I hope Mark Scramella is reading this. Hi Mark, I am not so great with updating on my website apparently. But the updates can be emailed to you if you'd prefer and they always end up on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/mo4mendo
On Wednesday I attended the first of three listening sessions for the Addiction 2021: Treating the Whole Person. This is going to be a very exciting project around destigmatizing addiction in our community. I will be sharing more about the campaign in the weeks to come. This is a very important issue to me, I am grateful that we will get to hear more of the successes stories from our community to provide hope to those currently struggling with addiction issues.
I spent Wednesday afternoon hearing from candidates for two positions with the Economic Development Finance Corporation. Its important as they receive financial resources from the County that we have a keen eye on the programming.
Supervisor McGourty and I attended the Redwood Valley MAC meeting to hear their ideas about how the PG&E Money could help recover from the 2017 Fire and how to move that community forward
Coffee and Conversation - You know the drill on Thursday mornings I'm live on zoom! More cannabis convo in advance of the big meeting on Monday. Next Thursday I would love to talk about the de-stigmatization campaign for addiction. Hope you'll join in!
Mendocino Business and Government Leaders Thursday meeting, again this is a weekly meeting where we discuss Covid and Economic recovery
MSWA - Mendo Recycle has been getting a lot more material than they were budgeted for (blame it on people cleaning out their houses I suppose) so they will need to seek one time funding support from its member agencies
In the afternoon I took a Yokayo Ranch Tour. This is an event venue with a cannabis farm next door. They are very interested in hosting cannabis events and expanding their farms.
The City of Ukiah Parks and Rec Team is looking at doing an exciting Fifty in Five Project. Fifty art projects in Five years in the City. They learned that communities should spend $1 per community member on art per year so that would be about $16,000 to do 10 art projects somewhere in the community. That's an exciting idea. Need to find funding and artists of course but you have to start some where.
Let's talk about the drought! No really, besides cannabis this is one of the topics I spend the most time on. https://thewaterproject.org/water_conservation_tips
Cannabis convos - My afternoon was spent on the phone and/or meeting with people about Cannabis Phase 3
I spent my evening volunteering in the Streeterie! https://www.facebook.com/events/245873407257204/
Cannbis Convos to start my morning off.
I spent some time at the Ukiah Garden Club Volunteering at the Plant Sale. If you aren't a member you should be! https://www.ukiahgardenclub.org/
Cannabis call MCA in the afternoon to understand their policy positions
I spent the day Sunday catching up on Cannabis Agenda items, Facebook posts and emails in between Zumba and a hike. Over 300 emails. Glad there was so much feedback.
April 19, 2021
1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.)
1a) Roll Call
1b) Pledge of Allegiance
2a) Public Expression
Well yesterday was a long and interesting meeting. The item for Phase 3 cultivation transitioning to a new ordinance CCAO was continued to 4/27 with some direction provided to staff. The BOS heard comment from the public and then deliberated on Supervisor McGourtys memo. I’ve attached it here. I posted the table that we were reviewing over the weekend. An ordinance like this has many pieces and some I was in agreement with the BOS and some not in agreement. We started to get in to the Planning Commission recommendations but decided that since it was such a long day and staff needed to be back early the next day (thank you staff!) that the item would be continued. I believe we are all in agreement that we need to give Phase 1 applicants a path forward to legalization (60 day window to get applications in from late April so please be prepared) my concern still remains the 8,000 (? Or so) people that cultivate in our community that did not enter Phase 1 and instead took a wait and see approach. I was surprised when McGourty declared he wanted to remove any indoor or mixed light businesses from the table. I love sun grown cannabis and think it’s beautiful but I also know that there are businesses that are doing mixed light and being environmentally efficient and I don’t think we should automatically remove those people from the market. My goal has been and will remain trying to find a way to help those that want to be successful in the cannabis business the opportunity to do so. For those of you wondering the Board did vote to allow expansion up to 10% per parcel over 10 acres in Rangeland and Ag-land but not upland residential. I don’t have the language in front of me but the rangeland conversation revolves around only land that was in crop production or tilled (essentially Rangeland being used as Ag, ie most of Hopland is vineyard in Rangeland) before 2015 to prevent someone from tilling up Rangeland and applying for a permit two years from now. We know the Proof of Prior headache from Phase 1 so I hope this idea is able to be implemented fairly easy for the businesses that want to apply. The Board deliberations did conclude that most of us (excluding Haschak) believe that the Major Use Permit process and State licensing will be a pathway that protects the environment and allows for the businesses here to expand if they are on land that meets the environmental requirements. We did also direct that anyone drilling a test well also needs to do a hydrological study to determine that they will not be affecting neighboring properties. Right now if your neighbor drills a well that affects your water you can sue them but this would get the data up front before the well is drilled. Also a reminder that direction was given to make enforcement of illegal grows a priority and there will be more information coming forward on the “Humboldt model” satellite imagery and costs at a future meeting. I know people think it’s like Big Brother but paying for a professional computer program will enable the County to have near real time images to remove illegal and environmentally damaging operators. This will be the most helpful for very rural areas like Covelo which have had the most issues with illegal operators. And will help with light from legal greenhouses that are not correctly covered at night. Staff will be working on options for a table without mixed light or indoor for 4/27 and that agenda item will be out on Thursday I’ll post it here. We didn’t get to the facilities ordinance so it was continued to 4/27 as well, this is where some of the very small mom and pops have opportunity to get in to the market so stay engaged. Future applicants will not be able to use generators or trucked in water except for in an emergency and what qualifies as an emergency is still out for consideration. Forgot about the fencing. The Board directed that fencing be limited when possible, legal staff wasn’t sure if that was possible and there are security concerns so they will bring back a recommendation on that as well. At the end of the day the Board wants to do what’s best for Mendocino County and your voices were heard and a compromise was met between the industry and the community. There is more work to do.
