On Wednesday I went to my first in person CSAC Conference. This was the end of the "New Supervisors Institute. I guess I'm not allowed to say I'm new anymore! I'm looking forward to being engaged and active in the CSAC programs and networking with other elected officials across the State. We know that these relationships are critical for rural communities to make sure that we get the most out of our limited funds.
I sat on a CSAC Panel on leading during a pandemic with Supervisor Williams, CEO Angelo, Assistant CEO Angle and Social Services Director Emery. One of the most important things that I have learned from the pandemic is that we all have to lead together and provide as much information to our residents as possible. Its very interesting when you go back and look at your work in retrospect. I'm grateful to Supervisor Williams for allowing me to work with him on the Covid response. We are not done. Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Mendocino County, CA
I listened virtually to the CSAC meeting on Homelessness. There will be more Project Homekey money in the future and I asked the question on social media if there are people that have opinions about what kind of homeless housing would be a great opportunity for Mendocino County? What kind of population would you want to target first? Would there be codes of conduct or expectations? What locations would be appropriate whether that be a vacant lot or an existing building?
Ok check it off my "To-Do" list. I have now officially visited Bowling Ball Beach! It really is beautiful and such a "Mendo Thing to Do"
Of course on Sunday I was working on my Agenda prep but before that I took a run at Lake Mendocino and it was way too hot and smoky. Make sure you take care of yourself and stay inside if you can while the weather is rough. I'll take my own advice next time.
Sunday night was the last night of Sunday's in the Park. It was a little different with wearing masks and not having a dance floor, instead people were instructed to dance with their social bubbles. I'm grateful that Mendocino County Public Health was on site to provide testing and vaccines for anyone that wanted them. I believe they did at least 15 vaccines. The easier we can make it for people to get vaccinated and tested the better!
On Monday I had my Strategic Plan Meeting with the consultants. I was surprised at how much the subject of the culture of the agency came up. I really think its impartitive that the Board of Supervisors step up in to a leadership role and make sure that the team understands that we certainly are providing policy direction but we are also working along side them.
I just happened to listen in to the MCOG Meeting. Most County related meetings can be found on YouTube at Mendocino County Video. If you love meetings like me you might enjoy it!
I attended the VOAD Meeting. The main topics were assessing the need for getting drinking water to residents that need it, how to get help to the victims of the Oak Fire and being prepared for PSPS
Please note that correspondence received after 9am may not be included, and these are my notes from the meeting. Please check the County website for the official record.
August 17, 2021 - 9:00 AMBOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.)1a) Roll Call
All present
1b) Pledge of Allegiance
On Consent
3. PUBLIC EXPRESSION3a) Public Expression08-12-21 Dakin Correspondence08-12-21 Maglinte Correspondence08-13-21 Lumpkin and Talkovsky Correspondence08-12-21 Ayres Correspondence08-15-21 Gardner Correspondence08-16-21 Mullen Correspondence08-16-21 Underwood Correspondence08-14-21 Birger Correspondence08-14-21 Lieberknecht Correspondence08-16-21 Fielder Correspondence08-16-21 Mullen CorrespondenceAttachments:
This does not include items added after 9am (Please visit the website for all written comments: Mendocino County - File #: 21-0020 (
Covid: See summary, Hospital nearing capacity for ability to handle Covid patients. Mendocino County has a total of 18% available ICU beds across the whole County. Judson Howe from Adventist Health spoke about the peak capacity of Covid in our hospital system. Our hospital staff is fatigued. 85% of admissions are unvaccinated. Surgical cases have been restricted. Mr Howe encourages our community to please reconsider your thoughts on the vaccine to ease the strain on the hospital and the danger of having to delay surgeries for other individuals. Dr Coren says that there are more symptomatic children with Covid than in previous spikes. Vaccines are improving with 4,000 given in the last two weeks. Beyond the PH sites you can get the vaccine from your doctor or private pharmacies. Multiple agencies require vaccination status or submit to weekly testing. AH has about 95% vaccinated rate amongst doctors, and about 70-75% before mandate and that end date is the end of September. Vaccines offered at doctor appointments as well as in the Emergency Room if people are leaving.
