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November 2022 Update


Hi, I’m Mo Mulheren the Second District Supervisor.



Each month the Board members submit a written report that updates the other Board members and the community on the work that we are doing. I would also like to use this as an opportunity to share with you all events I’ve attended as well as other updates from our community. Here is a list of pertinent meetings and links so that you can look at websites or videos and of course reach out if you have additional questions.



This is not an exhaustive list of the meetings and events that I attended and instead is meant to provide an opportunity to remind my colleagues and the public about the projects that I am working on to be able to ask questions about these meetings or events.



November 1, 2022


Board of Supervisors Meeting topics discussed: Tree Mortality Ordinance, Direction of water projects in each of the five districts for the full agenda please visit MendocinoCounty.Org



November 2, 2022


As always the first Wednesday of the month I have a Second District Meeting with City of Ukiah and the Mayor.


At the Stepping Up meeting we discussed meeting less frequently in 2023 as things seemed to be flowing quite smoothly now.



November 3, 2022


I had a walk and talk on the Great Redwood Trail with a constituent. Have questions? We don’t have to have a virtual meeting we can take a walk as well. Just text me at 707-391-3664 or email me at to set up a time


I attended the NACO Breakout Group


I had a meeting with Beth Salomone from the Russian River Flood Control District to catch up on local water issues.




November 4, 2022


MCAFD – Measure P update; Need to show how the individual districts will benefit. Discussion of how will the Fire Agencies be impacted by the Great Redwood Trail, JPA for ambulance services waiting for documentation and will meet after Thanksgiving to continue the conversation.


Attended the NACO High Performance Leadership Academy


Attended the Native American Heritage Day in Pomo Plaza at Mendocino College

November 5, 2022


I had the opportunity to Volunteer at Taste Mendocino a tourist destination event where people were able to come taste local beverages and foods. It was great to see all of the people visiting our community and enjoying what we have to offer



November 6, 2022


I was a volunteer judge for the Sips, Eats & Sweets event for CASA. I think this is my 6th year. It’s so great to see this organization get such great community support. You can check out what CASA does on their website and consider volunteering:



November 7, 2022


LAFCO – We received the second workshop for the City of Ukiah and Ukiah Valley Sanitation District MSR (Municipal Service Review) and SOI (Sphere of Influence). The City and UVSD are proposing the same SOI and have an agreement to continue to work on efforts to ensure that consolidation and annexation do not harm either agency. Tax sharing is going to play a critical role in these annexations in the future, the committee is actively discussing possible locations to make sure there is a plan for services. The workshop was heavily coordinated by all three agencies LAFCO, the City of Ukiah and Ukiah Valley Sanitation District.



To read the full agenda packet from LAFCO please visit: 07+Agenda+Packet+November+Regular+Meeting.pdf)



To read the City of Ukiah General Plan Update website please visit:



November 8, 2022


BOS Meeting to review the full agenda please visit



November 9, 2022


I did a Radio Interview on KZYX with Karen Ottoboni its called TKO at 9am. Here is the link if you want to listen:


Immediately after the radio interview I went to Laytonville for the Chiefs Meeting



November 14, 2022 – November 18, 2022


I attended the CSAC Meeting in Anaheim here are some of my rough notes from the sessions that I attended.


CSAC - Women’s Leadership Meeting; election of two new Co-Chairs. Discussion of a Women’s Leadership CSAC Institute class specifically for women in County Leadership positions. Finding employees when there is no housing is an issue that’s rising to the top for many of the Counties. I brought up questions about annexation and tax sharing and asked anyone going through the process to please contact me.


CSAC Workshop: Water Summit & Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources (AENR) Committee Meeting: Working Together Towards Solutions – coalition building and innovation a requirement in our current times. We can’t rely on snow fall and rain. It’s either drought or flood and we have to be prepared . Unfunded mandates


At the CSAC meeting I attended the grants meeting


Opening meeting: Homelessness has to be a priority along with all of the other things that will be voted on. Accountability, roles and responsibilities and sustainable funding for all levels of government on homelessness are the only way we can succeed.


Breakfast meeting Executive Credentialed

Government and finance committee – Brown Act Legislative Update from the Orange County Counsel; disruption, remote teleconference, hybrid meetings should either continue or not member can only miss three meetings and there has to be an emergency circumstance or just cause as as provided by legislature


Health and Human Services- First 5 can expect to have a 15-20% decline in revenue due To tobacco settlement funds and the passage of Prop 31. There needs to be a committee to talk about alternative funding sources


Care Court – only 9,000-12,000 people would meet the criteria. People in active addiction as their primary mental health barrier do not qualify.



November 21, 2022


Update with Neil Davis from the City of Ukiah on Day of Giving game plan Meeting with Ukiah re Annexation and Tax Sharing



November 22, 2022


Attended a Tax sharing internal meeting with County staff and Supervisor Gjerde



November 24, 2022


Every Thursday I have a note in my calendar to post job announcements on socials. We have many open positions and I would love to see them filled. You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook at @mo4mendo



November 25, 2022


My oldest daughter Kasie and my granddaughter Teagan and I spent some time spreading holiday cheer with the candy cane poles on State Street.



November 28, 2022


I attended the second Mendocino County Food Policy meeting. This is an opportunity to revive an initiative to ensure more access to local food. Please let me know if you are interested in this and I will send you an email of the most recent agenda (it doesn’t yet have a current website).



November 29, 2022


I was grateful to represent the County of Mendocino for the Giving Tuesday Initiative. I worked with community volunteers and we cleaned up trash in the Orr Creek and Doolan Creek corridors. I commented that in my role as Supervisor I love the policy work but there is also something inspiring of getting out and getting your hands dirty, side by side with the community and see the work right before your eyes. I’ve included some pictures at the end of the report.


I attended a virtual meeting titled; Hybrid Working:Workplace Culture & Accessibility Best Practice’s for Local Governments. We’ve learned over the last few years that Hybrid and work from home can work for some local government positions and its important to balance those positions with those that can’t for equity.



November 30, 2022


I met with the consultants for the Great Redwood Trail to have an Informational Meeting. As you know the Master Planning for the Great Redwood Trail has officially kicked off and there is a consultant team in charge of planning. There is also a new website where you can provide feedback. Here is the link:



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