3a) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action Including Introduction and Waive First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Mendocino County Code Chapter 6.36 and Chapter 20.243 Regarding Cannabis Facilities (Sponsor: Planning & Building Services) Recommended Action: Continue to April 27, 2021. 02. OA_2021-0001 (Mendocino) Memo 03. OA_2021_0001 (Mendocino) PlanningCommissionHearingPacket 04. OA_2021-0001 (Mendocino) PC_2021-0003 05. OA_2021-0001 (Mendocino) DraftCannabisFacilitiesOrdinance_RecommendationsPC_Redline 06. OA_2021-0001 (Mendocino) DraftCannabisFacilitiesOrdinance_CLEAN 07. Ordinance Summary - OA_2021-0001 Cannabis Facilities Proof of Pub (UDJ) GP_2021-0001 (Cannabis Facilities) BOS 4-19-21 04-17-21 Powell Correspondence 4-18-21 CBAMC Correspondence 4-18-21 CCAG Correspondence 4-18-21 Clein Correspondence 4-18-21 Dykema Correspondence 4-18-21 MCA Correspondence 04-18-21 Golden Correspondence Attachments: April 19, 2021
3b) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action Including Introduction and Waive First Reading of an Ordinance Adopting Mendocino County Code Chapter 22.18 - Commercial Cannabis Activity Land Use Development Ordinance and Making Corresponding Amendments to Chapter 10A.17 - Mendocino Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance and Chapter 20.242 - Cannabis Cultivation Sites (Sponsor: Planning & Building Services) Recommended Action: Introduce and waive first reading of an ordinance adopting Mendocino County Code Chapter 22.18 - Commercial Cannabis Activity Land Use Development Ordinance and making corresponding amendments to Chapter 10A.17 - Mendocino Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance and Chapter 20.242 - Cannabis Cultivation Sites. 03. Planning Commission Packet 3.19.2021 04. Resolution PC_2021-0004 06. Draft Chapter 22.18 Appendix A (Redline) 08. Ordinance Summary - OA_2021-0002 Cannabis Cultivation 02. Memo to BOS 4.19.2021 Updated 05. OA_2021-0002 Draft Ordinance (Redline per PC Comments - Redline of 10A.17&20.242) - FINAL 07. OA_2021-0002 Draft Ordinance & Appendix A (CLEAN) Proof of Pub (IUDJ) GP_2021-0002 (Cannabis Ordinance) BOS 4-19-21 04-18-21 McGourty Memo 04-11-21 Callaghan Correspondence 04-11-21 DeJuan Correspondence 04-11-21 Gardner Correspondence 04-11-21 Hereld Correspondence 04-11-21 Pinson Correspondence 04-11-21 Sizemore Correspondence 04-12-21 Alexander Correspondence (2) 04-12-21 Alexander Correspondence 04-12-21 Belt Correspondence 04-12-21 Drake Correspondence 04-12-21 Easterbrook Correspondence 04-12-21 Figg-Hoblin and Hutton Correspondence 04-12-21 Goodell Correspondence 04-12-21 Hereld Correspondence 04-12-21 Hilderbrand Correspondence 04-12-21 Lodge Correspondence 04-12-21 Olcott Correspondence 04-12-21 Rede Correspondence 04-12-21 Steely Correspondence 04-12-21 Yee Correspondence 04-13-21 Beaumont Correspondence 04-13-21 Borba Correspondence 04-13-21 Carter Correspondence 04-13-21 Costa Correspondence 04-13-21 Hereld Correspondence 04-13-21 Herr Correspondence 04-13-21 Janssen Correspondence 04-13-21 Landis Correspondence 04-13-21 Littlehales Correspondence Attachments: April 19, 2021 Page 6 Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA 04-13-21 Menasian Correspondence 04-13-21 Miller Correspondence 04-13-21 Robertson Correspondence 04-13-21 Seifert Correspondence 04-13-21 Smith Correspondence 04-13-21 Walkley Correspondence 04-14-21 Anderson Correspondence 04-14-21 Bartow Correspondence 04-14-21 Cornu Correspondence 04-14-21 Falandes and Rash Correspondence 04-14-21 Fish & Game Commission Correspondence 04-14-21 Hanna Correspondence 04-14-21 Hope Correspondence 04-14-21 Jackson Correspondence 04-14-21 Jupiter Correspondence 04-14-21 Kanne Correspondence 04-14-21 Kaur Correspondence 04-14-21 Lieser Correspondence 04-14-21 Light Correspondence 04-14-21 Lind Correspondence 04-14-21 Nicholson Correspondence 04-14-21 Oller Correspondence 04-14-21 Orton Correspondence 04-14-21 Paltin Correspondence 04-14-21 Raphael Correspondence 04-14-21 Rosen Correspondence 04-14-21 Sawataky Correspondence 04-14-21 Smith Correspondence 04-14-21 Trevey Correspondence 04-14-21 Trichler Correspondence 04-14-21 Vest Correspondence 04-14-21 Zimmermann Correspondence 04-15-21 Adair Correspondence 04-15-21 Beebe Correspondence 04-15-21 Berglund Correspondence 04-15-21 Blumenfeld Correspondence 04-15-21 Brown Correspondence 04-15-21 Bruce Correspondence April 19, 2021 Page 7 Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA 04-15-21 Clifton Correspondence 04-15-21 Drewes Correspondence 04-15-21 Holbrook Correspondence 2 04-15-21 Holbrook Correspondence 04-15-21 Kuchera Correspondence 04-15-21 Loop Correspondence 04-15-21 Mancinelli Correspondence 04-15-21 McElwee Correspondence 04-15-21 ORourke Correspondence 04-15-21 Osteen Correspondence 04-15-21 Putter Correspondence 04-15-21 Riedel Correspondence 04-15-21 Shell Correspondence 04-15-21 