Hey friends! I’m Mo Mulheren Second District Supervisor for the County of Mendocino. Each week I put out a written report of the projects I’ve been working on and meetings I’ve been attending. This is a brief summary, or highlights if you will, just to let people know the topics that I am working on and if you are interested give you the opportunity to connect with me about these topics.
On Wednesday morning I had an Interview with KZYX about the two suspected murders in Ukiah. We have a lot of work to do as a community around homelessness and mental health. I would like to discuss this anytime and hope you will come to my next Zoom meeting on Thursday at 7:15a-7:45a
I had a meeting about Public Health and Prevention programs.
At our MTA meeting we continued to discuss capturing various grant funds and trying to improve services to our community. Do you ride the MTA? What are your thoughts?
I was invited to a Courthouse Meeting about the new Courthouse. Its exciting to hear that this project is moving forward. There will be more to come about the design of the Courthouse and community meetings as well as what to do with the "current" Courthouse.
We had a meeting on Friday morning about the grant with CDBG for a Covelo Clean Up. This is one of those things where the wheels of Government turn slowly. When I was visiting Covelo early in 2021 about cannabis I noticed how many abandoned vehicles and illegal dumping there was. When I was meeting with the City Manager of Ukiah he recommended that the County try to get a CDBG Grant to clean it up. It looks like we are going to receive about half of the amount requested so we met to talk about what we could do with those funds and how to help get the area cleaned up.
I also volunteered at the iEmpathize Apathy Event. Its eye opening to hear personal stories about sex trafficking in Mendocino County. If you missed this event please look at their website to learn more. https://iempathize.org/
In the afternoon I had a GRT Meeting with interested party about how the Great Redwood Trail is working in Ukiah and what should be expected as the project is built out. I always tell people the key is engagement so I hope that you all will stay engaged!
MCAFD meeting in Anderson Valley we discussed the upcoming public meeting with LAFCO for the CSA 3 as well as how we could find funding for ambulance service.
In the evening I hosted the First Friday Art Walk and visited a new business soft opening on School Street in Ukiah.
Saturday afternoon I had a coffee meeting re industry in Mendocino County and how the Board of Supervisors could support local businesses.
Of course on Sunday I spent a lot of time on Agenda Prep for the Monday LAFCO Meeting as well as the Board of Supervisors Meeting.
Monday we had a LAFCO meeting and discussed what the opportunities and challenges are with CSA3 and how the County of Mendocino could use them.
In the evening I listened in to the Ukiah Vecinios en accion meeting where they discussed the possibility of a park on the south end of town at Grace Hudson School and how they could work with the Ukiah School Board to achieve this.
Tuesday Board Meeting Outcomes, as always please remember this is not the official record but rather my notes as an individual Supervisor
April 05, 2022 - 9:00 AM
1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.)
1a) Roll Call
1b) Pledge of Allegiance
2a) Public Expression
3a) Approval of Minutes of March 1, 2022 Regular Meeting Recommended Action: Approve minutes of the March 1, 2022 regular meeting. Attachments: 03-01-22 Minutes - DRAFT
3b) Approval of Minutes of March 2, 2022 Special Meeting Recommended Action: Approve minutes of the March 2, 2022 special meeting. Attachments: 03-02-22 Minutes - DRAFT
3c) Approval of Recommended Appointments/Reappointments Recommended Action: 1. Roseanne Ibarra, Community Representative, Health and Human Services Agency Advisory Board; 2. Amber Macdonald, Second District Representative, Public Safety Advisory Board; 3. Donna Medley, Fourth District Representative, Public Safety Advisory Board; 4. Sheena Kanownik, Trustee, Covelo Public Cemetery District; and 5. Neeka Aguirre, Second District Representative, Museum Advisory Board. Ibarra Application Macdonald Application Medley Application Kanownik Application Aguirre Application Attachments:
3d) Adoption of Proclamation Declaring April 2022, as National County Government Month in Mendocino County with the theme of “Counties Thrive” (Sponsors: Supervisor Haschak & Supervisor Mulheren) Recommended Action: Adopt Proclamation declaring April 2022, as National County Government Month in Mendocino County, with the theme of "Counties Thrive"; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: NCG Proclamation - 2022_1
3e) Adoption of a Proclamation Supporting and Standing in Solidarity with the People of Ukraine (Sponsors: Supervisor Williams and Supervisor McGourty) Recommended Action: Adopt Proclamation supporting and standing in solidarity with the people of Ukraine; and authorize Chair to sign the same. Attachments: Proclamation
3f) Approval of Transmission of Letters of Support for SB 1074 (McGuire) and AB 2691 (Wood) (Sponsors: Supervisor Haschak and Supervisor Williams) Recommended Action: Approve transmission of letters of support for SB 1074 (McGuire) and AB 2691 (Wood); and authorize Chair to sign same. LOS AB 2691 LOS SB 1074 Attachments:
3g) Approval of Transmission of a Letter of Support for SB 1281 (Sponsors: Supervisor Williams) Recommended Action: Approve transmission of a letter of support for SB 1281; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: SB 1281 SUPPORT
Pulled for Deputy CEO Morris to bring back more information on funding
3h) Approval of Out of State Travel for Supervisor Mulheren to Attend National Association of Counties’ (NACo) Annual Conference and Exposition in Adams County, Colorado; and Authorization of Expenditure of Conference Registration and Lodging Expenses in the Approximate Amount of $1,800 (Sponsor: Supervisor Mulheren) Recommended Action: Approve out of state travel for Supervisor Mulheren to attend NACo's Annual Conference and Exposition in Adams County, Colorado; and authorize expenditure of conference registration and lodging expenses in the approximate amount of $1,800.
