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Weekly Update #22 - June 1, 2021

I was on vacation on Wednesday and Thursday and did not attend any meetings. I did of course respond to emails and have phone calls etc. The work never really stops, just changes location. As a reminder this is just a summary of things that I have been working on so that if you are interested in one of the items you can reach out and we can talk more. MulherenM@MendocinoCounty.Org My cell is 707-391-3664 .


Friday - Round 4 of the EDFC Interviews.  We still haven’t found who we were looking for. The new team approach needs the right third person so the hunt continues. I will keep you updated.

I also had a meeting about LAFCO Policies and Procedures Committee. The full LAFCO board needs to provide clear direction. Do we want to streamline the annexation process so that we can have orderly and logical development in our communities? Who will pay for it? There hasn't been new development in decades and all four cities lack housing. We have work to do. 

A lot of my day (weeks, months) of course included the Phase 3 discussion the BOS will have a special meeting tomorrow about the proposed ordinance. Here is a link to the agenda so you can catch up:

Another current topic is the “Super Agency HHSA Conversation”. This has not come to the Board yet but we know there have been initial meetings and a lot of opinions about dividing up Social Services, Behavioral Health and Public Health. Should it stay one, be three or two? What are your thoughts?

I had a fun meeting about a proposed use for the Streeterie. Some young folks would like to have a Senior Prom. It’s in the works. I’m sure I will be up past my bedtime! That's not Supervisor related I'm just excited to see the kids having a good time. 


Saturday - Have you been to the Ukiah Farmers Market? Did you know that the Farmers Market accepts EBT? Here is more from the McFarm website. All seven MCFARM markets accept EBT and WIC coupons. We also offer an EBT Market Match Program that doubles the spending power of EBT/CalFresh recipients. Market Match is the single most effective way to support local farms and make local food more affordable for low-income community members. The program successfully redirects the subsidies away from industrial food in supermarkets and corner stores to local farmers by giving EBT users an additional dollar for every dollar they spend at the market. 

Each market has an EBT machine, like a debit or credit card processor, and an EBT/CalFresh recipient may use their benefits by simply swiping their card, indicate how much they want to take out, and receive tokens to spend at the market. This doubles the amount of tokens a customer can spend at the market. For example, if a customer spends $15 in EBT funds, they're given an extra $15 ($30 total) in market tokens to spend on fruits and vegetables.


The Farmers Market is a great summer activity. Get out on a Saturday and enjoy the fresh air and meet your local vendors.



Sunday - Since this is not an official newsletter I would like to just share that I am having a Food Drive on Friday because its my Birthday! I am raising money through Facebook or you can send a check to Ukiah Food Bank 888 N State Street, Ukiah and put Mo’s Birthday in the memo. On Friday morning I will go around and pick up any bags or boxes on your porch and deliver them to the Food Bank. Why is this on Sunday? Because I was busy texting people asking if they want to participate. Want to help? Just text me at 707-391-3664


Monday - Of course Monday was the Memorial Day Holiday. I spent the day on Agenda prep. Here is a video of the virtual Memorial Day Celebration in Ukiah:


Tuesday - My morning started off with a Budget Discussion. Budget hearings start next week.

I had a meeting about RCS and the services that they provide in Mendocino County. It’s far better to have services locally for those that need mental health services. Have you ever had to travel out of town to visit a loved one in a mental health facility? Before I was a Supervisor I was not aware of how many places the County holds to secure beds for our mental health patients. We need more services locally. Keep following updates on the County website and my Facebook page for info.

I spent the day working on Proclamations for June. Normally I wouldn’t add this time to the newsletter but I just want you to know that Supervisors do want to acknowledge and observe different ways in our community to recognize all of the people that are doing good work in our community.

And of course I spent some time on reviewing Dr Coren meeting with the media last week and the  Planning Commission meeting. I spend a lot of my day studying and researching trying to hear from different people to make sure I have every perspective. 


Is there a subject you'd like to talk to me about? Please join me on Zoom. Thursday mornings at 7:15am

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