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Weekly Update #34 August 24, 2021

Hey! It’s The Mo You Know, and its Tuesday! Here is my weekly update. This is not a comprehensive list of all of the meetings that I attend but a summary so that you can contact me if you are interested in a particular subject. I have a regular zoom meeting every Thursday from 7:15-7:45a that you are welcome to join: Meeting ID 7079548230 Password LOCAL707  My email is MulherenM@MendocinoCounty.Org and my cell phone is 707-391-3664


On Wednesday morning I went to a Fire Safe Council Demonstration on Lake Ridge Road. They are working with the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians to offer a program to create defensible space for Seniors and Disabled Individuals. They have the videos they are creating on their website.

I also attended my first Department Head Meeting. We talked about ways to make the Agenda more user friendly. Unfortunately the way that the Granicus system on the website that Agenda Summary does not show easily on the agenda. A lot of the pertinent information for an agenda item is in the Agenda Summary such as the history of the item and the budget implications. The Clerk of the Board Staff is working with Granicus to get a new tab labeled “Agenda packet” that will put the whole agenda in sequential order and make it much easier to read all of the documents while still having tabs that folks interested in a specific item could review. 

We are also looking at ways to increase recruitment and retention of County employees.  I’m working on a slideshow that can be played on the TVs in the hallway at 501 as well as during breaks of the Supe meetings. 

I also had a meeting about possible mental health outcome data. A lot of community members want to learn more about the progress of mental health services in our community. You can see some things on the County website for Measure B but there is more to do. 

The Russian River Confluence Working Group had a meeting about procedures and contract obligations and expectations. More to come on this one. And if anyone in Mendocino County is interested in participating please call me! 

I also had a meeting with some folks about the Cannabis Sunset Zones. We all know that the cannabis ordinance isn’t working out as planned. There are a lot of question marks about what happens next. 


Of course we had a regular Coffee and Conversation meeting. We talked about employee recruitment and retention. How do you think the County can improve attraction to potential employees? 

Mendocino Business and Government Leaders Meeting - PSPS for this week should be over, 6 fires are burning across McGuire's District, we are in a drought. Rancho hospitals at capacity and the system is getting stressed. 35 people in our hospital, 3 out of County. County trying to increase capacity by finding alternate ways to help mentally ill patients. If businesses need to get tests they can go to and select Antigen + PCR Binax Now. CDPH just issued new event guidelines. 

The budget is a concern for the MSWA. Mendo Recycle is a valuable program to our communities but the constantly changing regulations and Covid issues have caused some budget concerns. The ad hoc is trying to work on solutions. 

I listened in to the Equity Grant Workshop for Cannabis. Please if you know anyone in the industry that is unable to afford the permitting process please tell them to reach out to to see if they can help. 


I attended the DFC Coalition Meeting. The Youth are working on their next mural and a plan to bring the banning of whippits to the City Council. Did you see the article?

I listened in on the State Water Board Curtailment Workshop And had a meeting with the Chief of the Ukiah Vally Fire Authority about EMS and the recent study that the City of Ukiah purchased. Unfortunately its not yet complete but might still provide valuable information for a potential JPA 


On Saturday I attended the Women's Right to Vote Celebration at the Kelley House. I delivered four proclamations on behalf of the Board of Supervisors. One for Women’s History Month and the 101 Anniversary of the Women’s Right to Vote. One for Juneteenth and for African American/Black History Month. It was a beautiful day and a safe outdoor event. I’m very grateful I could attend. 


On Sunday afternoon I had a meeting about Mental Health issues within a family. I heard from a parent about the challenges of dealing with an adult child in the mental health system. I hope to be able to share more of her ideas with you soon, when she is ready. 

I also attended a community opening of the Solar Living Institute. I reminisced about the controversy of the trees growing through the cars. I remember being in junior high or high school. I just don’t remember why people were so upset about it. 


And on Monday in addition to various other tasks I listened in to the State Redistricting Input meeting for the North Coast.


The Board had a special meeting regarding the drought today. 

Board of Supervisors Special Meeting 8/24/21

1. OPEN SESSION (1:00 P.M.)

1a) Roll Call

1b) Pledge of Allegiance


2a) Public Expression 08-22-21 Ettelson Correspondence 08-24-21 Naal Correspondence Attachments:


3a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Grant Application, Acceptance and Execution of Agreements by the Department of Transportation Water Agency Division for the Mendocino County Community Water Supply Replacement Project and to Advertise for Bids and Award Contracts to Implement Said Project at an Initial Estimated Cost of $3,840,000 (Countywide) And Grant Matching Funds to be Allocated From PG&E Settlement Funds to Disaster Recovery Budget Unit 2910 (Sponsor: Water Agency) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing the grant application, acceptance and execution of agreements by the Department of Transportation Water Agency Division for the Mendocino County Community Water Supply Replacement Project and to advertise for bids and award contracts to implement said Project at an initial estimated cost of $3,840,000 (Countywide) and grant matching funds to be allocated from PG&E Settlement Funds to Disaster Recovery Budget Unit 2910; and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution Drought Attachment A 08-23-21 Berman Correspondence 08-21-21 Bowers Correspondence 08-22-21 Caldwell Correspondence 08-23-21 L Barra Correspondence 08-24-21 C Barra Correspondence 08-24-21 Frey Correspondence 08-24-21 Clark - RVMAC Correspondence 08-24-21 Gaska Correspondence Attachments: 

4a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Presentation Regarding Increasingly Dire Drought Conditions and Abrupt Loss of Coastal Water Sale to Haulers; and Direction to Staff to Allocate Budget for Immediate Assistance Including the Implementation of a Water Hauling Assistance Program, Structured for Best Success in Future Reimbursement from State and Federal Partners (Sponsor: Supervisor Williams)

Recommended Action: Accept presentation regarding increasingly dire drought conditions and abrupt loss of coastal water sale to haulers; and direct staff to allocate budget for immediate assistance including the implementation of a water hauling assistance program, structured for best success in future reimbursement from State and Federal partners. 08-21-21 Bowers Correspondence 08-23-21 Fugman Correspondence 08-23-21 Mullen Correspondence 08-23-21 Potter Valley Community Unified School District Correspondence 08-21-21 Artists’ Co-op of Mendocino Correspondence 08-24-21 Potenza Correspondence 08-24-21 Shattuck Correspondence Attachments:

Items 3A and 4A combined 


Add motion to allow the Incident Commander (Howard Dashiell) to waive the competitive bidding process to allow for emergency water hauling due to County drought emergency allowing up to $1. 5 million to be spent on water hauling needs until a Grant can be applied for and funded

Please make sure that you report your dry well to the State. This helps us receive grant funds. Here is the link:

5. CLOSED SESSION Any public reports of action taken in the closed session will be made in accordance with Government Code sections 54957.1.

5a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: One Case - Mendocino County Sheriff Matthew Kendall v. Mendocino County Board of Supervisors - Case No. 21-cv00561 

Direction given to staff


After the BOS meeting I went for the first “Tidy Tuesday” of the new “Litter League”. Only one other person showed up so thankfully the Ukiah Lions cheerleaders grabbed some bags and pickers and helped out as well!

More of these events to come make sure you follow me on Facebook at @ Mo4Mendo

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