3i) Adoption of Resolution Declaring the Continuation of a Local Emergency Related to the October Wind Events and Corresponding Pacific Gas and Electric Public Safety Power Shutoff Events on October 23, 2019, October 26, 2019 and October 29, 2019, in Mendocino County as Proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution declaring the continuation of a Local Emergency related to the October wind events and corresponding Pacific Gas and Electric Public Safety Power Shutoff Events on October 23, 2019, October 26, 2019, and October 29, 2019, in Mendocino County as declared by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Resolution
3j) Adoption of Resolution Renewing its Declaration of a Local Emergency and Extending the Existence of a Local Emergency Due to Drought Conditions and Imminent Threat of Disaster in Mendocino County Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution renewing its declaration of a local emergency and extending the existence of a local emergency due to drought conditions and imminent threat of disaster in Mendocino County; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Drought Disaster
3k) Adoption of Resolution Declaring the Continuation of a Local Emergency Related to the Hopkins Fire as Proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and Ratifying the Existence of a Local Health Emergency as Proclaimed by the Health Officer Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution declaring the continuation of a Local Emergency related to the Hopkins Fire as proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and ratifying the existence of a Local Health Emergency as proclaimed by the Health Officer; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Resolution
3l) Adoption of Resolution Declaring the Continuation of a Local Emergency Related to the Multiple September 2020 Fires including; August Complex, Oak Fire and Hopkins Fire, as Proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and Declaring the Continuation of a Local Health Emergency as Proclaimed by the Health Officer Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution declaring the continuation of a Local Emergency related to the Multiple September 2020 fires including; August Complex fire, Oak Fire and Hopkins fire as proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and declaring the continuation of a Local Health Emergency as proclaimed by the Health Officer; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Resolution
3m) Approval of the Board Chambers Reopening/Decorum Guidelines Regarding COVID, Safety, and Public Comment Procedures Recommended Action: Approve the Board Chambers reopening/decorum guidelines regarding COVID, safety, and Public Comment procedures. Attachments: Chambers Decorum/Guidelines
3n) Approval of Appointment of the Risk Manager as the Primary Representative and the Principal Analyst Over Health Insurance as the Alternative Representative to the Public Risk Innovation, Solutions, and Management (PRISM) Board of Directors Recommended Action: Approve Appointment of the Risk Manager as the Primary Representative and the Principal Analyst Over Health Insurance as the Alternative Representative to the Public Risk Innovation, Solutions, and Management (PRISM) Board of Directors.
3o) Approval of Agreement with Redwood Valley Calpella Fire District in the Amount of $45,454.55 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric Disaster Settlement Funds for Purchase of Equipment and Supplies, Effective Upon Full Execution through December 31, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Redwood Valley Calpella Fire District in the amount of $45,454.55 from one-time Pacific Gas and Electric disaster settlement funds for purchase of equipment and supplies, effective upon full execution through December 31, 2022; authorize the Chief Executive Officer or designee, to sign amendments that do not increase the total contracted amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Redwood Valley Calpella Fire District, $45,454.55
3p) Approval of Agreement with Mendocino County Resource Conservation District in the Amount of $500,000 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric Disaster Settlement Funds For Fire Restoration and Mitigation Activities Through Road Storm-Proofing and Upgrading of Unpaved Road Networks Within the 2017 Redwood Complex Fire Footprint to Modern Standards, Effective Upon Signing through June 30, 2024 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Mendocino County Resource Conservation District in the amount of $500,000 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric disaster settlement funds for fire restoration and mitigation activities through road storm-proofing and upgrading of unpaved road networks within the 2017 Redwood Complex Fire footprint to modern standards, effective upon signing through June 30, 2024; authorize the Chief Executive Officer or designee to sign amendments that do not increase the total contracted amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Mendocino County Resource Conservation District, Road Improvements, $500,000, 21-22
3q) Approval of Retroactive Second Amendment to BOS Agreement No. 17-100 with CobbleStone Systems, in the Amount of $57,004.35, for a New Contract Total of $121,472.27, for Contract Management Software Services and Maintenance, Effective September 12, 2017 through a New End Date of September 30, 2024 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive second Amendment to BOS Agreement No. 17-100 with CobbleStone Systems, in the amount of $57,004.35, for a new contract total of $121,472.27, for contract management software services and maintenance, effective September 12, 2017 through a new end date of September 30, 2024; authorize the Chief Executive Officer to sign any future amendments that do not increase the maximum contract amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Cobblestone Amendment 2 COBBLESTONE ORIGINAL CONTRACT Cobblestone Amendment 1 Attachments:
3r) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) in the Amount of $28,432.53 for the Reimbursement of High Risk Program Activities for Term Dates of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; and Authorization for the Agricultural Commissioner to Sign any Amendments That Do Not Increase the Maximum Total Amount of the Agreement and Provide Any Assurances or Certifications Required to Enter into the Agreement Recommended Action: Approve Retroactive Agreement with CDFA in the amount of $28,432.53 for reimbursement of High Risk Program Activities for term of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; authorize the Agricultural Commissioner to sign any amendments that do not increase the maximum total amount of the Agreement and provide any assurances or certifications required to enter into the Agreement; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: FY 21-22 High Risk with BOS Signature Page
3s) Acceptance of the 2019 Mendocino County Crop Report from the Agricultural Commissioner’s Office Recommended Action: Accept the 2019 Mendocino County Crop Report from the Agricultural Commissioner's Office. 2019 Crop Report Final-print version 2019 Crop Report Final-view version Attachments:
