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Weekly Update #3 - 1/17/2021

January 17, 2021  Weekly Update #3


At the beginning of the pandemic I was really worried about making sure people had enough food; with reduced paychecks and not being in school to get lunches and snacks. I partnered with Lucky Grocery store to pick up their foods that they might have otherwise had to throw away. Which also speaks to my heart to reduce food waste. Every Monday and Thursday I continue to pick up the food and take it where it can be used best ie Plowshares, Ukiah Food Bank, Building Bridges Homeless Day Center


A lot of what you do as an elected official is try to figure out what is happening for your constituents so I worked with Barbara Moad to figure out if the Carl Moyer Grants have been distributed (they haven't so stay tuned)


Monday night was also the Ukiah Vecinos en Accion meeting which I attended. I think its important to be able to connect the dots between the County and our volunteer organizations like UVA. They did have some questions about the vaccines so I was glad that I was there to be able to answer them or to be able to seek answers. 



On Tuesday I volunteered to work at the City of Ukiah Vaccine Pop Up. They vaccinated close to 300 Ukiah Unified School District employees. Everyone had time slots in 15 minute increments. It went extremely well and every single staff member was 15 minute early and there was a 100% attendance record! 5 Gold Stars for every staff member!



On Wednesday I volunteered at the Vaccine Clinic at Carl Purdy Hall. On this day there were hundreds of people that were lined up in the rain to receive the vaccine. I helped inside to bring the nursing staff their equipment for vaccinating the people that had appointments. While it is a good thing that so many people wanted to receive the vaccine we certainly do not want our older residents standing in the rain to receive it. There needs to be an online registration system for members of the public, currently the appointments were made by the employers relevant to the tiers. The website is supposed to be up at the end of this week and will allow for online scheduling for County initiated vaccine clinics. Keeping in mind that the hospitals and clinic partners may have a different system for scheduling appointments. The County has a webpage now that will show you how many vaccines have been distributed


Building Bridges is the homeless day shelter and over night emergency shelter located at 1045 S State Street. Once a month they have a meeting with community partners that are serving the clients that are guests at B2. I attend those meetings one time per month (currently virtually). This month they discussed the quarantine due to active cases of Covid-19 in the shelter and the plans for reopening and best practices. The goal is to be able to get people in to showers and do their laundry and also make sure they protect the overnight shelter guests. They will have to rely on the partners to help with this to keep the shelter guests and the B2 staff safe. 


Building Bridges also hosts a meeting once per month for the community that is in the evening. This is the opportunity for residents, businesses and property owners to collaborate and come up with solutions to improve the neighborhood impact. The main topics were abandoned cars and how to pay to have them removed when guests can't afford to repair them. Also about making sure that regular trash pick ups occur throughout the neighborhood, the day of the month has not been decided but when I hear more I will share with you. I encourage those with complaints about the project to come to this meeting to work towards solutions or at least understanding on both sides. 


I was invited to be on the "Like it or Not Podcast". Carter Lane and Drew Nicoll started this podcast in 2020 and they invited me to come on and talk about my new role as a County Supervisor, homelessness and Covid. Here is the link if you'd like to check it out:





You can catch me every Thursday morning on Zoom at 7:15am 

The link is to my private Zoom room (see below) or visit the Facebook event by clicking on this image. 


This Thursday I was joined by two people and we spoke mostly about the Covid response and the vaccine roll out and a little bit about the Building Bridges Community Meeting. I'm happy to discuss whatever comes up, these are casual conversations with no planned agenda. Please feel free to attend! 


On Thursday I also attended the Economic Development and Finance Corporation, we appointed a new Executive Director. Phoenix Trent. I'm looking forward to collaboration and new energy for this organization. More to come!


This was also my first Inland Water Power Commission meeting. This was one of the few boards I had not served on as a council person so it will be interesting! I'm the alternate for this commission and looking forward to learning more about how the organization operates and the best path forward. 



On Friday I was back at the City Conference Center to hep with the registration for more of the UUSD staff members, as well as College employees. It was a beautiful day so people were able to sit outside and wait for their 15 minutes of observation time to be completed. 

It feels  great to be able to help get folks on the way back to some type of "normal" 



You may have not noticed my name on an Adopt A Highway sign but yes, I have a "Highway Baby". About four years ago someone had called me and said how terrible Highway 101 looked coming in to Ukiah and they asked "Why won't someone do something about it?" Well I found out that the quickest way to "do something about it" was to adopt the highway and clean it myself. I had five great volunteers come out and we physically distanced/masked and picked up litter. Thank you Brandy, Michelle, Janice, Stacy and Andrew. I will be posting the rest of the dates to my social media pages and website if you'd like to join in, just let me know!


My official County email address is:

and my cell is still 707-391-3664


Here’s to a successful week!


The Mo You Know



Here is my Zoom link for any meetings that are my personal meeting room: 

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