I was talking with someone the other day and he said, so I read your report of what you did and it looks like you go to a bunch of meetings but what else do you do? Anything and a little bit of everything. I read a lot of emails, research topics the Board is discussing, prepare for my meetings and most importantly talk to people, on the phone, distanced outside, whatever it takes to make sure I hear from the community about what they are interested in and how I can help. My cell phone number is 707-391-3664, my email is mulherenm@mendocinocounty.org feel free to give me a call so we can chat about what is on your mind.
On Wednesday I was on KZYX with Karen Otoboni. We talked about what it is like to be on the BOS and cannabis, mental health and more! You can listen in the archives here: http://jukebox.kzyx.org/ go to Wednesday 3/24/21 at 9am TKO
I attend the monthly Behavioral Health Advisory Board meetings and they spent some time this last week discussing the need for representatives from the various Supervisorial Districts. They also shared the reporting out of current data as well as discussed the upcoming 2021 Priorities. You can read the agenda here: https://www.mendocinocounty.org/home/showpublisheddocument?id=41716
We have a new business in the Second District! I attended the lunchtime Vocality Credit Union Ribbon Cutting put on by the Greater Ukiah Business and Tourism Alliance. I had a great time meeting the team everyone was happy and excited to bring the new branch to Ukiah. They are also located in Humboldt and Lake Counties.
Of course I listened in on Measure B Board meeting on YouTube. You can to, yep, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J1KQimZJ2A
Every single Thursday Morning I start my day with Coffee and Conversation an open dialogue via Zoom so that constituents (from all over the County) can come and chat about whatever is on their minds. You can find me at Meeting ID 7079548220 Password LOCAL707 every Thursday from 7:15a-7:45a
Mendocino Business and Government Leaders Discussion on Covid-19 and Economic Recovery also meets on Thursdays. This is a great time for local elected leaders to discuss what is needed for economic recovery and to hear from the State what might be coming forward in the budget to help.
Oh yes on Thursday I did also donate blood. My record time is 5 minutes and 45 seconds, didn't beat that time and I joked with the lady that is how they keep me coming back. This isn't actually County Supe related I just thought I'd share because giving blood is important and I love telling "Dad jokes" so I'll take any opportunity to try to get a laugh from someone.
I had a long conversation with a vineyard owner that had questions about Phase 3 and what it could possibly mean for traditional agriculture in Mendocino County.
I took a tour of Emerald Sun. I was on the City Council when they were going through entitlements but now they are all set up with processing. They shared their vision of inviting tourists to come and learn about Mendocino County Cannabis and meet local farmers.
I also had a meeting with Abbey and Derek Millsap from Wildlife Services. Derek had reached out because I said during the meeting that I would like to learn more about the non-lethal efforts that their new employee, Abbey, has been working on. I invited her to attend one of my Second Sunday meetings to have a community conversation about it. Stay tuned for more info when we lock in a date.
Saturday was gorgeous so I rode my bike to the office, and the Farmers Market, and then walked the Streetscape project. Although I am no longer on the City Council I am certainly following this project. The City has a social media page for it if you haven't had a chance yet here is the link so you can like and follow it. https://www.facebook.com/UkiahStreetscape
On Sunday I took a girls trip to the Golden Gate Bridge. The fog was covering the bridge as we walked across but then the sun came out for our drive home. This (again) is not Supervisor related but I just wanted to share because if you have something that you'd like to do, for me that was walk across the Golden Gate Bridge, you should reach out and see if you can find someone to do it with you. Or of course you can do it alone, but it was more fun with friends.
I've been asked several times about my Planning Commission seat. The first person that I had chosen was unable to fill the seat so I set about finding a new person. Last Tuesday the BOS appointed Macci Morse, as the Second District Planning Commissioner. On Monday we had lunch so we could talk about the process of what happens next. I'm excited to see her engaged in local politics on this level.
This morning I had a meeting with Glenn McGourty the 1st District Supervisor and his former colleagues from the UCCE to plan PG&E fund meetings in the Potter Valley and Redwood Valley areas. I think it will be a good collaboration so yep, stay tuned for more info.
I hopped on the LAFCO Executive Meeting, there was a report from Beth Salomone about the water reduction campaign and then they went in to closed session.
Every other month the RRWA Executive Board has a lunch meeting. Of course this is now over Zoom but its important to hear what kind of legislation is coming down the pipe and what projects everyone is working on. The monthly water articles remain the most popular way for the member agencies to get info out. Here is a link to the website so you can read and share recent articles. https://www.rrwatershed.org/project/environmental-column/
Thank you for reading my weekly summary of what I have been working on this week. Have a question? Want me to take a tour? Think we should set up a Zoom introduction? Please just let me know!
Have a successful day!