3t) Approval of Amendment to Agreement No. BOS-21-124 with Willow Glen Care Center in the Amount of $232,000, for a New Agreement Total of $532,000, to Provide Residential Care to Mendocino County Lanterman-Petris-Short Clients, Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Amendment to Agreement No. BOS-21-124 with Willow Glen Care Center in the amount of $232,000, for new Agreement total of $532,000, to provide residential care to Mendocino County Lanterman-Petris-Short clients, effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; authorize the Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Director to sign any future amendments that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Willow Glen Care Center, Amendment, $232,000 (532,000), BHRS MH, 21-22 BOS appro vWillow Glen Care Center, $300,000, BHRS MH, 21-22, BOS 21-124 Attachments:
3u) Adoption of Proclamation Recognizing April 2022 as Alcohol Awareness Month in Mendocino County Recommended Action: Adopt Proclamation recognizing April 2022 as Alcohol Awareness Month in Mendocino County; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Alcohol Awareness Month Proclamation 2022
3v) Approval of Amendment to Agreement No. BOS-21-079, with Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc. in the Amount of $250,000, for a New Agreement Total of $600,000, to Provide Residential Care to Mendocino County Lanterman-Petris-Short Clients, Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Amendment to Agreement No. BOS-21-079 with Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc. in the amount of $250,000, for new Agreement total of $600,000, to provide residential care to Mendocino County Lanterman-Petris-Short clients, effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; authorize the Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Director to sign any future amendments that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Crestwood Behavioral Health, amendment $250,000 (600,000), 21-22, BHRS MH BOS appCrestwood-Mendocino Contract 21-079 A1 FY 21-22-signed Attachments:
3w) Approval of the Orr Creek Commons Phase 1 Project Loan Conversion and Development Budget; and Authorization for the Mendocino County Chief Executive Officer or Designee to Sign Any Related Documents, Including the Estoppel Letter, Amended Housing and Community Development (HCD) Regulatory Agreement, and HCD Subordination Agreement Recommended Action: Approve the Orr Creek Commons Phase 1 Project loan conversion and development budget; and authorize the Mendocino County Chief Executive Officer or designee sign any related documents, including the Estoppel Letter, Amended Housing and Community Development (HCD) Regulatory Agreement, and the HCD Subordination agreement. OC1 - Draft Letter Agreement re Updated Financing Plan Orr Creek Amendment of Reg Agr Estoppel Orr Creek Phase I Perm Conversion Attachments:
3x) Approval of Amendment to BOS Agreement 21-165 with Abbott & Kindermann, Inc. in the Amount of $10,000 For a New Total of $20,000 to Provide Legal Services Effective September 14, 2021 Through December 31, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve amendment to BOS agreement 21-165 with Abbott & Kindermann, Inc. in the amount of $10,000 for a new total of $20,000 to provide legal services effective September 14, 2021 through December 31, 2022; and authorize Chair to sign same. Abbott & Kindermann-Bella Vista_ Amendment Agreement 21-165 Request for Appropriation of Funds Guillon-10K Attachments:
3y) Approval of Agreement with Porter Scott, in the Amount of $50,000 to Provide Legal Services as Conflict Counsel Effective April 5, 2022 Through June 30, 2023 Recommended Action: Approve agreement with Porter Scott in the amount of $50,000 to provide legal services as conflict counsel effective April 5, 2022 through June 30, 2023; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Porter Scott Agreement
3z) Approval of Agreement with Cook Brown, LLP, in the Amount of $50,000 to Provide Legal Services as Conflict Counsel Effective April 5, 2022 Through June 30, 2023 Recommended Action: Approve agreement with Cook Brown, LLP in the amount of $50,000 to provide legal services as conflict counsel effective April 5, 2022 through June 30, 2023; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Cook Brown Agreement
3aa ) Approval of Agreement with Allen Glaessner Hazelwood Werth, LLP, in the Amount of $50,000 to Provide Legal Services as Conflict Counsel Effective April 5, 2022 Through June 30, 2023 Recommended Action: Approve agreement with Allen Glaessner Hazelwood Werth, LLP in the amount of $50,000 to provide legal services as conflict counsel effective April 5, 2022 through June 30, 2023; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: AGHW Agreement
3ab ) Authorization for the Mendocino County Library to Accept Book-to-Action Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Funding Award in the amount of $6,000 to Provide Book-Themed Programming with Opportunities for Lifelong Learning Recommended Action: Authorize the Mendocino County Library to accept Book-to-Action Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding award in the amount of $6,000 to provide book-themed programming with opportunities for lifelong learning. Attachments: Book-to-Action Grant Award Letter
3ac) Ratification of Submission of Application by the Cultural Services Agency for the Willits Branch Library Roof, Alternative Energy Panels, & Battery Back-up Project to the Building Forward Library Infrastructure Program Administered by the California State Library for Funding of $249,536, with Library Budget Unit 6110 or Other Provided Matching Funds of $249,537, with the Project Total of $499,073 Recommended Action: Ratify submission of application by the Cultural Services Agency for the Willits Branch Library Roof, Alternative Energy Panels, & Battery Back-up Project to the Building Forward Library Infrastructure Program administered by the California State Library for funding of $249,536, with Library Budget Unit 6110 or other provided matching funds of $249,537 with the project total of $499,073. Application for Building Forward Library Infrastructure Program Building-Forward-guidelines Willits Branch Building-Forward-budget-plan Redwood Complex Fire Day 2_ Fire at 21,000 ac., 0% containment, 3 fatalities, info meetinResolution 21-117 In Support of Alternative Energy Attachments:
3ad ) Authorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to Establish a Capital Improvement Project to Extend the Patio Enclosure at Children and Family Services, Building 54, 727 South State Street in Ukiah in the Amount of $100,000; and Authorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to Act as Project Manager to Enter Contracts and Approve Change Orders for the Projects, Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20142 Recommended Action: Authorize the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to establish a Capital Improvement project to extend the patio enclosure at Children and Family Services, building 54, at 727 South State Street in Ukiah in the Amount of $100,000; and authorize the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to act as project manager to enter contracts and approve change orders for the project, pursuant to Public Contract Code section 20142.