Stark Correspondence 04-15-21 Tichenor Correspondence 04-15-21 Weitala Correspondence 04-15-21 Willens Correspondence 04-14-21 Ebyam Correspondence 03-31-21 Nelson Correspondence 04-02-21 DeJuan Correspondence 04-04-21 Hansen Correpsondence 04-04-21 Pope Correspondence 04-09-21 Calonico Correspondence 04-09-21 Due Correspondence 04-09-21 Gary Correspondence 04-09-21 Mailliard Correspondence 04-15-21 Dooley Correspondence 04-15-21 Erickson Correspondence 04-15-21 Futcher and Carney Correspondence 04-15-21 Graham Correspondence 04-15-21 Grande Correspondence 04-15-21 Gundling Correspondence 04-15-21 Inland Mendocino County Land Trust Correspondence 04-15-21 L Fugman Correspondence 04-15-21 Lombardi Correspondence 04-15-21 Lopez Correspondence 04-15-21 Madison Correspondence 04-15-21 Mendocino County Farm Bureau Correspondence 04-15-21 Owen Correspondence 04-15-21 P Fugman Correspondence 04-15-21 Payne Correspondence 04-15-21 Perkins Correspondence 04-15-21 Roe Correspondence 04-15-21 Shebitz Correspondence 04-15-21 Slota Correspondence 04-15-21 Sobrero Correspondence 04-15-21 Wright Correspondence 04-16-21 Andrews Correspondence 04-16-21 Angellella Correspondence 04-16-21 AuClair Correspondence 04-16-21 Beltran Correspondence 04-16-21 Blackwell Correspondence 04-16-21 Bonnet Correspondence 04-16-21 Campos Correspondence 04-16-21 Cervantes Correspondence 04-16-21 Cook Correspondence 04-16-21 Cortez Correspondence 04-16-21 Covelo Community Services District Correspondence 04-16-21 Elberg-Gibson Correspondence 04-16-21 Faulkner Correspondence 04-16-21 Flow Cannabis Correspondence 04-16-21 Gamble Correspondence 04-16-21 Gonzalez Correspondence 04-16-21 Harrison Correspondence 04-16-21 Hicks Correspondence 04-16-21 Johnston Correspondence 04-16-21 Jupiter Correspondence 04-16-21 Kanthack Correspondence 04-16-21 Kasten Correspondence 04-16-21 Keats Correspondence 04-16-21 Kiel Correspondence 04-16-21 Lizarraga Correspondence 04-16-21 Lumbreras Correspondence 04-16-21 Madison Correspondence 04-16-21 Manion Correspondence 04-16-21 MCA Correspondence April 19, 2021 Page 9 Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA 04-16-21 McCarthy Correspondence 04-16-21 Mijatovic Correspondence 04-16-21 Morgan Correspondence 04-16-21 Nadler Correspondence 04-16-21 Pool Correspondence 04-16-21 Putter Correspondence 04-16-21 Richards Correspondence 04-16-21 Ruiz Correspondence 04-16-21 RVAMAC Addendum Correspondence 04-16-21 RV County Water District 04-16-21 Sacks Correspondence 04-16-21 Saunders Correspondence 04-16-21 Sicairos Correspondence 04-16-21 Smit Correspondence 04-16-21 Steven Correspondence 04-16-21 V. Beltran Correspondence 04-16-21 Zamora Correspondence 04-15-21 Baize Correspondence 04-15-21 Bancroft Correspondence 04-15-21 Berman Correspondence 04-15-21 Bernard Correspondence 04-15-21 Blackwell Correspondence 04-15-21 Borst Correspondence 04-15-21 Browe Correspondence 04-15-21 Calonico Correspondence 04-15-21 Castro Correspondence 04-15-21 Cisney Correspondence 04-15-21 Craig Correspondence 04-16-21 Rogers Correspondence 04-16-21 Gallop Correspondence 04-15-21 Mullen Correspondence 04-16-21 Beaumont Correspondence 04-16-21 Westwood Correspondence 04-16-21 Reynolds Correspondence 04-15-21 Peregrine Audubon Society Correspondence 04-16-21 Miller Correspondence 04-16-21 Hildebrand Correspondence 04-16-21 Lawner Correspondence April 19, 2021 Page 10 Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA 04-16-21 Dakin Correspondence 04-16-21 Gray Correspondence 04-16-21 Breckenridge Correspondence 04-16-21 MCCAAC Correspondence 04-16-21 Sullivan Correspondence 04-16-21 Soss Correspondence 04-16-21 Cavendish Correspondence 04-16-21 Cortez Correspondence 04-16-21 Cross Correspondence 04-16-21 Davenport Correspondence 04-16-21 Emerald Sun Correspondence 04-16-21 MCA-CCAO-Amendments Correspondence 04-16-21 CCSD Correspondence 04-16-21 Miller Correspondence 04-16-21 Raye Correspondence 04-16-21 Shelly Correspondence 04-16-21 Zarza-Hernandez Correspondence 04-17-21 Ross Correspondence 04-17-21 Covelo Cannabis Advocacy Group Correspondence 04-17-21 Fayal Correspondence 04-17-21 Gribi Correspondence 04-17-21 Kushner Correspondence 04-16-21 RVMAC Correspondence 04-17-21 Restrepo Correspondence 04-17-21 Briggs Correspondence 04-17-21 Carlson Correspondence 04-17-21 Clayburg Correspondence 04-17-21 Courtney Correspondence 04-17-21 Dellacorva-Tate Correspondence 04-17-21 King Correspondence 04-17-21 Lamon Correspondence 04-17-21 Lumpkin and Talkovsky Correspondence 04-17-21 Mitro Correspondence 04-17-21 O’Roke Correspondence 04-17-21 Phallen-Fike Correspondence 04-17-21 Santaniello Correspondence 04-17-21 Short Correspondence 04-17-21 Trew Correspondence 04-17-21 Turcotte Correspondence 04-17-21 Weaver Correspondence 04-17-21 Davis Correspondence 4-18-21 Strong Correspondence 4-18-21 Sugarman Correspondence 4-18-21 Van Antwerp Correspondence 4-18-21 Walker Correspondence 