streamlining looks like will depend on what the Board decides they want to take out of or leave in the ordinance.
Mendocino County Food Policy Council to discuss 2023 priorities and how to recruit more members to be active in keeping local food local
March 28, 2023
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Authorize a joint venture with the City of Ukiah for potential conversion of the Ukiah Low Gap Regional Park Tennis Courts to Pickleball courts, place a ballot measure on the March 5, 2024 Ballot to extend the collection of an abandoned vehicle abatement fee, receive an update from EKI Environment and Water and set priority water projects, Resolution to approve the addendum to the previously adopted mitigated negative declaration to provide clarity on the tree removal prohibition, clean up outdated Directives.
March 29, 2023
Russian River Confluence meeting to discuss tourism opportunities and collaboration with Sonoma County
March 30, 2023
MSWMA Special Meeting was scheduled but we did not have a quorum
Redwood Region RISE meeting
RCRC Legislative Platform call in
March 31, 2023
Discussion re New Courthouse with Adventist Health and the shift to Downtown and the impact to the area near Hospital Drive
This is not an exhaustive list of the meetings and events that I attended and instead is meant to provide an opportunity to remind my colleagues and the public about the projects that I am working on to be able to ask questions about these meetings or events.
Thank you so much for reading and following along with my role as the Second District Supervisor for the County of Mendocino. If you have questions or comments on these topics or others, please don’t hesitate to reach out. MulherenM@MendocinoCounty.Org or text my cell phone at 707-391-3664 to set up a meeting.