Hey friends! I’m Mo Mulheren Second District Supervisor for the County of Mendocino. Each week I put out a written report of the projects I’ve been working on and meetings I’ve been attending. This is a brief summary, or highlights if you will, just to let people know the topics that I am working on and if you are interested give you the opportunity to connect with me about these topics.
At the Behavioral Health Advisory Board we received and discussed the 2021 Dashboards regarding mental health. Here is the link so you can take a look. https://www.mendocinocounty.org/home/showpublisheddocument/50004/637831395056030000
Every Thursday morning I start my day with something I call Coffee and Conversation. It is a half hour time where I am on Zoom so that you can come and chat with me about whatever you'd like to share. You can join in! Thursdays 7:15a-7:45a Zoom Meeting ID 7079548230 Password LOCAL707 I am also considering having a once a month in person meeting. Would you be interested in that? What day of the week or time would work for you?
I had a series of meetings that kept me busy with a variety of topics. Coffee about water in the Ukiah Valley; A Zoom meeting about the CEO/CAO; Discussion that needs to come back to the Board; I attended a Ukiah Women In Business Networking planning meeting. ; Tire and Mattress event planning; IWPC meeting with county Team regarding funding sources.
On Friday we had an On-site parks meeting at Indian Creek and Faulkner Parks in the Anderson Valley.
I was invited to attend the reception and dinner for the Redwood Empire division of the League of California Cities.
I just wanted to put in a plug; if you are not busy on Saturday don't forget to visit the Ukiah Farmers Market! They update their vendors list on their Facebook page every Friday! https://www.facebook.com/UkiahFarmersMarket
I'd like to also put in a random plug for clothing Swaps. It is a fun way to help the planet and refresh your wardrobe.
On Monday we had a BOS Closed Session Meeting.
I also had a Volunteer clean up program meeting.
On Tuesday the Board had an Evacuation Drill and a Technology Drill in Board Chambers in advance of our In-Person meeting coming on April 19th.
I also had an Earth Day Event Meeting. We will be doing clean up and painting on the Great Redwood Trail. I hope you'll join in. Save the date. It will be April 23rd, more details will be on my Facebook page and my website.
Of course this is not an all inclusive list of the meetings I attend or work that I do, this is just to give you an idea of what I am working on so you can ask for an update of a topic that is interesting to you.
I am always available by cell phone 707-391-3664 or by email at MulherenM@MendocinoCounty.Org