4-18-21 WEC Letter to BOS 4-18-21 Wentzel Correspondence 4-18-21 Wolff Correspondence 4-18-21 Zachreson Correspondence 4-18-21 Zanella Correspondence 4-18-21 Zensen Correspondence 4-18-21 Aleshire Correspondence 4-18-21 Backup Correspondence 4-18-21 Bauer Correspondence 4-18-21 Bing Correspondence 4-18-21 Birger Correspondence 4-18-21 Borst Correspondence 4-18-21 Breen Correspondence 4-18-21 Carlstedt Correspondence 4-18-21 CBAMC Correspondence 4-18-21 CCAG Correspondence 4-18-21 Clein Correspondence 4-18-21 Cook Correspondence 4-18-21 Duke Correspondence 4-18-21 Fisette Correspondence 4-18-21 Frye Correspondence 4-18-21 Greene Correspondence 4-18-21 Gustafson Correspondence 4-18-21 Hansen Correspondence 4-18-21 Harman Correspondence 4-18-21 Harness Correspondence 4-18-21 Hayes Correspondence 4-18-21 Heath Correspondence 4-18-21 Heise Correspondence 4-18-21 Hereld Correspondence 4-18-21 Hurt Correspondence April 19, 2021 Page 12 Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA 4-18-21 I. Powell Correspondence 4-18-21 Karish Correspondence 4-18-21 King Correspondence 4-18-21 Knox Correspondence 4-18-21 Kuhnert Correspondence 4-18-21 Leighton Correspondence 4-18-21 Lockart Correspondence 4-18-21 Lovitt Correspondence 4-18-21 Luiz Correspondence 4-18-21 Magoffin Correspondence 4-18-21 Martin Correspondence 4-18-21 Morales Correspondence 4-18-21 Nelson Correspondence 4-18-21 Nicolaus Correspondence 4-18-21 O'Neill Correspondence 4-18-21 Phallen-Fike Correspondence 4-18-21 Powell Correspondence 4-18-21 Ray Correspondence 4-18-21 Rice Correspondence 4-18-21 Rogers Correspondence 4-18-21 Sanhedrin Chapter of the California Native Plant Society Correspondence 4-18-21 Shaffer Correspondence 4-18-21 Slota Correspondence 4-18-21 Smith Correspondence 4-18-21 Snyder Correspondence 4-18-21 Sommer Correspondence 04-17-21 Davis Correspondence 04-19-21 Miles Correspondence 04-19-21 Thomasson Correspondence 04-19-21 Brown Correspondence 04-19-21 Jenkins Correspondence 04-19-21 Lippert Correspondence 04-19-21 Farris Correspondence 04-19-21 Russell Correspondence 4-18-21 Fraser Correspondence 4-18-21 Gordon Correspondence 4-18-21 Holloway Correspondence 4-18-21 Ineich Correspondence April 19, 2021 Page 13 Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA 4-18-21 J. King Correspondence 4-18-21 Joel Correspondence 4-18-21 Koerper Correspondence 4-18-21 Krupski Correspondence 4-18-21 Leland Correspondence 4-18-21 L'Hoir Correspondence 4-18-21 Luria Correspondence 4-18-21 MacDonald Correspondence 4-18-21 Mileck Correspondence 4-18-21 Northcott Correspondence 4-18-21 Adams Correspondence 4-18-21 Alvarado Correspondence 4-18-21 Applegate Correspondence 4-18-21 Azarnoff Correspondence 4-18-21 Barney Correspondence 4-18-21 Bolton-Ast and Bennett Correspondence 4-18-21 Cardone Correspondence 4-18-21 Chestnut Correspondence 4-18-21 Cox Correspondence 4-18-21 Cummings Correspondence 4-18-21 Davis Correspondence 4-18-21 Franck Correspondence 4-18-21 Simmonds Correspondence 4-18-21 Spindler Correspondence 4-18-21 Stout Correspondence 4-18-21 Talkovsky Correspondence 4-18-21 Tenmile Creek Watershed Council Correspondence 4-18-21 Tripaldi Correspondence 4-18-21 Trudeau Correspondence 4-18-21 Wattenberg Correspondence 4-18-21 Wheeler Correspondence 4-18-21 Whipple Correspondence 4-18-21 Yeh Correspondence 4-18-21 Zensen Correspondence 4-18-21 O'Donnell Correspondence 4-18-21 P. Yeh Correspondence 4-18-21 Pellar Correspondence 4-18-21 Perrin Correspondence 4-18-21 Planty Correspondence 4-18-21 Schindler Correspondence 04-18-21 Clark Correspondence 04-18-21 Decater Correspondence 04-18-21 Doering Correspondence 04-18-21 Ferreira Correspondence 04-18-21 Haga Correspondence 04-17-21 Zanetell Correspondence 04-18-21 Artman Correspondence 04-18-21 Attaway Correspondence 04-18-21 Bailey Correspondence 04-18-21 Bauer Correspondence 04-18-21 Birkas Correspondence 04-18-21 C Knight Correspondence 04-18-21 Penaloza Correspondence 04-18-21 Phillips Correspondence 04-18-21 Reinier Correspondence 04-18-21 Schindel Correspondence 04-18-21 Sischo Correspondence 04-18-21 Harman Correspondence 04-18-21 Hauk Correspondence 04-18-21 Hill Correspondence 04-18-21 Knight Correspondence 04-18-21 Lohse Correspondence 04-18-21 Monroe Correspondence 04-18-21 Nilson Correspondence 04-19-21 Abbott Correspondence 04-19-21 Boyd Correspondence 04-19-21 Donham Correspondence 04-19-21 M Snyder Correspondence 04-19-21 Snyder Correspondence 04-18-21 Sison and Hawley Correspondence 04-18-21 Turner Correspondence 04-18-21 Underhill Correspondence 04-18-21 Wordhouse Correspondence 04-19-21 Barra Correspondence 04-19-21 Kennedy Correspondence 04-19-21 Rolzinski Correspondence April 19, 2021 Page 15 Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA 04-19-21 Sirah Correspondence 04-19-21 Williams Correspondence 04-19-21 Leland Correspondence
April 20, 2021 - 9:00 AM
1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.)