3ae) Authorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to Establish a Capital Improvement Project to Remediate Hazardous Conditions and Remove Debris from Caretaker’s Residence at Bower Park, 38040 Old Stage Road, Gualala in the Amount of $175,000; and Authorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to Act as Project Manager to Enter Contracts and Approve Change Orders for the Projects, Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20142 Recommended Action: Authorize the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to establish a Capital Improvement project to remediate hazardous conditions and remove debris from the caretaker's residence at Bower Park, 38040 Old Stage Road, Gualala in the Amount of $175,000; and authorize the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to act as project manager to enter contracts and approve change orders for the project, pursuant to Public Contract Code section 20142.
3af) Approval of Mendocino County’s Telework Policy and Program Guidelines; and Authorization to Rescind Mendocino County Policy #55: Mendocino County COVID-19 Temporary Policy - Telework Guidelines Recommended Action: Approve Mendocino County's Telework Policy and Program Guidelines; and authorize rescindment of Mendocino County Policy #55: Mendocino County COVID-19 Temporary Policy - Telework Guidelines.
3ag) Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Revision of the Hourly Rate of Cook from $18.23 - $22.15/Hour to $22.34 - $27.15/Hour; Laundry Coordinator from $19.85 - $24.12/Hour to $23.95 - $29.12/Hour and Food and Laundry Services Supervisor from $24.25 - $29.47/Hour to $28.36 - $34.47/Hour Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing revision of the Hourly Rate of Cook from $18.23 - $22.15/hour to $22.34 - $27.15/hour; Laundry Coordinator from $19.85 - $24.12/hour to $23.95 - $29.12/hour and Food and Laundry Services Supervisor from $24.25 - 29.47/hour to $28.36 - $34.47/hour; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 04.05.22 HR 22-0509 Salary Revision Jail Cook and Laundry Reso.docx
3ah ) Approval of Retroactive Agreement (Amendment to PA Agreement 21-133) with Phillips Seabrook Associates and Mendocino County Planning and Building Services (PBS) in the Amount of $50,000 for Commercial Plan Check Services Extending the Contract Term Date from December 31, 2021, to December 31, 2023 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive agreement (amendment to Agreement PA 21-133) with Phillips Seabrook Associates and Mendocino County Planning and Building Services (PBS) in the amount of $50,000 for commercial plan check services extending the contract term date from December 31, 2021, to December 31, 2023 Attachments: Phillips Seabrooks, $50,000, 21-23, Amendment - Time Extension
3ai) Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Processing of a Consolidated Coastal Development Permit, LCP_2022-0001 (TNC, Garcia River), by the California Coastal Commission for The Nature Conservancy to Make Improvements to the Garcia River Estuary for Salmonid Habitat Restoration Along the Lower Garcia River in Mendocino County Recommended Action: Adopt the Resolution authorizing the processing of a consolidated Coastal Development Permit, LCP_2022-0001 (TNC, Garcia River), by the California Coastal Commission for The Nature Conservancy to make improvements to the Garcia River estuary for salmonid habitat restoration along the lower Garcia River in Mendocino County; and authorize Chair to sign same. 03. LCP_2022-0001 (TNC, Garcia River) Resolution FINAL LCP_2022-0001 (TNC Garcia River) Posting Packet.pdf Attachments: PROBATION 3aj) Approval of Agreement (Amendment to Purchasing Agent Agreement #22-37) with Track Group, Inc. in the Amount of $35,000 for a New Agreement Total of $85,000 to Provide Electronic Monitoring Services for the Probation Department for the Period of Amendment Approval through December 31, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve agreement (amendment to Purchasing Agent Agreement #22-37) with Track Group, Inc. in the amount of $35,000 for a new agreement total of $85,000 to provide electronic monitoring services for the Probation Department for the period of amendment approval through December 31, 2022; authorize the Chief Probation Officer to sign any future amendments that do not increase the total amount of the agreement; and authorize the Chair to sign same. Attachments: Track Group Amendment 2 1-1-22 to 12-31-22 - For BOS Signature
3ak ) Adoption of Resolution Finding That State and Local Officials Continue to Recommend Measures to Promote Social Distancing In Connection With Public Meetings Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution finding that State and local officials continue to recommend measures to promote social distancing in connection with public meetings; authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Resolution
3al) Ratification of Submission of Application for $835,130 of Funds Available through the California Department of Public Health, Oral Health Program for the Moving California Oral Health Forward 2022-2027 Funding for Residents of Mendocino County, for the Period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2027; Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Application and Acceptance of Funds; and Authorization for the Public Health Director to Sign Allocation Agreement and Any Amendments that Do Not Exceed the Maximum Amount Recommended Action: Ratify submission of application for $835,130 of funds available through the California Department of Health, Oral Health Program Program for the Moving California Oral Health Forward 2022-2027 funding for residents of Mendocino County, for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2027; adopt Resolution authorizing application and acceptance of funds; and authorize the Public Health Director to sign Allocation Agreement and any Amendments that do not exceed the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Resolution CAPHD OH 0322