Brentt Blaser - PSPS scheduled for this evening and tomorrow. PSPS planning map for customers (
Katrina Bartolomie - it seems as though there will be enough verified signatures for the referendum petition
Patrick Hickey - large vacancy rate in the County, bring back to a future agenda recruitment ideas and explanation of process
ITEMS RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL:MINUTES4a) Approval of Minutes of August 3, 2021 Regular MeetingRecommended Action:Approve minutes of the August 3, 2021 regular meeting.Attachments: 8-3-21 Minutes DRAFT
4b) Approval of Recommended Appointments/ReappointmentsRecommended Action:1. Stella Wells, Trustee, Mendocino-Little River Cemetery District;2. Miriam Mcnamara, Provider Representative, Child Care Planning Council; and3. Gina Danner, Representative of a Local Planning Agency for the Early Intervention Program; Policy Council on Children and Youth.Wells ApplicationMcnamara ApplicationDanner ApplicationAttachments:
BOARD OF SUPERVISORS4c) Adoption of Proclamation in Honor of the 101st Anniversary of the 19TH Amendment to the United States Constitution(Sponsor: Supervisor Mulheren)Recommended Action:Adopt Proclamation honoring the 101st Anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution; and authorize Chair to sign same.Attachments: Suffrage Womens Equality Proc 2021
Public celebration August 21, 2021 1-3 p on the Kelley House Lawn on Albion Street in Mendocino
4d) Adoption of Resolution Regarding A-87 Charges to the Library to Clarify Library Funds, Exemptions to A-87 Charges, and to Reconcile the Amount Owed and Create a Process to Ensure that Charges are Accurately Assessed Going Forward(Sponsors: Supervisor Gjerde, Supervisor Haschak, and Cultural Services Agency)Recommended Action:Adopt Resolution regarding A-87 charges to the Library to clarify Library funds, exemptions to A-87 charges, and to reconcile the amount owed to the Library and create a process to ensure that charges are accurately assessed going forward; and authorize Chair to sign same.Resolution[29016.1] Reso No. 16-015 re-A-87_1Attachments:
COUNTY COUNSEL4e) Approval of Agreement with the City of Ukiah For Shared Exercise of Land Use and California Building Code Authority on Mendocino County Assessor’s Parcel Number 178-210-01Recommended Action:Approve Agreement with the City of Ukiah for shared exercise of land use and California building code authority on Mendocino County Assessor's Parcel Number 178-210-01; and authorize Chair to sign same.Agreement for Shared Exercise of Land Use and California Building Code Authority8/16/21 Agreement - clean8/16/21 Agreement - Redline08-12-21 Longstreth Correspondence08-10-21 Lozano Correspondence08-15-21 Longstreth Correspondence08-16-21 Passalacqua, Mazzoni, Gladden, Lopez & Maraviglia Correspondence08-16-21 Cameron CorrespondenceAttachments:
EXECUTIVE OFFICE4f) Acceptance of The Board of Supervisors’ Prioritized Spend Regarding Projects for Strategically Investing One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds in the Amount of $19,631,432, and Authorize Assistant CEO to Prepare and Bring Forward the Necessary Contracts for Distribution of Funds for Non-County Agencies According to Attachment A, and Direct Auditor Controller to Increase Appropriations Based on Attachment BRecommended Action:Accept the approved Board of Supervisors' prioritized spend regarding projects for strategically investing one-time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) disaster settlement funds in the amount of $19,631,432, and authorize Assistant CEO to prepare and bring forward the necessary contracts for distribution of funds for non-county agencies according to Attachment A, and direct Auditor Controller to increase appropriations based on Attachment B.PG&E Disaster Settlement Funds Attachment B RevisedBoard of Supervisors Prioritized Spend PG&E Attachment A08-14-21 Pio Correspondence08-14-21 Taylor Correspondence08-15-21 Legrand Correspondence08-15-21 Raybee Correspondence08-15-21 Rosen Correspondence08-16-21 Boyle Correspondence08-16-21 DeWitt Correspondence08-16-21 Evans Correspondence08-16-21 Hummel Correspondence08-13-21 Riley Correspondence08-14-21 Hudson Correspondence08-16-21 de Grassi Correspondence08-16-21 Little Lake Fire Protection District Correspondence8-16-21 RVMAC Correspondence08-16-21 Berman Correspondence08-16-21 Kelly CorrespondenceAttachments:
Fire hydrants $950,000 will be applied for ARPA funds this will be added to the $9 million that went to rebuilding the water so it will be totaling about $10,000,000 in addition to the funds already collected and pending grants to a total of $22 million after the fires in 2017 in funds other than PG&E
$250,000 to Redwood Valley Grange to be added today, have the fire district association provide a list of how they would invest $1,000,000 across the County
4g) Adoption of Resolution Declaring the Continuation of a Local Emergency Related to the Multiple September 2020 Fires including; August Complex, Oak Fire and Hopkins Fire, as Proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and Declaring the Continuation of a Local Health Emergency as Proclaimed by the Health OfficerRecommended Action:Adopt Resolution declaring the continuation of a Local Emergency related to the Multiple September 2020 fires including; August Complex fire, Oak Fire and Hopkins fire as proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and declaring the continuation of a Local Health Emergency as proclaimed by the Health Officer; and authorize Chair to sign same.Attachments: Resolution
4h) Adoption of Resolution Declaring the Continuation of a Local Emergency Related to the October Wind Events and Corresponding Pacific Gas and Electric Public Safety Power Shutoff Events on October 23, 2019, October 26, 2019 and October 29, 2019, in Mendocino County as Proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency ServicesRecommended Action:Adopt Resolution declaring the continuation of a Local Emergency related to the October wind events and corresponding Pacific Gas and Electric Public Safety Power Shutoff Events on October 23, 2019, October 26, 2019, and October 29, 2019, in Mendocino County as declared by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services; and authorize Chair to sign same.Attachments: Resolution
4i) Adoption of a Resolution Renewing its Declaration of a Local Emergency and Extending the Existence of a Local Emergency Due to Drought Conditions and Imminent Threat of Disaster in Mendocino CountyRecommended Action:Adopt Resolution renewing its declaration of a local emergency and extending the existence of a local emergency due to drought conditions and imminent threat of disaster in Mendocino County; and authorize Chair to sign same.Attachments: Resolution
4j) Authorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to Establish Capital Improvement Projects to Complete the Replacement of HVAC Unit 3 at Jail Building 2 in the Amount of $45,000 and the Demolition and Removal of the Fire Damaged Day Reporting Modular Building in the Amount of $85,000 and Authorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to Act as Project Manager to Enter Contracts and Approve Change Orders for the Projects, Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20142Recommended Action:Authorize the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to establish a Capital Improvement projects to complete the replacement of HVAC Unit 3 at Jail Building 2 in the amount of $45,000 and the demolition and removal of the fire damaged Day Reporting modular building in the amount of $85,000 and authorize the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to act as project manager to enter contracts and approve change orders for the project, pursuant to Public Contract Code section 20142.