1a) Roll Call
1b) Pledge of Allegiance
3a) Public Expression 04-16-21 Lodge Correspondence 4-18-21 Stockel Correspondence 04-20-21 Linstedt Correspondence Attachments:
4. CONSENT CALENDAR (see below)
Receive Report
5a) Discussion and Possible Action Including an Update Associated with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19); and Provide Possible Direction Regarding Essential Services in Mendocino County, Operational Preparation and Response, and Associated Countywide Economic Impacts (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Receive update regarding COVID-19 in the County, discuss and/or provide direction regarding essential services in Mendocino County, operational preparation and response, and associated countywide economic impacts.
Approve recommended action
5b) Noticed Public Hearing- Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Approving a $1,069,157 Application for Funding and the Execution of Grant Agreement and Any Amendments from the 2020 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) ProgramCoronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Response Round 2 and 3 for Phase II Improvements to the Live Oak Apartments (Project Homekey, 555 South Orchard Ave Ukiah) (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving an application for funding and the execution of grant agreement and any amendments from the 2020 Community Development Block Grant Program-Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Response Round 2 and 3 for Phase II improvements to the Live Oak Apartments; and authorize Chair to sign same. CDBG CV Resolution 4-6-21 MCEO Affidavit 6567265 Attachments:
Approve recommended action
5c) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the County of Mendocino to Submit a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Application to the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for the 2021 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) in the Amount of $1,500,000 to Request Funding of Three Projects; 1. $1,000,000 for Blight Removal in Round Valley (Covelo Area); 2. $250,000 for Microenterprise Technical Assistance for Small Business Development; 3. $250,000 for Planning Technical Assistance to Support the Ukiah Valley Senior and Community Center Design (Sponsor: Planning & Building Services) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing the County of Mendocino to submit a CDBG application to HCD for the 2021 NOFA to request funding in the amount of $1,500,000 to request finding for three projects; 1. $1,000,000 for Blight Removal in Round Valley (Covelo Area); 2. $250,000 for Microenterprise Technical Assistance for Small Business Development; 3. $250,000 for Planning Technical Assistance to support the Ukiah Valley Senior and Community Center Design; and authorize Chair to sign same. 1.CDBG Memo April 20 REV 2.MemoHCD Application Requirements REV2 3.Resolution 4.Proof of Pub Plan & Build CDBG Application ad 6566521 04-16-21 McCowen Correspondence 04-19-21 CCAG Correspondence 04-20-21 RVAMAC Correspondence Attachments:
Withdrawn by the department
5d) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Amending the Exhibit X - Master Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2021, for the Cultural Services Agency (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution amending Exhibit X - Master Fee Schedule effective July 1, 2021, for the Cultural Services Agency; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachment #1 - Resolution for Adoption Attachment #2 - CEO Memo.pdf Attachment #3 - Proposed Changes to the Master Fee Schedule.pdf Attachment #4 - CSA Fee Calculation Worksheets DRAFT Exhibit X - Master Fee Schedule 4.21.pdf Affidavit 04-19-21 CCAG Correspondence 04-19-21 MCA Correspondence Attachments:
Approved, Mulheren dissenting - worried about unintended consequences to the Ukiah Valley. CEO and Ad-Hoc (Haschak/McGourty) to reach out to City of Ukiah
5e) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of a Resolution Declaring a Local Emergency and Imminent Threat of Disaster in Mendocino County Due to Drought Conditions; and Creation of an Ad Hoc Committee of the Board to Work on Drought Related Issues (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution declaring a local emergency and imminent threat of disaster in Mendocino County due to drought conditions; and create an ad hoc
committee of the Board to work on drought related issues; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Resolution
Appoint both appliancts
5f) Discussion and Possible Action Including Interviews with Applicants and Possible Appointment(s) to the Sonoma Mendocino Economic Development District (SMEDD) (Sponsor: Clerk of the Board) Recommended Action: Conduct interviews and appoint an applicant to one or both of the vacant seats on the Sonoma Mendocino Economic Development District (SMEDD). Kessen Application and Resume Garza Application and Resume Attachments:
5g) Discussion and Possible Action Related to the Outcome of the Crisis Residential Treatment Facility Operations Request For Proposal (RFP), Including Review of Draft Agreement with Redwood Community Services, Inc. in the Amount of $934,565 Per Year for a Period of Two Years, $1,869,130 Total, Effective November 1, 2021 through October 31, 2023 (Sponsor: Behavioral Health and Recovery Services) Recommended Action: Accept presentation related to the outcome of the Crisis Residential Treatment Facility Operations RFP; and review draft Agreement with Redwood Community Services, Inc. in the amount of $934,565 per year for a period of two years, $1,869,130 total, effective November 1, 2021 through October 31, 2023, to be funded by Medi-Cal, Mental Health Services Act and Realignment. Attachments: Draft Agreement, Crisis Residential Treatment
Use Kemper report as a Strategic Plan and bring forward the PHF consultant and the Whitmore Lane and Ranch Proposals. Also a meeting for May 24th with the Measure B Board, BOS and BHAB Board
5h) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Use of Measure B Funds to Hire a Consultant to Provide the Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Oversight Committee with a Performance Management Plan, that will include a Comprehensive 5 Year Strategic Plan with Action Plan Timeline and a Detailed Financial Plan (Sponsor: Health and Human Services Agency) Recommended Action: Approve the use of Measure B funds to hire a consultant to provide the Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen's Oversight Committee with a performance management plan, that will include a comprehensive 5 year strategic plan with action plan timeline and a detailed financial plan. Attachments: 04-16-21 Lodge Correspondence
Receive report
5i) Chief Executive Officer's Report (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Accept the Chief Executive Officer's report. Attachments: CEO Report 4-20-21 Edition
No action
5j) Discussion and Possible Action Including Review, Adoption, Amendment, Consideration or Ratification of Legislation Pursuant to the Adopted Legislative Platform (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Provide direction to staff on matters of legislation.