3am ) Approval of Agreement (Second Amendment to Agreement No. PH-21-012) with Schat’s Bakery, in the Amount of $50,000 for a New Agreement Total of $100,000, to Provide Nutritionally Appropriate and Balanced Meals for Individuals in Quarantine, Effective September 27, 2021 Through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve agreement (second Amendment to Agreement No. PH-21-012) with Schat's Bakery, in the amount of $50,000 for a new Agreement total of $100,000, to provide nutritionally appropriate and balanced meals for individuals in quarantine, effective September 27, 2021 through June 30, 2022; authorize the Public Health Director or designee to sign any future amendments that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Schat's Bakery, Amendment 2, $50,000 ($100,000), 21-22, PH COVID- Signed Schat's Bakery, $25,000, 21-22, PH COVID, PH-21-012 Schat's Bakery amendment. $25.0000 (50,000), PH, 21-22, PH-21-012-A1 Attachments:
3an ) Approval of Rejection of All Construction Bids for Homekey/Live Oak Apartments (555 S. Orchard, Ukiah) Phase II; Direction to Staff to Clarify Plans, and Re-Bid the Construction Project; and Authorization for CEO or Her Designee to Sign Right of Entry Agreements and Easement Agreements as May be Necessary for Fire Access Requirements Recommended Action: Reject all construction bids for Homekey/Live Oak Apartments Phase II; direct staff to clarify the plans, and re-bid the construction project; and authorize CEO or her designee to sign right of entry agreements and easement agreements as may be necessary for fire access requirements. Notice of Intent to Award_Phase II signed DMR Protest 3.2022 DMR Protest Response - HOMEKEY Attachments:
3ao ) Approval of Retroactive Amendment to Revenue Agreement No. BOS 20-088 with County Medical Services Program Governing Board in the Amount of $0 (Total Agreement Amount $241,793) for the COVID-19 Emergency Response Grant Program, Effective June 15, 2020 through a New End Date of December 19, 2022 (Original End Date December 14, 2021) Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Amendment to revenue Agreement No. BOS 20-088 with County Medical Services Program Governing Board in the amount of $0 (total Agreement amount $241,793) for COVID-19 Emergency Response Grant Program, effective June 15, 2020 through a new end date of December 19, 2022 (original end date December 14, 2021); authorize the Public Health Director to sign amendments that do not increase the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. County Medical Services Program Governing Board Amendment, $0 ($241,793), 19-23, PHCounty Medical Services Program, $241,793, HHSA Admin, BOS 20-088 COVID19 Attachments:
3ap ) Approval of Second Amendment to Board of Supervisors Agreement No. 20-033, (Third Amendment to Grant Agreement No. 17-10330) with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) in the Amount of $1,678,852 for a New Total of $1,987,642, to Provide Immunization Services in Mendocino County, Effective Upon Full Execution through June 30, 2022; and Adoption of Resolution Approving the CDPH Grant Amendment No. 17-10330-A03 Recommended Action: Approve second amendment to Board of Supervisors Agreement No. 20-033, (Third Amendment to Grant Agreement No. 17-1033o) with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) in the amount of $1,678,852 for a new total of $1,987,642, to provide immunization services in Mendocino County, effective upon full execution through June 30, 2022; Adopt resolution approving the CDPH Grant Amendment No. 17-10330-A03; authorize the Mendocino County Public Health Director or Designee to sign any future amendments that do not increase the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. California Department of Public Health, Immunization Grant, Amendment 3, $1,678,852 ($1California Department of Public Health IZ, Amendment 3, $1,678,852 ($1,987,642), PH, 17California Department of Public Health amendment, -$9,396 ($251,624), PH Nursing CA Dept of Public Health Immunization grant, $261,020, 17-22, PH, 17-10330 reduced CA Dept. of Public Health, Amendment 2, Immunization, $57,166 ($308,790), 17-22, PH, 1Attachments:
3aq ) Adoption of Proclamation Recognizing April 10-16, 2022 as National Public Safety Telecommunicators (Dispatchers) Week in Mendocino County Recommended Action: Adopt proclamation recognizing April 10-16, 2022 as National Public Safety Telecommunicators (Dispatchers) Week in Mendocino County; and authorize Chair to sign same. Proclamation Proclamation (PDF) Attachments:
3ar) Approval of Storage Lease Agreement with Rose Development Corporation, in the Amount of $12,600, to Provide Storage Space for Citizen Rescue Vehicle and County Repeater Equipment Currently Being Stored in County Garage Bay, for the Period of April 5, 2022 through April 4, 2023 Recommended Action: Approve Storage Lease Agreement with Rose Development Corporation, in the Amount of $12,600, to Provide Storage Space for Citizen Rescue Vehicle and County Repeater Equipment currently being stored in County Garage bay, for the Period of April 5, 2022 through April 4, 2023; authorize the Sheriff to sign any future amendments that do not affect the contract total; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: b Lease Agreement 275 Kunzler Ranch Rd Unit C signed.pdf
