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Weekly Update #10 - March 8, 2022

Hey friends! I’m Mo Mulheren Second District Supervisor for the County of Mendocino. Each week I put out a written report of the projects I’ve been working on and meetings I’ve been attending. This is a brief summary, or highlights if you will, just to let people know the topics that I am working on and if you are interested give you the opportunity to connect with me about these topics.


Each month I have a meeting as the Second District Supervisor with the City of Ukiah, Mayor Jim Brown and the City Manager. This is our opportunity to discuss how the City and county can work together. There are several important projects including tax sharing and annexation as well as a new strategy for dealing with homeless encampments this summer. The City will also be working on several big streets projects this construction season so make sure you ask questions about that.


Here are the agenda outcomes from the Boards Special Cannabis meeting:



March 02, 2022 - 9:00 AM

1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.)

1a) Roll Call

1b) Pledge of Allegiance


Cannabis Ad Hoc will work with the Cannabis Program regarding tree/vegetation modifications as discussed by the callers


3a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Staff Regarding Amendments to the Sensitive Species Habitat Review Performance Standards and the Contiguous Expansion Affidavit Policy (Sponsor: Cannabis) Recommended Action: Discuss and provide direction to the County Cannabis Director to amend the Sensitive Species Habitat Review Performance Standards and the Contiguous Expansion Affidavit Policy.

To improve efficiencies staff recommends a performance standard that the project footprint has not expanded and is not proposed for expansion.

If you have an SSHR that has been approved by the County and CDFW you do not have to go back to review. This change is for people who have not yet met these standard.

Approved as discussed

3b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the County of Mendocino Cannabis Program Director to Develop, Update, Amend and Implement the Mendocino County Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program - Direct Grant Policy Manual, as Approved by County Counsel and Within the Extent Permitted by State Law (Sponsor: Cannabis) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing the County Cannabis Director to develop, update, amend and implement the Mendocino County Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program - Direct Grant Policy Manual, as approved by County Counsel and within the extent permitted by state law; and authorize Chair to sign same.


3c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Departmental Name Change from Mendocino County Cannabis Program to Mendocino County Cannabis Department (Sponsor: Cannabis) Recommended Action: Approve departmental name change from Mendocino County Cannabis Program to Mendocino County Cannabis Department.



4a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction for County Counsel to Work with Mendocino Cannabis Program Staff in Adopting Changes as Needed to Section 10A.17.080 and 10A.17.090 and/or Tax Ordinance Chapter 6.32 for the Purpose of Extending Non-Cultivation and Stay of Permit for Cannabis Cultivators (Sponsor: Supervisor Haschak) Recommended Action: Direct County Counsel to work with Mendocino Cannabis Program staff to adopt changes as needed to Section 10A.17.080 and 10A.17.090 and/or Tax Ordinance Chapter 6.32 for the purpose of extending non-cultivation and stay of permit for cannabis cultivators.

Work with CoCo and Tax Collector, MCP to create an opportunity for those that aren't cultivating to delay their payments and create a streamline approach.

Recommended action to take a "Tax first" approach as it would be more expeditious and see how it coincides with the program and bring

4b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Staff to Create an Appeal Process for Cannabis Application Denials and Return to the Board of Supervisors before May 1, 2022 (Sponsors: Supervisor Haschak and Supervisor McGourty) Recommended Action: Direct staff to create an appeal process for cannabis application denials, and return to the Board of Supervisors before May 1, 2022.

Look at options on Full cost recovery, look at options to continue cultivation while appeal is processed, work with staff to provide the options for those denied before appeal process is in place, will be brought back as quickly as possible




At the City of Ukiah City Council meeting on Wednesday night they discussed the Western Hills Open Land and development, mixed waste organic and a streets project for Dora Street. You can watch the video here:


On Thursday morning I participated in a CSAC Leadership Initiative class called: Conscious Leadership. Some of the keys to Conscious Leadership include Self-Awareness, Visible Commitment, Personal Reflection and being Intentional. The presenter says “Becoming self-aware is the single most beneficial thing you can do to up your leadership style. This is the act of getting to know yourself not only as a leader but as a person.” This can sometimes be a challenge self-reflection can be hard but when you are aware of your thoughts, feelings and motives you can better monitor and manage them. When we got to the part about “Visible Commitment” I recognized myself in the statement, “you articulate authentic commitment to being a conscious and supportive leader, challenge the status quo, hold others accountable, and creating a positive and empowering experience for your team(s) is a personal priority.” When we talked about being Intentional we really dove in to being authentic. I always say, I have no one else to be but myself. So I guess I’ve got that covered, JUST KIDDING. I’m grateful for the opportunity to reflect and learn other ways to become a better leader.


In between meetings I briefly hopped in to the Emergency Medical Care Committee meeting on Zoom. I’m looking forward to being more engaged in this conversation. Ambulance service is so critical in rural communities and we have a lot of work to do in Mendocino County.

I had a meeting at Manzanita Services, they are excited to bring a Mental Health Wellness Fair and series of seminars to our community. Make sure that you follow them on Facebook for updates:

I also had a meeting at the Ukiah Recovery Center about an opportunity to expand services. If you know someone that is struggling with addiction please have them reach out to County SUDT or the Ukiah Recovery Center to seek placement.


On Friday morning I went to the MCAFD meeting in Anderson Valley. We discussed the options available for possibly using CSA3 funding and the thoughts from the Chief's meeting regarding a County wide Fire Warden's Office.

I did an Earth Day Planning Meeting with the City of Ukiah and Walk and Bike Mendocino. More info coming soon but save the date for April 23rd


On Saturday morning I went to the Ackerman Creek Clean up with South Ukiah Rotary. The clean up was half homeless trash and half household trash that people had dumped over the bridge.


This isn't Supervisor related but I wanted to say its awesome to have in person events again; this weekend I hosted the First Friday Art Walk, went to an Anniversary party for a local salon at Rivino, and to Live music at McCarty's in Redwood Valley. Its going to be a busy summer!


LAFCO - a year of working together with the City and UVSD has provided a lot more collaboration and opportunities to move forward. Direction given to LAFCO staff to work with UVSD and City of Ukiah for out of area service agreements for the area near the Brush Street Triangle


We were able to have a Mental Health Ad Hoc meeting and we have data for three years and want a little more data before it goes to the Board but we have the information we believe that the public has been wanting to see.


I'm sorry this weekly summary was delayed. I was cruising to Comptche and Sacramento. I'll tell you about it next week!

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