Approve MOU
6a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Round Valley Indian Tribes (RVIT) Creating a Partnership Framework for Continued Cleanup Efforts in Round Valley, to be Funded with a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Award if Approved by the State Department of Housing & Community Development (HCD) (Sponsor: Supervisor Haschak) Recommended Action: Approve MOU with Round Valley Indian Tribes creating a partnership framework for continued cleanup efforts in Round Valley, to be funded with a CDBG award if approved by HCD; authorize Chair to sign same. RVIT County MOU Signed Memo Regarding RVIT-County MOU Jurisdictional Boundaries on Round Valley Floor- Map 04-16-21 McCowen Correspondence 04-19-21 CCAG Correspondence Attachments:
Approve pilot program
6b) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Development of a Potential Homeless Trash Clean-Up Program (Sponsors: Supervisor Mulheren and Supervisor Williams) Recommended Action: Direct Supervisors Mulheren and Williams to develop and return to the Board with a specific plan regarding a potential Homeless Trash Clean-Up program. Attachments: 04-16-21 McCowen Correspondence
Ad-Hoc will bring back to applicants for Board interview
6c) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Process for Selecting a Facilitator for the Development of a Strategic Plan (Sponsors: Supervisor Haschak and Supervisor McGourty) Recommended Action: Provide direction regarding the process for selecting a facilitator for the development of a Strategic Plan. 6d) Supervisors’ Reports Regarding Board Special Assignments, Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Meetings, and Other Items of General Interest
Direction given to staff
9a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant Exposure to Litigation: One Case
10. COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED AND FILED Communications received and filed are retained by the Clerk throughout the Board proceedings. To review items described in this section, please contact the Executive Office staff in Room 1010. 10a) Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) - Biennial Inspection of Mendocino County Adult Detention Facility and Court Holding Facility, Penal Code 6031. For more information, please visit www.bscc.ca.gov 10b) Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) - Mendocino County 2018/2020 Biennial Inspection Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 209. For more information, please visit www.bscc.ca.gov
10c) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) - Notice Dismissing Request for Hearing as Moot. For more information, call 1-866-208-3676 10d) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance - Order Rescinding Order Modifying and Approving Revised Fish Passage Facility Winter Operation Plan. For more information, call 1-866-208-3676
4. CONSENT CALENDAR - CONTINUED The Consent Calendar is considered routine and non-controversial and will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any Board member may request that any item be removed from the Consent Calendar for individual consideration. ITEMS RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: MINUTES
4a) Approval of Minutes of March 9, 2021 Regular Meeting Recommended Action: Approve minutes of the March 9, 2021 regular meeting. Attachments: 3-9-21 Minutes - DRAFT
4b) Approval of Minutes of March 22, 2021 Special Meeting Recommended Action: Approve minutes of the March 22, 2021 special meeting. Attachments: 3-22-21 Minutes - DRAFT
4c) Approval of Minutes of March 23, 2021 Regular Meeting Recommended Action: Approve minutes of the March 23, 2021 regular meeting. Attachments: 3-23-21 Minutes - DRAFT
4d) Approval of Minutes of April 6, 2021 Regular Meeting Recommended Action: Approve minutes of the April 6, 2021 regular meeting. Attachments: 4-6-21 Minutes - DRAFT
4e) Approval of Minutes of April 12, 2021 Special Meeting Recommended Action: Approve minutes of the April 12, 2021 special meeting. Attachments: 4-12-21 Minutes - DRAFT APPOINTMENTS
4f) Approval of Recommended Appointments/Reappointments Recommended Action: 1. Rendy Smith, Person Responsible for Management of Alcohol and Drug Programs, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 2. Jena Conner, Person Responsible for Management of Children's Services, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 3. Jenine Miller, Person Responsible for Management of Mental Health Services, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 4. Izen Locatelli, Person Responsible for Management of Probation, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 5. Lisa Fredrickson, Person Responsible for Management of Public Health Services, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 6. Bekkie Emery, Person Responsible for Management of Welfare or Public Social Services, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 7. Michele Hutchins, The Superintendent of the County Office of Education, or Designee, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 8. Julie Fetherston, Representative of a Private Nonprofit Corp. Serving Children and Youth, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 9. Camille Schraeder, Representative of the Local Child Abuse Council, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 10. Cindy Mockel, Representative of Rural Health Clinics in the County, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 11. Victoria Kelly, A Member of the Community at Large Who Shall be a Parent, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 12. Joanna Olson, A Member of the Community at Large, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 13. Natalie Shepard, A Member of the Community at Large, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 14. Teri Sedrick, A Rep of the Local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 15. Sheryn Hildebrand, An Additional Representative of a Private Nonprofit, Policy Council on Children and Youth; 16. Henry Adam Gaska, Member, Redwood Valley Municipal Advisory Council; and 17. Karen Riordan, Trustee, Potter Valley Cemetery District. Shepard Application Smith Application Fetherston Application Fredrickson Application Hutchins Application Kelly Application Locatelli Application Miller Application Mockel Application Gaska Application Attachments:
4g) Approval of Transmission of Letter of Support for AB 9 (Regarding Codifying the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity (RFFC) Program) Introduced by Assemblymember Wood (Sponsors: Supervisor Gjerde and Supervisor Haschak) Recommended Action: Approve transmission of letter of support for AB 9 (regarding codifying the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity (RFFC) program) introduced by Assemblymember Wood; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Letter
Approved - Earth Day Clean Up Saturday in Ukiah 9a-12p
4h) Adoption of Proclamation Recognizing April 22, 2021 as Earth Day in Mendocino County (Sponsor: Supervisor Mulheren) Recommended Action: Adopt Proclamation recognizing April 22, 2021 as Earth Day in Mendocino County; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments:
4i) Adoption of Resolution Declaring the Continuation of a Local Emergency Related to the Multiple September 2020 Fires including; August Complex, Oak Fire and Hopkins Fire, as Proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and Declaring the Continuation of a Local Health Emergency as Proclaimed by the Health Officer Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution declaring the continuation of a Local Emergency related to the Multiple September 2020 fires including; August Complex fire, Oak Fire and Hopkins fire as proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and declaring the continuation of a Local Health Emergency as proclaimed by the Health Officer; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Resolution