3as) Ratification of Submission of the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Program Round 3 (HHAP-3) Standard Agreement to Apply Jointly with the Mendocino County Homeless Services Continuum of Care (MCHSCoC) and Approval of Revenue Initial Disbursement Standard Agreement No. 22-HHAP-10041 with Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency for HHAP-3 in the Amount of $567,869.71, Effective Upon Full Execution through October 1, 2026, with the County of Mendocino as the Administrative Entity for the Mendocino County Homeless Services Continuum of Care Recommended Action: Ratify submission of Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Program Round 3 (HHAP-3) Standard Agreement to Apply jointly with the Mendocino County Homeless Services Continuum of Care (MCHSCoC) and approve revenue initial disbursement Standard Agreement No. 22-HHAP-10041 with Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency, Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention Program Allocation Round 3 in the amount of $567,869.71, effective upon full execution through October 1, 2026, with County of Mendocino as the administrative entity for the Mendocino County Homeless Services Continuum of Care; authorize Social Services Director to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that do not exceed the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. BCSH, HHAP Round 3 Joint Application, SS, 21-26, $2,271,478.84, Standard Agreement 3Business Consumer Services Housing Agency, HHAP Round 3 Initial disbursement, SS, 21BCSH, HHAP Round 3 Joint Application, SS, 21-26, $2,271,478.84, BAS Bekkie ApprovedAttachments:
3at) Approval of Agreement (First Amendment to Agreement SS-21-026) with Eversole Mortuary Authorizing an Additional Amount of $20,000 for a Total of $70,000 to Provide the Handling and Disposition of Last Remains of Decedents of Mendocino County Who have no Relatives or Other Person Legally Empowered to Authorize Cremation and Disposition for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Recommended Action: Approval of Agreement (First Amendment to Agreement SS-21-026) with Eversole Mortuary Authorizing an Additional Amount of $20,000 for a Total of $70,000 to provide the handling and disposition of last remains of decedents of Mendocino County who have no relatives or other person legally empowered to authorize cremation and disposition for Fiscal Year 2021-2022; authorize the Department of Social Services Director or designee to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that does not affect the maximum amount; and authorize the Chair to sign the same. Attachments: Eversole Mortuary Inc., $50,000, 21-22, SS AS, SS-21-026
3au ) Adoption of Proclamation Recognizing April 2022 as Child Abuse Prevention and Sexual Assault Awareness Month in Mendocino County Recommended Action: Adopt Proclamation recognizing April 2022 as Child Abuse Prevention and Sexual Assault Awareness Month in Mendocino County; and authorize Chair to sign same. April 2022 Proclamation-v 2, jc edits 4-5-22 Board Agenda Summary- approved by BE Attachments:
3av) Approval of Purchase of One (1) Toyota Highlander Hybrid All Wheel Drive in the Amount of $45,000 for the Department of Social Services, Special Investigation Unit; and Addition of the Purchased Vehicle to the County’s List of Fixed Assets Recommended Action: Approve the purchase of one (1) Toyota Highlander Hybrid All Wheel Drive in the amount of $45,000 for the Department of Social Services, Special Investigations Unit; and add the purchased vehicle to the County's list of fixed assets.
3aw ) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) in an Amount not to Exceed $4,165,206 for Fire and Emergency Dispatch Services, Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2026; and Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Mendocino County to Enter into Agreement with Cal Fire to Provide Fire and Emergency Medical Dispatch Services Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Agreement with California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) in an amount not to exceed $4,165,206 for fire and emergency dispatch services, effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2026; and adopt resolution authorizing Mendocino County to enter into Agreement with Cal Fire to provide fire and emergency medical dispatch services; and authorize Chair to sign same. Calfire, $4,165,206, PH, 21-26, BOS approval1 Calfire Reso $4,165,206, 2022 Attachments:
3ax ) Adoption of Resolution Approving Notice of Completion and Release of Contract Surety, Department of Transportation Contract Number 170061, 2017 Storm Damage Repairs on Mountain View Road, County Road 510, at Milepost 14.50 (Boonville Area) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving Notice of Completion and release of Contract Surety, Department of Transportation Contract Number 170061, 2017 Storm Damage Repairs on Mountain View Road, County Road 510, at milepost 14.50 (Boonville Area); and authorize Chair to sign same. Memo Resolution NOC Notice of Complete 170061 Attachments:
3ay) Adoption of Resolution Approving Notice of Completion and Release of Contract Surety, Department of Transportation Contract Number 170034, 2017 Storm Damage Repairs on Mountain View Road, County Road 510, at Milepost 22.02 (Boonville Area) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving Notice of Completion and release of Contract Surety, Department of Transportation Contract Number 170034, 2017 Storm Damage Repairs on Mountain View Road, County Road 510, at milepost 22.02 (Boonville Area); and authorize Chair to sign same. Memo Resolution Notice of Completion - Unsigned Attachments:
3az) Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Department of Transportation to Advertise for Bids and Award Department of Transportation Contract Number 220000 to Perform the 2022 Corrective/Preventative Maintenance Project on Various County Maintained Roads, at an Estimated Cost of $4,500,000 (Willits/Brooktrails Area) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing Department of Transportation to advertise for bids and award Department of Transportation Contract Number 220000 to perform the 2022 Corrective/Preventative Maintenance Project on various County Maintained Roads, at an estimated cost of $4,500,000 (Willits/Brooktrails Area); and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution Letter Attachments:
3ba ) Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Submittal of a Grant Application to California Department of Parks and Recreation Division of Boating and Waterways to Continue Implementation of the Quagga and Zebra Mussel Prevention Plan for Mill Creek Ponds; and Authorizing the Director of Transportation to Sign the Grant Application, Grant Agreement, and Any Other Necessary Related Documents (Talmage Area) Recommended Action: Adopt resolution authorizing submittal of a grant application to California Department of Parks and Recreation Division of Boating and Waterways to continue implementation of the Quagga and Zebra Mussel Prevention Plan for Mill Creek Ponds; and authorize the Director of Transportation to sign the grant application, grant agreement, and any other necessary related documents (Talmage Area); and authorize chair to sign same. Resolution Draft Application Attachments:
4a) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Sheriff’s Deputy Hiring Incentive of $7,000 for Police Academy Graduates Who Self-Financed Their Attendance and $20,000 for Lateral Transfers from Another Law Enforcement Agency (Sponsor: Sheriff-Coroner) Recommended Action: Approve Sheriff's Deputy hiring incentive of $7,000 for police academy graduates who self-financed their attendance and $20,000 for lateral transfers from another law enforcement agency. Attachments: Sheriff Matthew Kendall Letter to BOS.pdf
Pilot Project with report back in 6 and 12 months, direct the Sheriff to Meet and Confer with the EO negotiation team
4b) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action Including (1) Adoption of a Resolution Approving and Adopting an Addendum to the Previously Adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, in Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act Requirements, for a Rezoning of APN 184-110-29 from Multi-Family Residential (R-3) to Suburban Residential (SR) to Correct a Zoning Error of Rezoning (R 2-2007); and (2) Adoption of an Ordinance Changing the Zoning of Real Property Within Mendocino County by Rezoning APN 184-110-29 from Multi-Family Residential (R-3) to Suburban Residential (SR) to Correct a Zoning Error of Rezoning (R 2-2007) (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services) Recommended Action: (1) Adopt a Resolution approving and adopting an addendum to the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration for Corrections to Rezoning (R 2-2007), in Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act Requirements; and (2) Adopt an Ordinance changing the zoning of real property within Mendocino County by rezoning APN 184-110-29 from Multi-Family Residential (R-3) to Suburban Residential (SR) to correct a zoning error of Rezoning (R 2-2007); and authorize Chair to sign same. R 2-2007 BOS COMPLETE POSTING PACKET 2. Att. H BOS Resolution w Exs A & B FINAL 2. Att. I Correction Ordinance w Ex. A FINAL Attachments:
4c) Discussion and Possible Action to Introduce and Waive First Reading of an Ordinance to Amend Chapter 6.20 of the Mendocino County Code Regarding Licensure of Tobacco Retailers (Sponsors: Public Health and County Counsel) Recommended Action: Introduce and waive first reading of an Ordinance to amend Chapter 6.20 of the Mendocino County Code regarding Licensure of Tobacco Retailers. Tobacco Ordinance (clean) 4.5.22 Tobacco Ordinance (redline) 4.5.22 Tobacco Ordinance Summary 4.5.22 Attachments:
4d) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Presentation Regarding County Road Dust Suppression Program vs Incremental Chip Seal - Dust-Off or Surfacing (Laytonville Area) (Sponsor: Transportation) Recommended Action: Accept presentation regarding County Road Dust Suppression Program vs incremental chip seal- Dust-Off or surfacing - give direction on possible incremental chip seal surfacing in lieu of annual Dust-Off (Laytonville Area).
Rock Bell Springs and Spy Rock to maximize value at the discretion of the department
4e) Discussion and Possible Action Including Presentation of the 2021 Fall Supervisor/Management Academy Graduates (Sponsor: Human Resources) Recommended Action: Accept presentation of the 2021 Fall Supervisor/Management Academy Graduates. Fall 2021 Management Academy Graduates Fall 2021 Supervisor Academy Graduates Attachments:
4f) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action to Consider an Appeal of the Zoning Administrator Approval of Minor Use Permit (U_2020-0004) to Convert an Existing Single-Story, 30 Room Motel into a 21 Unit Apartment Complex, located at 16580 N Highway 101, Willits (APNs: 147-170-03 & 147-180-14) including Consideration and Possible Adoption of a Resolution Denying the Appeal and Modifying the Approval of Minor Use Permit U_2020-0004 for Approval of the Conversion of an Existing 30 Room Motel Into a 21 Unit Apartment Complex, Located at 16580 N Highway 101, Willits (APNs: 147-170-03 &147-180-14), and Adopting a Negative Declaration Related Thereto (Continued from February 8, 2022) (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution Denying the Appeal and Modifying the Approval of Minor Use Permit U_2020-0004 for Approval of the Conversion of an Existing 30 Room Motel Into a 21 Unit Apartment Complex, Located at 16580 N Highway 101, Willits, and Adopt a Negative Declaration Related Thereto; and authorize Chair to sign same. 01. U_2020-0004 Memo to BOS Rev. for 4.5.2022 FINAL.pdf 1.5.U_2020-0004 BOS Resolution FINAL.docx 02. Attachment A U_2020-0004 ZA Staff Report.pdf 03. Attachment B Appeal.pdf 04. Attachment C Cooper Public Comment 6.10.2021.pdf 05. Attachment D U_2020-0004 Memo to ZA.pdf 06. Attachment E BOS Memo for 2.8.2022.pdf 07. Attachment F Noise Tables from GP.pdf 08. Attachment G Exterior Noise Limit standards.pdf 09. Attachment H Ordinance 3761.pdf 10. Attachment I RWQCB Letter.pdf 11. Attachment J Golden Rule Initial Study 2022 FINAL [signed].pdf Attachments:
Continued to May 3rd.