CULTURAL SERVICES AGENCY4k) Approval of Appropriation Transfer in the Amount of $47,529.23 from Communications, Fund 1205, Line Item 86-2060 to Equipment, Fund 1205, Line Item 86-4370 to Purchase Library Internet Technology Equipment; and Authorization of the Addition of Library Broadband Network Switch and Firewall and Security Appliance Paid by California State Library Grant Funds to the County Fixed AssetRecommended Action:Approve appropriation transfer in the amount of $47,529.23 from Communications, Fund 1205, Line Item 86-2060 to Equipment, Fund 1205, Line Item 86-4370 to purchase library internet technology equipment; and authorize the addition of library broadband network switch and firewall and security appliance paid by California State Library Grant Funds to the County Fixed Asset ListTransfer FormSwitch QuoteFirewall QuoteAttachments:Approved
INFORMATION SERVICES4l) Approval of Second Amendment to Agreement 21-001 with Nokia of America Corporation in the Amount of $7,372.72, for a New Total Contract Amount of $1,206,562.09, Related to the Acquisition of Network Upgrade Improvements and Related Services for the County Public Safety Microwave Radio Communications System and the Addition of Public Contract Code Terms and Bond Premium and Authorize the Information Services Division Manager to Act as Project Manager to Approve Change Orders for the Project, Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20142Recommended Action:Approve the second amendment to agreement 21-001 with Nokia of America Corporation in the amount of $7,372.72, for a new total contract amount of $1,206,562.09, related to the acquisition of network upgrade improvements and related services for the County Public Safety Microwave Radio Communications System and the addition of Public Contract Code terms and bond premium, authorize the Information Services Division manager to act as project manager to approve change orders for the project, pursuant to Public Contract Code section 20142; and authorize Chair to sign same.Nokia - 2nd Amendment to Microwave Phase II MPLS Replacement_Updated_County Signed_DO08-17-21 BOS Agenda - Staff Memo_MPLS 2nd AmendmentAttachments:
PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES4m) Acceptance of Informational Report Regarding the Issuance of Emergency Coastal Development Permit EM_2021-0004 (PG&E) to Remove 55 Trees Along the Fort Bragg 1101 12 Kilovolt (kV), Fort Bragg 1102 12 kV, and Gualala 111 12 kV Distribution LinesRecommended Action:Accept informational report regarding the issuance at emergency coastal development permit EM_2021-0004 (PG&E) to remove 55 trees along the Fort Bragg 1101 12 kilovolt (kV), Fort Bragg 1102 12 kV, and Gualala 111 12 kV distribution lines.1. EM 2021-0004 Permit2. EM_2021-0004 Combined Application MaterialsAttachments:Approved
4n) Acceptance of Informational Report Regarding the Issuance of Emergency Coastal Development Permit EM_2021-0005 (Mendocino Unified School District) to Install Four (4) Portable Classrooms and One (1) Portable ToiletRecommended Action:Accept the informational report regarding the issuance of Emergency Coastal Development Permit EM_2021-0005 (Mendocino Unified School District) to install four (4) portable classrooms and one (1) portable toilet.1. EM 2021-0005 Signed Permit2. EM_2021-0005 Combined AttachmentsAttachments:
4o) Acceptance of Informational Report Regarding the Issuance of Emergency Coastal Development Permit EM_2021-0006 (PG&E) to Remove 127 Trees along the Fort Bragg-Elk 60 Kilovolt (kV) Transmission LineRecommended Action:Accept the informational report regarding the issuance of Emergency Coastal Development Permit EM_2021-0006 (PG&E) to remove 127 trees along the Fort Bragg-Elk 60 Kilovolt (kV) Transmission Line.1. EM 2021-0006 Permit [Reduced]2. EM_2021-0006 Combined App MaterialsAttachments:
4p) Approval of the Department of Planning and Building Services Housing Element Annual Progress Report for 2020 to Facilitate Compliance with Housing and Community Development’s Annual Submittal RequirementsRecommended Action:Approve the Department of Planning and Building Services Housing Element Annual Progress Report for 2020 to facilitate compliance with Housing and Community Development's annual submittal requirements.Attachments: MendocinoCounty_2020APR_7.8_Redacted
SOCIAL SERVICES4q) Ratification of Submission of Grant Application and Approval of Revenue Agreement with Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency, Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention Program Allocation Round 2 in the Amount of $391,634, Effective Upon Full Execution through June 30, 2026Recommended Action:Ratify submission of Grant Application and approve revenue Agreement with Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency, Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention Program Allocation Round 2 in the amount of $391,634, effective upon full execution through June 30, 2026; authorize Social Services Director or designee to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that do not exceed the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same.Attachments: Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency, $391,634
4r) Ratification of Submission of Grant Application and Approval of Revenue Agreement with Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency, Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention Program Allocation Round 2 in the Amount of $437,551, Effective Upon Full Execution through June 30, 2026, with Mendocino County as the Administrative Entity for the Mendocino County Homeless Services Continuum of Care (CA-509)Recommended Action:Ratify submission of Grant Application and approve revenue Agreement with Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency, Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention Program Allocation Round 2 in the amount of $437,551, effective upon full execution through June 30, 2026, with Mendocino County as the administrative entity for the Mendocino County Homeless Services Continuum of Care (CA-509); authorize Social Services Director or designee to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that do not exceed the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same.Attachments: Business Consumer Services, and Housing Agency, $437,551
TRANSPORTATION4s) Approval of Funding Storm Water Infrastructure Improvements Required by the Statewide Trash Provisions, in the Amount of $1,300,000, from American Rescue Plan Act Funds (Ukiah and Fort Bragg Areas)Recommended Action:Approve funding storm water infrastructure improvements required by the Statewide Trash Provisions, in the amount of $1,300,000, from American Rescue Plan Act funds (Ukiah and Fort Bragg Areas)Fort Bragg MS4 Priority Land Use & Planned Full Trash Capture Device Locations MapSouth Ukiah MS4 Priority Land Use & Planned Full Trash Capture Device Locations MapNorth Ukiah MS4 Priority Land Use & Planned Full Trash Capture Device Locations MapAttachments:Approved
TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR4t) Approval to Discharge from Accountability the Attached List of Cases Comprised of Delinquent Fines, Fees, Restitution, and Assessments Determined to be Non-Collectible Due to Age of Debt, Debtor Inability to Pay, or Lack of Information Available to Locate Debtor and/or Where the Cost of Recovery Exceeds That of CollectionRecommended Action:Approve the discharge of accountability, for the attached list of cases comprised of delinquent fines, fees, restitution, and assessments determined to be non-collectible due to age of debt, debtor inability to pay, or lack of identifying information and/or where the cost of recovery exceeds that of collection.Attachments: Write Offs_FY 2021
4u) Approval of Retroactive Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Mendocino and State of California Franchise Tax Board for the Collection of Court-Ordered Debt, Extending the Term of the Agreement through November 30, 2023.Recommended Action:Approve retroactive Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Mendocino and State of California Franchise Tax Board for the collection of court-ordered debt, extending the term of the Agreement through November 30, 2023; and authorize Chair to sign same.Attachments: Agreement
5. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICE AND DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS5a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Appointment of an Ad Hoc Committee Regarding Responses to the 2021-2022 Grand Jury Report(Sponsor: County Counsel)Recommended Action:Appoint an Ad Hoc Committee regarding responses to the 2021-2022 Grand Jury report.Attachments: Report-Mendocino County's Trailing Information Technology
IT Ad Hoc will take the IT Grand Jury report
Haschak and Mulheren will do the housing and homeless grand jury reports
5b) Noticed Public Hearing- Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Authorizing an Application and Adopting the PLHA (Permanent Local Housing Allocation) Plan for the Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program in the Amount $2,099,753 to Fund Renovations, Operating Subsidies, and Case Management Services at Live Oak Apartments (Sponsor: Executive Office)Recommended Action:Adopt resolution authorizing an application and adopting the PLHA (Permanent Local Housing Allocation) Plan for the Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program in the amount $2,099,753 to fund renovations, operating subsidies, and case management services at Live Oak Apartments; and authorize Chair to sign sameResolutionMCEO Affidavit 6597667PLHA Plan WorkbookPLHA Plan ApplicationAttachments:
Approve, it is so important for this work to continue. I'm very proud of Megan Van Sant and her team for all of their successes. Project Homekey Mendocino –
5c) Discussion and Possible Action to Waive Boards and Commissions Residency and Voter Registration Requirement and Appoint Melissa Nole as a Public Agency Representative to the Child Care Planning Council(Sponsor: Social Services)Recommended Action:Waive Mendocino County residency and voter requirement for appointments to Boards and Commissions; and appoint Melissa Nole as a Public Agency Representative to the Child Care Planning Council.Attachments: Nole ApplicationPulled by the department
5d) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of a Resolution Establishing and Setting the Time and Place for Conducting Business of a Cannabis Standing Committee(Sponsor: County Counsel)Recommended Action:Staff does not have a recommended motion, but has prepared a resolution that the Board may use to establish a Cannabis Standing Committee.Resolution
8-16-21 MCA CorrespondenceAttachments:
"We are about to face some very challenging questions about how to move the industry forward and I believe this needs to be done by the full board in an open and transparent way. In regards to the details of the program we have a competent leader in Kristin Nevedal and I believe we all need to step back and let her do her job. We do not need a cannabis standing committee at this time."
Does not need to be brought back until there are two Supervisors that want to put it on the agenda
5e) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Retroactive Cooperative Service Agreement (CSA) with the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS), and Wildlife Services (WS), in the Amount of $189,556 to Provide a Work and Financial Plan for the Mendocino County Integrated Wildlife Damage Management Program, for the Period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022(Sponsor: Agriculture)Recommended Action:Approve Retroactive Cooperative Service Agreement (CSA) with the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, and Wildlife Services, in the amount of $189,556 to provide a work and financial plan for the Mendocino County Integrated Wildlife Damage Management Program for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; and authorize Chair to sign same.5 Year Agreementagreement for signing 21.22USDA-APHIS 21-22 Signed08-13-21 Eagle Correspondence08-13-21 Lumpkin and Talkovsky Correspondence08-13-21 Stern Correspondence08-13-21 Wentworth Correspondence08-12-21 Ratcliff Correspondence08-12-21 Van Zee Correspondence08-13-21 Becker Correspondence08-13-21 Charkowski Correspondence08-14-21 Barkovich Correspondence08-14-21 Bush Correspondence08-14-21 Komer Correspondence08-14-21 Mendocino Blacktail Deer Association Correspondence08-14-21 Stanford Correspondence08-14-21 Thompson Correspondence08-15-21 Bradford Correspondence08-15-21 Ettelson Correspondence08-15-21 Ferretta Correspondence08-15-21 Paltin Correspondence08-15-21 Lipmanson Correspondence08-13-21 Aum Correspondence08-13-21 De Cecco Correspondence08-14-21 Bancroft Correspondence08-16-21 Spitz Correspondence08-16-21 West Correspondence08-16-21 Bradley Correspondence08-16-21 Kelly CorrespondenceAttachments:
Issue a 90 day notice to terminate contract
Supervisors Haschak and McGourty to work on next steps, including use of the EIR that already exists to create an alternative service
5f) Discussion and Possible Action Including Interviews with Applicants and Possible Appointments to the Mendocino County Community-Based Advisory Redistricting Commission (Sponsors: Executive Office and County Counsel)Recommended Action:Make appointments to the Mendocino County community-based Advisory Redistricting Commission.Paula CohenKyle FarmerDeanne PallesenJanie SheppardMary ZiadyBrian Leigh KlovskiClyde Peter McNameeJavier ChavezAttachments:
McGourty - Farmer
Gjerde - Cohen
Mulheren - Pallesen
Williams - Cohen
Haschak - Ziady
Motion included Klovski as an alternate to the five member board
5g) Chief Executive Officer's Report (Sponsor: Executive Office)Recommended Action:Accept the Chief Executive Officer's report.Attachments: CEO Report 8-17-21 Edition
Welcome to Judy Morris, who will be working on the Legislative Platform and is a Deputy CEO
Code Enforcement will come back with data and send some info to Supervisor Williams
5h) Discussion and Possible Action Including Review, Adoption, Amendment, Consideration or Ratification of Legislation Pursuant to the Adopted Legislative Platform(Sponsor: Executive Office)Recommended Action:Provide direction to staff on matters of legislation.
Combined with CEO Report
6. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND MISCELLANEOUS6a) Discussion and Possible Action Including an Update Regarding Emergency Early Warning Alerts and Options Associated with the Provision of Emergency Services Operations in Mendocino County, Including Potential Collaborations with Other Affiliated Agencies (Continued from August 3, 2021)(Sponsors: Supervisor Mulheren and Supervisor Williams)Recommended Action:Receive update from the Ad Hoc Committee, comments from various stakeholders, and direct the Chief Executive Officer to explore options associated with the provision of emergency services, including Early Warning Alerts, and present findings to the Board of Supervisors at a future meeting.
McGourty - we need to look at how does the drought fit in to Office of Emergency Services
6b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to County Staff to Continue Work On Necessary Steps to Implement the County Service Area 3 Benefit Zone Pilot Program for the Sherwood Road Area, Determine and Designate an Appropriate Department for Oversight, Approve and Authorize Expenditure of Designated Funds in the Planning and Building Budget for Contracting up to $15,000 and Acknowledge Land Improvement Budget Unit 1910 Has Expended $20,000 in Staff Effort to Date and Anticipates That an Additional $20,000 to $40,000 in Staff Effort Will Be Required to Complete This Process for a Total Estimated Cost Of $60,000 (Sherwood Road Area) (Continued from August 3, 2021)(Sponsors: Supervisor Gjerde, Supervisor Haschak and Transportation)Recommended Action:Direct staff to continue working on necessary steps to implement the County Service Area 3 Benefit Zone Pilot Program for the Sherwood Road area, determine and designate an appropriate department for oversight, approve and authorize expenditure of designated funds in the Planning and Building budget for contracting up to $15,000 and acknowledge Land Improvement Budget Unit 1910 has expended $20,000 in staff effort to date and anticipates that an additional $20,000 to $40,000 in staff effort will be required to complete this process for a total estimated cost of $60,000 (Sherwood Road Area).2020-12-07 NRCM Benefit Zone Map January 25,2021, MeetingSFC Improved & Unimproved Lots Boundary Benefit Zone Map August 3, 2021, Meeting08-02-21 Local Agency Formation Commission Correspondence08-03-21 Local Agency Formation Commission CorrespondenceAttachments:
Issues raised by LAFCO do not need to delay the process. Haschak and Gjerde will also work on a second access the eastern side of the Ukiah Valley
6c) Supervisors’ Reports Regarding Board Special Assignments, Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Meetings, and Other Items of General Interest
7. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MATTERSThe Mendocino County Board of Supervisors meets concurrently as the Board of Directors of the: In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Governing Board; Mendocino County Air Quality Management District; Mendocino County Public Facilities Corporation; and the Mendocino County Water Agency
8. MODIFICATIONS TO AGENDAItems added to the agenda subsequent to agenda publication, up to 72 hours in advance of the meeting, pursuant to Government Code section 54954.
9. CLOSED SESSIONAny public reports of action taken in the closed session will be made in accordance with Government Code sections 54957.1.9a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 - Conference with Labor Negotiator - Agency Negotiators: Carmel J. Angelo, Cherie Johnson and William Schurtz; Employee Organization(s): All
Direction given to staff
9b) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 - Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Ag Commissioner
9c) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Initiation of Litigation: One Case
9d) Pursuant to Government Code 54957 - Threat to Public Services or Facilities - Consultation with Heather Correll Rose
Direction given to staff
9e) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: One Case - Ezekial Flatten, et al v. Bruce Smith, et al. - Case No. 21CV00588
Direction given to staff9f) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: One Case - Mendocino County Sheriff Matthew Kendall v. Mendocino County Board of Supervisors - Case No. 21-cv00561