4j) Adoption of Resolution Declaring the Continuation of a Local Emergency Related to the October Wind Events and Corresponding Pacific Gas and Electric Public Safety Power Shutoff Events on October 23, 2019, October 26, 2019 and October 29, 2019, in Mendocino County as Proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution declaring the continuation of a Local Emergency related to the October wind events and corresponding Pacific Gas and Electric Public Safety Power Shutoff Events on October 23, 2019, October 26, 2019, and October 29, 2019, in Mendocino County as declared by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Resolution
4k) Adoption of Resolution Approving an Allocation of $5,404,000 in Funding and the Execution of a Grant Agreement and Any Amendments Thereto from the CDBG-MIT Program to Fund County Emergency Communication Improvement Projects Recommended Action: Adopt resolution approving allocation of $5,404,000 in funding and the execution of a grant agreement and any amendments thereto from the CDBG-MIT Program to fund County emergency communication improvement projects; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: CDBG DR Mit Rip Resolution Revised 3-26-21
Approved - please focus on Mendocino County residents
4l) Approval of Retroactive Amendment to BOS Agreement No. 19-223 with West Business Development Center in the Amount of $100,000 for Digital Learning Project, Extending the End Date from March 31, 2021 to December 31, 2021 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive amendment to BOS Agreement No. 19-223 with West Business Development Center in the amount of $100,000 for Digital Learning Project, extending the end date from March 31, 2021 to December 31, 2021; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: West EDA Digital Learning Amendment
Approved - is this the 2030 project that Ted and I aren't done working on yet
4m) Approval of Retroactive Second Amendment to BOS Agreement No. 19-254 with West Business Development Center for Economic Recovery Services in the Additional Amount of $69,000, for a New Total of $266,000 Extending the Termination Date from March 31, 2021 to December 31, 2021 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive second amendment to BOS Agreement No. 19-254 with West Business Development Center for economic recovery services in the additional amount of $69,000, for a new total of $266,000 extending the termination date from March 31, 2021 to December 31, 2021; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: West EDA 2nd Amendment
4n) Approval of Retroactive Second Amendment to BOS Agreement No. 19-195 with Economic Development and Financing Corporation for Economic Recovery and Resiliency Plan Services, Decreasing the Amount from $100,000 to $31,000, Extending the Termination Date from March 31, 2021 to December 31, 2021 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive second amendment to BOS Agreement No. 19-195 with Economic Development and Financing Corporation for economic recovery and resiliency plan services, decreasing the amount from $100,000 to $31,000, extending the termination date from March 31, 2021 to December 31, 2021; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: EDFC EDA Second Amendment
4o) Approval of Amendment to BOS Agreement 20-063 with LACO Associates to Provide Disaster Recovery Grant Research and Grant Writing Services, Increasing the Agreement from $100,000 to $185,000, Effective Upon Full Execution through June 30, 2021 Recommended Action: Approve amendment to BOS Agreement 20-063 with LACO Associates to provide disaster recovery grant research and grant writing services, increasing the Agreement from $100,000 to $185,000, effective upon full execution through June 30, 2021; and authorize Chair to sign same. LACO FY20-21 Amendment Agreement 20-63 Attachments:
4p) Approval of Amendment to BOS-19-018 with Mendocino County Resource Conservation District for Hazardous Tree Removal Project Management Services, Increasing the Agreement by $10,200 for a New Total of $851,100, Term Effective Upon Execution through March 15, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve amendment to BOS-19-018 with Mendocino County Resource Conservation District for hazardous tree removal project management services, increasing the agreement by $10,200 for a new total of $851,100, term effective upon execution through March 15, 2022; and authorize Chair to sign same. MCRCD Haz Tree Amendment Original Agreement Attachments:
4q) Adoption of Mendocino County's 2021 Legislative Platform Recommended Action: Adopt the Mendocino County 2021 Legislative Platform. Attachments: 2021 Draft Legislative Platform
4r) Approval of Amendment to BOS Agreement No. 18-079 with Clifton Larson Allen LLP, in the Amount of $147,300, for a New Total of $360,900 to Provide Fiscal Audit Services for an Additional 2-Year Term, from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023 Recommended Action: Approve Amendment to BOS Agreement No. 18-079 with Clifton Larson Allen LLP in the amount of $147,300, for a new total of $360,900 to provide Fiscal Audit Services for an additional 2-Year term, from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023; authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Amendment
Approved - There is a display in the Courthouse for the week created by the Victim Witness Unit
4s) Adoption of Proclamation Recognizing the Week of April 18-24, 2021 as Crime Victims’ Rights Week in Mendocino County Recommended Action: Adopt Proclamation recognizing the week of April 18-24, 2021, as Crime Victims' Rights Week in Mendocino County; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Proclamation
4t) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center in the Amount of $188,251 to Provide Coastal Emergency Winter Shelter Including Supplies for the Hospitality House Emergency Shelter to Prevent, Prepare For, and Respond To Coronavirus Among Individuals and Families Who Are Experiencing Homelessness in Mendocino County for the Period of January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Agreement with Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center in the amount of $188,251 to provide coastal emergency winter shelter including supplies for the Hospitality House emergency shelter to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus among individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness in Mendocino County for the period of January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Assistant Director or designee to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center, $188,251, 20-22, ACT HOMe Team, COVID-19 - Preliminary
4u) Approval of Agreement with Goldfarb and Lipman, LLP., in the Amount of $20,000 to Provide Legal Services, Such as Contract Negotiation, Associated with Capital Projects for Housing Development, Effective Upon Full Execution Through December 31, 2021 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Goldfarb and Lipman, LLP., in the amount of $20,000 to provide legal services, such as contract negotiation, associated with Capital projects for housing development, effective upon full execution through December 31, 2021; authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Assistant Director or designee to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Goldfarb and Lipman LLP, $20,000, 20-21, ACT - Preliminary April 20, 2021
