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May 2023 Update

Hi, I’m Mo Mulheren the Second District Supervisor. 


Each month the Board members submit a written report that updates the other Board members and the community on the work that we are doing. I would also like to use this as an opportunity to share with you all events I’ve attended as well as other updates from our community. Here is a list of pertinent meetings and links so that you can look at websites or videos and read about some of the topics that I work on, as always reach out if you have additional questions.


May 1, 2023

At the Mendocino LAFCO meeting we discussed the budget and the workplan. It's on the schedule to do a lot of work to update the MSR/SOI’s for Coastal water districts. 

The MCOG Board Meeting also discussed their budget and that video is available for viewing on YouTube -

I had a meeting with the City of Ukiah, MCSO and our homeless services re Orr Creek Encampments and how to prevent them this summer.

Meeting with Congressman Mike Thompson regarding Lake County and the Potter Valley Project


May 3, 2023

City of Ukiah – Sage and Mari; Social media campaign about speeding and summer. Idling around cars campaign. Junior High violence for social media attention, more Public Health attention and Behavioral Health anti-bullying for Mental Health Awareness month. Media literacy program. 


Stepping Up Meeting – Discussion of Naphcare and the Mental Health components for medication continuation during incarceration and release and follow up; lack of a phone number and address is a barrier for communication when people leave incarceration. Inmates can qualify Medi-cal up to 90 days pre-release. 


May 4, 2023 

Homeless meeting re the abandoned railroad north of the City limits with the Homeless outreach team, MCSO and the Interim Director of the Great Redwood Trail Agency 

AS MSWMA I have had many meetings regarding the path forward for MendoRecycle

100 Women Strong is an organization that helps support local non-profits. Each quarter over 100 women gather to donate $100 each and chose a non-profit out of three that participate. Its not County related but I wanted to share the info because I think its such a powerful way for non-profits to share about their agency and how small donations can be maximized.


May 5, 2023 

The Parks Ad Hoc meets monthly. In May we discussed potential 

Partnerships/Concession Opportunities/Cooperative Agreements, current and future grants and the parks matrix. 

Consolidated Tribal Health had a meeting to recognize our Missing Murdered Indigenous Women and People. It was a great community gathering for our tribal partners to share their ongoing concerns over connection with local government.


May 7, 2023

I was honored to read at the HAIKU festival. To read current and past entries please visit their website:


May 8, 2023 

I attended a meeting in Ukiah with Congressman Huffman for a round table conversation on local issues and the work that he is doing in Washington. You can read more on his website:


May 9, 2023 

At the Board of Supervisors Meeting we heard the 3rd Quarter Budget report, approved an RFP for Substance Use Services, and repealed the Public Records Request ordinance. 


May 10, 2023 

This year the Board has been meeting in Closed Session on Wednesdays, this has streamlined the meeting day timeline. 


May 11, 2023 

At the MSWMA Meeting we discussed the need for funding for illegal dump clean ups and the current budget as we move forward to transition the agency. 

At the EDFC meeting we received a presentation by loan recipient Noyo Haulout, its attached for your reference. 


May 13, 2023

Supervisor McGourty and I organized volunteers to clean up at Mill Creek Regional Park in Talmage

I volunteered at the Mendocino College Foundation Gala


May 15, 2023 

I had the opportunity to attend the New Hire Orientation. Mendocino County offers its employees many great benefits. There are a lot of opportunities for advancement within the agency. 

I attended the NACo Arts & Culture Commission Meeting 

The Mendocino County Continuum of Care meets virtually. I attended and watched the presentation by Moriah McGill from Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority 


May 16, 2023 

I had a meeting with Patrick and Julie from SEIU201, I’m very concerned with the way that the Union portrays the County during negotiations does more harm than good. Meaning it harms the reputation of the County as an employer but doesn’t incentivize any additional agreements from the Board.  

I attended the Wine Country Mix and Mingle and better Homes and Gardens Realty in Ukih 


May 17, 2023

Russian River Water Forum Planning Group Meeting 1 – if you would like to learn about the Russian River Water Forum please take time to look around the website:


May 18, 2023

Budget meeting with the Fiscal team

PCCY- Working with CAHTO Tribe on prevention strategies, currently working with Consolidated Tribal Health Board and other tribes to see if there are more opportunities for collaboration. County Social Services is running Social Media posts for Foster Care Month and flyers, people can apply online with Binti to encourage more people to become resource parents. Recruitment is a challenge for all the agencies for resource parents and they are trying to collaborate to share ideas.



May 19, 2023

First 5 Planning Meeting – A planning meeting for the First 5 workplan 

Great Redwood Trail Round Table 

Ford Street Project Groundbreaking 

Indian Creek Concession Options 


May 22, 2023

General Government Standing Committee Meeting 



May 23, 2023

Regularly schedule Board of supervisors meeting we approved the recommendation to seek Federal funding for more public e-vehicle charging stations. The Auditor Treasurer Tax Collector brought forward several financial reports that will help increase transparency for the Board and the community and hopefully create a more collaborative experience between her offices and the Executive Office Fiscal team. 


May 24, 2023

Meeting with Sonoma Water regarding the water resource projects in Mendocino County 


May 26, 2023 

Community Transition Program Community picnic and BBQ (see attached article)


May 31, 2023

I attended the Russian River Confluence Steering Committee – the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors has approved their involvement. Supervisor McGourty and I will be bringing an item forward to the Board for discussion. 



This is not an exhaustive list of the meetings and events that I attended and instead is meant to provide an opportunity to remind my colleagues and the public about the projects that I am working on to be able to ask questions about these meetings or events. 


Thank you so much for reading and following along with my role as the Second District Supervisor for the County of Mendocino. If you have questions or comments on these topics or others, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 


 or text my cell phone at 707-391-3664 to set up a meeting. 





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