4g) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Superior Court of California, County of Mendocino (“Court”) to Implement and Administer a Pretrial Services Program for the County of Mendocino for the Period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024; and Authorization for Mendocino County Probation to Receive from the Court Reimbursement for Associated Expenses Up To $206,368.46 in Fiscal Year 2021-22 through Fiscal Year 2023-24 for Partial Start-Up Costs and Up to $200,000 in Fiscal Year 2021-22 and State Allocated Amounts to be Determined for Fiscal Years 2022-23 through 2023-24 for Ongoing Program Costs (Sponsor: Probation) Recommended Action: Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Superior Court of California, County Of Mendocino ("Court") to implement and administer a Pretrial Services Program for the County of Mendocino for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024; authorize the Mendocino County Probation Department to receive from the Court reimbursement for associated expenses up to $206,368.46 in Fiscal Year 2021-22 through Fiscal Year 2023-24 for partial start-up costs and up to $200,000 in Fiscal Year 2021-22 and State allocated amounts to be determined for Fiscal Years 2022-23 through 2023-24 for ongoing program costs; authorize the Chief Probation Officer to administer the Pretrial Services Program in coordination with the Court; and authorize Chair to sign same. BOS Presentation - 4-5-22 PTR MOU 7-1-21 through 6-30-24 for BOS Signature Attachments:
Approved, further funding discussion during budgets and quarterly reporting to the Board just as there is to the JCC
4h) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action to Consider an Appeal of the Coastal Permit Administrator for Approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP_2019-0024) to Make Safety Improvements and Perform Rehabilitation on State Route 1 from Post Mile (PM) 41.78 to PM 42.3, Including Possible Adoption of a Resolution Denying the Appeal and Affirming the Approval of CDP_2019-0024 to Make Safety Improvements and Perform Rehabilitation on State Route 1 from Post Mile (PM) 41.78 to PM 42.3 (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services) Recommended Action: Hear the appeal and adopt a resolution denying the appeal of the Coastal Permit Administrator for approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP_2019-0024) to make safety improvements and perform rehabilitation on State Route 1 from post mile (PM) 41.78 to PM 42.3; and authorize chair to sign same... 00. CDP_2019-0024 Legal Notice (Appeal BOS) 4.5.2022 0. CDP_2019-0024 BOS Agenda Summary FINAL 01. CDP_2019-0024 Memo to BOS FINAL Rev. 3.24.2022 ATT A CDP_2019-0024 Appeal Albion Bridge Stewards ATT B CT-Safe-2019-0024-Comp-Ltr ATT C Caltrans Categorical Exemption ATT D CDP Action Sheet CDP2019-0024 (CALTRANS ATT E CDP_2019-0024 (CALTRANS) Complete Posting Packet ATT F CDP_2019-0024 Memo to CPA w attachment ATT G 6.1.2004 Bluff Setback Policy Memo ATT H CDP_2019-0024 Resolution FINAL ATT H Resolution Att. A Attachments:
Approved, need to work with County staff to find an alternate barrier that doesn't block scenic view
4i) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action to Consider an Appeal of the Coastal Permit Administrator for Approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP_2019-0034) to Upgrade and Repair 0.1± Miles of State Route 1 by Relocating the Drainage System to the Natural Channel and Repairing and Improving the Roadway, Including Possible Adoption of a Resolution Denying the Appeal and Affirming the Approval of CDP_2019-0034 to Upgrade and Repair 0.1± Miles of State Route 1 by Relocating the Drainage System to the Natural Channel and Repairing and Improving the Roadway (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services) Recommended Action: Hear the appeal and adopt a resolution denying the appeal of the Coastal Permit Administrator for approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP_2019-0034) upgrade and repair 0.1� miles of State Route 1 by relocating the drainage system to the natural channel and repairing and improving the roadway; and authorize chair to sign same... 00. CDP_2019-0034 Legal Notice (Appeal BOS) 4.5.2022 0. CDP_2019-0034 BOS Agenda Summary 01. CDP_2019-0034 Memo to BOS FINAL ATT A Appeal of CDP_2019-0034 Albion Bridge Stewards ATT B CT-Drain-2019-0034-Comp-Ltr ATT C NOE CDP_2019-0034 ATT D Action Sheet CDP_2019-0034 (Calif Dept of Trans (CALTRANS) ATT E CDP_2019-0034 (CALTRANS) Complete Posting Packet ATT F 6.1.2004 Bluff Setback Policy Memo ATT G CDP_2019-0034 Resolution FINAL ATT G Resolution Att. A Attachments:
4j) Chief Executive Officer's Report (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Accept the Chief Executive Officer's report.
No Report, second meeting of the month
4k) Discussion and Possible Action Including Review, Adoption, Amendment, Consideration or Ratification of Legislation Pursuant to the Adopted Legislative Platform (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Provide direction to staff on matters of legislation. Letter of Support - Sonoma Water Q-Z mussel prevention and inspection efforts at Lake MendoLetter of Support - AB 1944 Open and Public Meetings Attachments:
5a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Direction to Staff to Estimate Cost of Contractor to Assist Assessor in Tax Rolls Catch Up and Reserve Necessary Funds from American Recovery Plan Act Allocation (Sponsor: Supervisor Williams) Recommended Action: Direct staff to estimate cost of contractor to assist Assessor in tax rolls catch up and reserve necessary funds from American Recovery Plan Act allocation.
Direction to staff to come up with a plan and bring it back for discussion
5b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of an Informational Presentation Regarding the Creation of One or More Pilot Programs to Reduce Illegal Dumping (Sponsor: Supervisor Mulheren) Recommended Action: Accept presentation; and create an Ad-Hoc to explore opportunities to support certain State program recipients with vouchers or other mechanisms to reduce cost of household trash disposal and review options to expand the Adopt-A-Road Program. Attachments: PowerPoint-Pilot Program Trash Cleanup
Mulheren/Gjerde to work on Pilot Program
Mass vehicle hauling, check on scrap metal value
5c) Supervisors’ Reports Regarding Board Special Assignments, Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Meetings, and Other Items of General Interest
7a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 - Conference with Labor Negotiator - Agency Negotiators: Darcie Antle, Cherie Johnson, and Jon Holtzman; Employee Organization(s): All
No reportable action
7b) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 - Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Public Defender
Of course this is not an all inclusive list of the meetings I attend or work that I do, this is just to give you an idea of what I am working on so you can ask for an update of a topic that is interesting to you.
I am always available by cell phone 707-391-3664 or by email at MulherenM@MendocinoCounty.Org