Hey friends! I’m Mo Mulheren Second District Supervisor for the County of Mendocino. Each week I put out a written report of the projects I’ve been working on and meetings I’ve been attending. This is a brief summary, or highlights if you will, just to let people know the topics that I am working on and if you are interested give you the opportunity to connect with me about these topics.
This week I had the monthly County City 2nd District Meeting. It’s important that we keep an open line of communication to be able to discuss what’s going on. The City is going to be undergoing renovations of Dora Street this summer and will have a public meeting about the future of the Orr Street Bridge. Please visit their website at CityOfUkiah.Com/Streets
I am embarking on the CSAC Leadership Initiative and last week there was a meeting held in Ukiah about understanding budgets for County Government. The class has people from Lake County and Mendocino County, it was great to be able to meet in person and network. Although they went through the information quickly it was still a valuable exercise. The most important thing to me is that we spend the publics money wisely and that everything is transparent.
On Saturday I did the RV Rancheria Spirit Run. It was great to see everyone out and about smiling and having a healthy activity to connect with.
Here are the videos uploaded to the County YouTube page in case you’ve missed them:
Not too many meetings on my agenda this week, but I did have a chance to go back and review some of the MCD Meetings
As always if you have any questions please feel free to text me 707-391-3664 or send me an email MulherenM@MendocinoCounty.Org
Or pop on to my Thursday Morning Zoom at 7:15a-7:45a
Meeting ID 7079548230 Password LOCAL707