4v) Approval of Retroactive Amendment to Agreement No. MH-20-013, PA No. 20-139 with National Alliance on Mental Illness in the Amount of $31,500 for a New Total of $61,250 for Mental Health Services Act Funded Programs in Mendocino County, Effective July 1, 2020 through a New End Date of June 30, 2021 (Original End Date December 31, 2020) Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Amendment to Agreement No. MH-20-013, PA No. 20-139 with National Alliance on Mental Illness in the amount of $31,500 for a new total of $61,250 for Mental Health Services Act funded programs in Mendocino County, effective July 1, 2020 through a new end date of June 30, 2021 (original end date December 31, 2020); authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Assistant Director/Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Director to sign any future amendments that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Amendment - National Alliance on Mental Illness, Amendment, $31,500 ($61,250), 20-21, BHRS MH - Preliminary National Alliance on Mental Illness of Mendocino County, $29,750, 20-21, BHRs MH, MH-20-013 Attachments: 4w) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Deaf Counseling Advocacy and Referral DBA Communique Interpreting in the Amount of $25,000 for the Provision of Sign Language Interpretation Services During Emergencies Such as the COVID-19 Pandemic, Effective January 1, 2021 Through June 30, 2021 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Agreement with Deaf Counseling Advocacy and Referral DBA Communique Interpreting in the amount of $25,000 for the provision of sign language interpretation services during emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic, effective January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2021; authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Assistant Director or designee to sign any future amendments that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Deaf Counseling Advocacy & Referral DBA Communique Interpreting, $25,000, 20-21, PH DOC, COVID - Preliminary
4x) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with North Coast Opportunities, Inc., in the Amount of $25,000 to Provide Meal and Personal Hygiene Supplies Delivery Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Effective January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2021 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Agreement with North Coast Opportunities, Inc., in the amount of $25,000 to provide meal and personal hygiene supplies delivery services during the COVID-19 pandemic, effective January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2021; authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Assistant Director/Public Health Director to sign future amendments to the Agreement that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: North Coast Opportunities, $25,000
4y) Approval of Agreement with Ford Street Project in the Amount of $103,680 to Provide Vocational Services for California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Participants, Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve the Agreement with Ford Street Project in the amount of $103,680 to provide vocational services for California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Participants, effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Assistant Director/Social Services Director or designee to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Ford Street, $103,680
4z) Approval of Amendment to Agreement No. BOS 21-031 with Mendocino County AIDS/Viral Hepatitis Network (MCAVHN) in the Amount of $16,000 for a New Total of $35,200 to Provide On-Site Case Management Support to High-Risk Homeless Individuals and Families Served Through Project Roomkey in the Inland Valley of Mendocino County During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Effective November 1, 2020 Through a New End Date of September 30, 2021 (Original End Date June 30, 2021) Recommended Action: Approve Amendment to Agreement No. BOS 21-031 with Mendocino County AIDS/Viral Hepatitis Network (MCAVHN) in the amount of $16,000 for a new total of $35,200 to provide on-site case management support to high-risk homeless individuals and families served through Project Roomkey in the inland valley of Mendocino County during the COVID-19 pandemic, effective November 1, 2020 through a new end date of September 30, 2021 (original end date June 30, 2021); authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Assistant Director to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that do not increase the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. MCAVHN amendment $16,000 (35,200) Mendocino County AIDS Viral Hepatitis Network, $19,200, HHSA ACT, 20-21, BOS 21-031 Attachments: HUMAN RESOURCES
4aa ) Adoption of Proclamation Recognizing April 18 - 24, 2021, as Volunteer Appreciation Week in Mendocino County Recommended Action: Adopt Proclamation recognizing April 18 - 24, 2021, as Volunteer Appreciation Week in Mendocino County; and authorize Chair to sign the same. Attachments: Volunteer Week Proclamation
4ab ) Adoption of Resolution Approving Amendment Number 15 to Board of Supervisors Agreement Number 04-049, Franchise Agreement Between the County of Mendocino and USA Waste of California, Inc., DBA Empire Waste Management for Solid Waste Collection Area Number Two (Fort Bragg and Ukiah Areas) Extending the Term of this Agreement to June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving Amendment Number 15 to Board of Supervisors Agreement Number 04-049, Franchise Agreement between the County of Mendocino and USA Waste of California, Inc., dba Empire Waste Management for Solid Waste Collection Area Number Two (Fort Bragg and Ukiah Areas) extending the term of this Agreement to June 30, 2022; and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution Amendment No. 15 Attachments:
4ac) Adoption of Resolution Approving Amendment Number 2 to Board of Supervisors Agreement Number 20-014/Department of Transportation Agreement Number 190028 with Wylatti Resource Management, Inc., for Leachate Monitoring and Hauling Services for Laytonville and Caspar Landfills, Increasing Contract Amount by $50,000 for a New Total Amount of $127,000 (Laytonville and Caspar Areas) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to Board of Supervisors Agreement Number 20-014/Department of Transportation Agreement Number 190028 with Wylatti Resource Management, Inc., for leachate monitoring and hauling services for Laytonville and Caspar Landfills, increasing contract amount by $50,000 for a new total amount of $127,000 (Laytonville and Caspar Areas); and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution Amendment No. 2 Attachments:
4ad ) Adoption of Resolution Ratifying the Grant Application for Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act Funds to Assist with Operational Expenses for Little River Airport and Authorizing the Director of Transportation to Accept the Grant, if Awarded, and Execute the Grant Agreement and Sign Any Other Necessary Related Documents on Behalf of Mendocino County (Little River Area) Recommended Action: Adopt resolution ratifying the grant application for Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act funds to assist with operational expenses for Little River Airport and authorizing the Director of Transportation to accept the grant, if awarded, and execute the grant agreement and sign any other necessary related documents on behalf of Mendocino County (Little River Area); and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution CA LLR - SF424 Signed Attachments: