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Weekly Update #50 December 14, 2021

Hello Mendo!!

I am Mo. The Second District Supervisor for Mendocino County.

Each week I use the internet to provide you an update of what I am working on, this is not an exhaustive list rather an opportunity for you to comment or ask questions about a particular topic that may interest you and catch a glimpse of how one of the five Supervisors works on a variety of topics during any given week. I post this to my website at MaureenMulheren.Com, on Facebook and I would be happy to email it to you directly to your inbox. Please just let me know by emailing me at MulherenM@MendocinoCounty.Org and put "Add to email" in the subject line.

On Wednesday I attended the High Performance Organization Meeting. One of the Principles of Office of the Board of Supervisors is to "Be responsible for professional growth by participating in educational conferences, workshops, and training sessions offered by local and State organizations." Its really important to me that me to educate myself to work to improve my leadership skills and that of our organization. 

At our MTA meeting I asked about adding an additional bus to Sonoma County, the Team assures me that as soon as there is enough staff they will be bringing back as many routes as possible. 

Every Thursday morning I start my day with something that I call Coffee and Conversation. This is a 30 minute Zoom meeting so that people can come and talk to me and share their thoughts on County issues. You are welcome to join my Zoom Meeting ID is 7079548230 and Password LOCAL707

Each month the Parks Ad Hoc meets, this month we were discussing how we could partner with other agencies or non-profits for maintenance and what the future budget might look like. 

The EDFC Board Meeting met and discussed their loan portfolio and introduced their new team member Stacey Caico. There have been a lot of changes with EDFC and the team, Robert Gernert is doing quite well with the loan portfolio and I'm personally excited to have Stacey on board. 

As Supervisor McGourty was traveling and I am the alternate I attended the IWPC Closed Session on Thursday evening. 

Friday morning I had the opportunity to Volunteer at the Vaccine Clinic at the Fairgrounds. Someone mentioned to me that there wasn't enough publicity about where to get a vaccine. You can use MyTurn.Gov and of course visit the County Website at WWW.MendocinoCounty.Org and hit COVID at the top to find the vaccine clinics and testing opportunities 

Friday afternoon I went to the MCAFD & Ad Hoc meeting at the fire house in Anderson Valley, we discussed future funding opportunities and the upcoming budget item for equipment purchased with the PG&E Funds

In case you missed it Santa came to town on Saturday!! I attended Santa and Sirens at City Hall with my daughter Kasie and granddaughter, Teagan. I'll let you in on a secret my Dad, Jim Mulheren, was playing Santa. It was so fun to see the children's faces to see Santa and hear the sirens on the Ukiah Police vehicles and Fire engines. 

Monday 12/13/21

General Government Standing Committee Outcomes


Committee Members: Supervisor Mulheren and Supervisor Williams

1) Call To Order 

2) Committee Action Items

2a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Staff Regarding 1) Define Directives; 2) Prioritize Directives; and 3) Review of Existing Directives Issued by the Board of Supervisors (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: n Direct staff regarding 1) definition of directives; 2) prioritizing directives; and 3) review existing directives issued by the Board of Supervisors.

Clarify that Board members need to work in public with staff if they have questions or concerns about directives and not go directly to departments 

Keep updates as a priority by adding them to Department Head review, and review during Board meetings on the CEO Report 

How can we increase efficiencies by using a different software system 

Individual departments need to update each item, bring it back in January 

2b) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Request for Direction to Staff on the Consideration of the Review and Update of All County Social Media Use Policies and County Social Media Handbooks (Sponsors: County Counsel and Executive Office) Recommended Action: Provide direction to staff on the consideration of the review and update of all County Social Media Use policies and County Social Media Handbooks.

Provide direction to bring back use on a department basis for further review 

2c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction Regarding the Development of the Mendocino County’s 2022 Legislative Platform Recommended Action: Provide direction to staff regarding the development of Mendocino County's 2022 Legislative Platform.

Direction given to staff to bring back the updates discussed during the meeting, if the public can provide red line updates in advance of the meeting before the full Board in January 

Add any additional technology aspects to the broadband policy 

3) Other Business

3a) Approval of Minutes of August 9, 2021 General Government Committee Meeting Recommended Action: Approve Minutes of August 9, 2021 General Government Committee Meeting.

3b) Public Expression

3c) Announcements

3d) Matters from Staff Adjournment

In the afternoon I attended the First 5 hybrid meeting virtually. One exciting announcement is that they have moved forward with a communications plan to reach more parents of children 0-5 to tell them about the work that they do. 

The rest of the afternoon and evening were spent trying to get to the bottom of the maskless riots that were happening in local businesses over the weekend. I have no idea why people chose to do this, the mask mandates are not the "fault" of the businesses and they are meant to keep everyone safe. On Wednesday the State of California will go back to masking indoors in all Counties. No one likes wearing masks but consistency across the State will make it easier for everyone to follow the rules. 

December 14, 2021 


1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.)

1a) Roll Call

1b) Pledge of Allegiance



3a) Public Expression



4a) Approval of Transmission of Letter of Support for SB 307 (McGuire), Prohibiting and State Funding for a “Coal Train” through Mendocino County and North Coast (Sponsors: Supervisor Haschak and Supervisor Mulheren) Recommended Action: Approve transmission of letter of support for SB 307 (McGuire), prohibiting and State Funding for a "Coal Train" through Mendocino County and North Coast; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Letter


4b) Approval to Allocate Staff Time to Assist with Grant Writing for the Development of Grant Projects for Emergency Egress Routes in the Ukiah East Hills Neighborhood in Mendocino County (Sponsor: Supervisor McGourty) Recommended Action: Approve allocation of staff time to assist with grant writing for the development of grant projects for Emergency Egress Routes in the Ukiah East Hills neighborhood in Mendocino County. 


4c) Approval of Employment Agreement Between the County of Mendocino and Christian M. Curtis to Serve as County Counsel for the Term of August 9, 2020 through August 8, 2024, Including Compensation Effective December 26, 2021 in the Amount of One Hundred Ninety-two T h o u s a n d F o u r H u n d r e d a n d T h i r t y - S i x D o l l a r s ($192,436.00)/Annually (Sponsor: Supervisor Gjerde) Recommended Action: Approve Employment Agreement between the County of Mendocino and Christian M. Curtis to serve as County Counsel for the term of August 9, 2020 through August 8, 2024, including compensation effective December 26, 2021, in the amount of One Hundred Ninety-two Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-Six Dollars ($192,436.00)/annually; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Curtis - County Counsel Employment Agreement 



4d) Approval of Agreement with Redwood Valley Calpella Fire District in the Amount of $500,000 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds to Purchase a Type 3 Wildland Truck, Effective Upon Full Execution through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Redwood Valley Calpella Fire District in the amount of $500,000 from one-time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds to purchase a Type 3 Wildland Truck, effective upon full execution through June 30, 2022; authorize the Assistant Chief Executive Officer to sign amendments that do not increase the total contracted amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Redwood Valley-Calpella Fire District, $500,000


4e) Approval of Agreement with Ukiah Valley Fire District in the Amount of $143,128.95 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds to Purchase Transport Emergency Medical Services Equipment and Supplies, Effective Upon Full Execution through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Ukiah Valley Fire District in the amount of $143,128.95 from one-time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds to purchase transport Emergency Medical Services Equipment and Supplies, effective upon full execution through June 30, 2022; authorize the Assistant Chief Executive Officer to sign amendments that do not increase the total contracted amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Ukiah Valley Fire District, $143,128.95, 21-22, EO - Preliminary


4f) Approval of Request by Redwood Valley-Calpella Fire District to Reallocate $1,000,000 of One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds, Previously Approved by the Board of Supervisors for Purchase of a Type 1 Structure Fire Truck, Towards Purchase and Outfitting of Three Fire Engines Recommended Action: Approve request by Redwood Valley-Calpella Fire District to Reallocate $1,000,000 of One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds, Previously Approved by the Board of Supervisors for Purchase of a Type 1 Structure Fire Truck, Towards Purchase and Outfitting of Three Fire Engines Outfitting Cost Details Redwood Valley-Calpella Fire District Amended Proposal Attachments: 


4g) Approval of Agreement with Granicus, Inc. in an Amount Not to Exceed $176,597.29 for Government Transparency Technology Solutions Services for the Term of December 24, 2021 through December 23, 2024 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Granicus in an amount not to exceed $176,597.29 for Government Transparency Technology Solutions Services for the term of December 24, 2021 through December 23, 2024; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Granicus Agreement 21-24 w Terms and Conditions(1)



4h) Approval of Publication of Mendocino County Library 2020-2021 Annual Report Recommended Action: Approve publication of Mendocino County Library 2020-2021 Annual Report. Attachments: Mendocino County Library Annual Report_20-21



4i) Approval of Agreement with Nichols Melburg & Rossetto Architects in the Amount of $154,824 to Provide County Wide Space Needs and Facility Assessment and Planning Services Effective Upon Execution through March 31, 2023 Recommended Action: Approve agreement with Nichols Melburg & Rossetto Architects in the amount of $154,824 to provide county wide space needs and facility assessment and planning services effective upon execution through March 31, 2023; and authorize Chair to sign same. BOS NMR Space Needs Assessment - signed RFP 35-21 Countywide Space Needs Attachments:


4j) Approval of Retroactive Change Order No. 2 to Board of Supervisors Contract 21-042 with ACGC, Inc. in the Amount of $3,359.49 for a Revised Total Agreement Amount of $308,492.49 and an Extension of Contract Time through November 19, 2021 to Add Asphalt Repairs and to Allow for Use of the Building as an Alternate Care Site Prior to Completion for the Regional Behavioral Health Training Center at 8207 East Road in Redwood Valley Recommended Action: Approve Retroactive Change Order No. 2 to Board of Supervisors Contract 21-042 with ACGC, Inc. in the amount of $3,359.49 for a revised total agreement amount of $308,492.49 and an extension of contract time through November 19, 2021 to add asphalt repairs and to allow for use of the building as an alternate care site prior to completion for the Regional Behavioral Health Training Center Project at 8207 East Road in Redwood Valley. Attachments: ACGC Change Order No. 2 Manager Signed


4k) Authorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to Establish a Capital Improvement Project to Complete Water Heater Replacement at Juvenile Hall, 585 Low Gap Road, Ukiah in the Amount of $10,000 and Authorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to Act as Project Manager to Enter Contracts and Approve Change Orders for the Projects, Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20142 Recommended Action: Authorize the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to establish a Capital Improvement project to complete the water heater replacement at Juvenile Hall, 585 Low Gap Road, Ukiah in the amount of $10,000 and authorize the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to act as project manager to enter contracts and approve change orders for the project, pursuant to Public Contract Code section 20142.



4l) Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Salary Revision of Cartographer Planner from Salary No. 2569 to Salary No. 3167 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing Salary Revision of Cartographer Planner from Salary No. 2569 to Salary No. 3167; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 12.14.21 HR #21-1358 Salary Revision Cartographer Planner RESO.docx 


4m) Approval of Agreement with Granular Insurance in the Estimated Amount of $1,582,000 to Provide a Stop-Loss Reinsurance Policy, Which Includes Specific Excess Loss and Aggregate Excess Loss Insurance Coverage for the County’s Self-Funded Health Plan for the Period of January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Granular Insurance in the estimated amount of $1,582,000 to provide a Stop-Loss Reinsurance Policy, which includes Specific Excess Loss and Aggregate Excess Loss Insurance Coverage for the County's Self-Funded Health Plan for the period of January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Granular Stop Loss Agreement 01-01-22_BOS


4n) Adoption of Resolution Amending Position Allocation Table as Follows: Cannabis Program Budget Unit 2810, Add 1.0 FTE Cannabis Program Manager; 1.0 FTE Senior Planner; 6.0 FTE Planner II; 1.0 FTE Cartographer Planner; 1.0 FTE Department Analyst II; 1.0 FTE Office Services Supervisor; 1.0 FTE Administrative Assistant; 1.0 FTE Staff Assistant III Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution Amending Position Allocation Table as Follows: Cannabis Program Budget Unit 2810, Add 1.0 FTE Cannabis Program Manager; 1.0 FTE Senior Planner; 6.0 FTE Planner II; 1.0 FTE Cartographer Planner; 1.0 FTE Department Analyst II; 1.0 FTE Office Services Supervisor; 1.0 FTE Administrative Assistant; 1.0 FTE Staff Assistant III; and authorize Chair to sign same. 12.14.21 #21-1359 HR Amend PAT Cannabis Budget Unit 2810 - Org Chart.docx.pptx 12.14.21 HR #21-1359 Amend PAT Cannabis Budget Unit 2810 Reso Attachments:


4o) Approval of Agreement with CPS HR Consulting in the Amount of $160,000.00 for an Agreement Term of December 14, 2021 through June 30, 2023, to Conduct Classification Studies Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with CPS HR Consulting in the amount of $160,000.00 for an agreement term of December 14, 2021 through June 30, 2023, to Conduct Classification Studies; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 12.14.21 HR #21-1370 CPS On-call Classification and Compensation Services AG.pdf



4p) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Edward Berry Jr. in the Amount of $2,000 to Provide Marijuana Disposal Services for the Period of July 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 Recommended Action: Approve Retroactive Agreement with Edward Berry Jr. in the amount of $2,000 to provide marijuana disposal services for the period of July 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: b Berry,Edward Jr. $2,000 2021 dept-vend sigs.pdf 



4q) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Mendocino County AIDS/Viral Hepatitis Network in the Amount of $22,400 to Provide On-Site Case Management Support to High-Risk Individuals and Families Experiencing Homelessness Served Through Project Roomkey in the Inland Valley of Mendocino County During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Effective September 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Agreement with Mendocino County AIDS/Viral Hepatitis Network in the amount of $22,400 to provide on-site case management support to high-risk individuals and families experiencing homelessness served through Project Roomkey in the inland valley of Mendocino County during the COIVD-19 pandemic, effective September 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022; authorize Social Services Director to sign amendments that do not increase the annual maximum amount; authorize Purchasing Agent to sign amendments that increase the amount up $50,000, pursuant to Policy 1; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Mendocino County AIDS Viral Hepatitis Network, $22,400, SS ACT, 21-22 BOS approval



4r) Adoption of Resolution Approving Department of Transportation Agreement Number 210060 with Geo-Logic Associates, in the Amount of $230,676, for the Term Beginning Upon Execution of the Agreement Through December 31, 2023, for Construction Management and Construction Quality Assurance Services for Closure of the South Coast Landfill (Gualala Area) Recommended Action: Adopt resolution approving Department of Transportation (DOT) Agreement Number (No.) 210060 with Geo-Logic Associates, in the amount of $230,676, for the term beginning upon execution of the Agreement through December 31, 2023, for construction management and construction quality assurance services for closure of the South Coast Landfill; authorize the Director of Transportation to sign any and all amendments to the Agreement not exceeding $23,067 (Gualala Area); and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution Agreement Attachments: 



5a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Recognition of Employee Service Awards for Eligible Employees with 15 - 40 Years of Service (Sponsor: Human Resources) Recommended Action: Recognition of employee service awards for eligible employees with 15 to 40 years of service. 15 to 40 Years of Service - July-Dec 2021 15 to 40 Years of Service - July-Dec 2021 - PDF Attachments: 

Receive report, I've posted all of the names on my FB Page @ Mo4Mendo feel free to tag a friend 

5b) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval to Establish Shorter Williamson Act Contracts, Effective in Calendar Year 2022, Pursuant to State Statute, Making the Requisite Finding Pursuant to Government Code Section 16142.1(d) (Sponsors: Assessor/Clerk-Recorder and Agriculture) Recommended Action: Approve the establishment of shorter Williamson Act Contracts, effective in Calendar Year 2022, pursuant to State Statute, making the requisite finding pursuant to Government Code Section 16142.1(d), and direct staff to notify all affected landowners of final decision and the right to prevent the reduction in term by serving notice of non-renewal. Attachments: Legal Notice


5c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Update Regarding the Hopkins Fire Recovery (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Accept update regarding the Hopkins Fire and provide direction to staff.

Receive report 

5d) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Amending the Exhibit X - Master Fee Schedule Effective January 13, 2022 Unless Code or Policy Require Longer, Including but not Limited to Cultural Services Agency, Clerk of the Board, Behavioral Health, Planning and Building Services, and Public Health-Environmental Health (continued from December 7, 2021) (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution amending Exhibit X - Master Fee Schedule effective January 13, 2022 unless code or policy require longer, including but not limited to Cultural Services Agency, Clerk of the Board, Behavioral Health, Planning and Building Services, and Public Health-Environmental Health; and authorize Chair to sign same. 12-10-21 Resolution for Adoption Attachment 1-Resolution for Adoption - DRAFT Attachment 2-CEO Memo Attachment 3-Proposed Changes Attachment 4-Behvioral Health Attachment 5-Clerk of the Board Attachment 6-Museum Attachment 7-Planning and Building Attachment 8-Public Health-EH Attachment 9-Exhibit X MCEO Affidavit 6626381 12-06-21 MCA Correspondence 12-6-21 Bradford Correspondence 12-06-21 Exhibit X - Master Fee Schedule 12.21-Updated 12-06-21 Planning and Building Support Documentation 12-06-21 Proposed Fee Change Memo 12-7-21-Edited 12-06-21 2021 BOS Fee Presentation 12.07.2021 Public Health 12-6-21 Haglund Correspondence 12-7-21 Boer Correspondence 12-07-21 Proposed Fee Change Memo 12.07.2021 - Updated MP 12-10-21 2021 BOS Environmental Health Fee Presentation.Short Attachments: 

Need to have regular updates of fees and make sure there is cost recovery 


CEO's office will work with the Departments to make sure that Cost Recovery is submitted to the Board and that electronic or online processes be implemented

5e) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Board of Supervisors Standing Committees Including 2021 Final Reports Out of Committee, Approval to Clear Referrals from Committee, Possible Formation of Ad Hoc Committees, and/or Possible Referral to the 2022 Standing Committees (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Report out of committee for each referred matter and clear each referral, form an ad hoc committee to further review the matter previously referred to committee, and/or refer a matter to a 2021 standing committee. Attachments: 2021 Index - Standing Committee Referrals

Reported out on General Government Standing committee items

5f) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Board Ad Hoc Committees Including Disbanding Ad Hoc Committees that Have Concluded Business Pursuant to Board of Supervisors Rules of Procedure - Rule No. 31 (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Accept the status reports from ad hoc committee members pertaining to their respective committees, directing that the committees remain in "active" status, or directing that the referral has been concluded thereby disbanding the ad hoc committee(s). Attachments: Ad Hoc Committee Index 12-07-2021

In order of date:

Conclude Ad hoc for Second Access and individual Supervisors and the full Board can continue to work on adding access; Brooktrails and the Simpson Lane/Mitchell Creek Subdivision access are success stories 

IT Ad Hoc of Gjerde/Williams will stay active

Measure B - Join meeting complete, Business Plan on Measure B committee for tomorrow and PHF Development moving forward - Disband Ad Hoc

Presentation given to McGuire's office and funds received for illegal Cannabis to MCSO of $600,000 for overtime erradication - Disband

Planning Department is in the rebuilding phase but on the right path; staffing levels improved, cannabis removed to its own department, code enforcement direction  - Disband

Harbor District Ad Hoc only met once, work needs to be ongoing 

Strategic Plan Ad Hoc -  work ongoing

Legislative Platform Ad Hoc - disbanded, General Government Committee is working on it 

Public Safety Advisory Board Ordinance - completed, disband Ad hoc 

Fuels Management Ad Hoc -  Work not complete, continue Ad hoc

Oak Woodlands Ordinance - Work not complete, continue Ad hoc

County's Covid Response - for Vaccine clinics, disband Ad hoc

County Economic Development related to Covid - Mulheren holds meetings ongoing, no need for ad hoc, disband

Water issues related to wells, water hauling; ongoing, continue Ad hoc

Library Advisory Board Budgetary Issues - work complete regarding A87 issues and fees, disband Ad hoc

Tax Sharing Ad Hoc - One down, remain active to work with the four cities

Sheriff's Office Budget -  work complete

Fire and EMS issues - need to work on EMS issues and more fire issues, ongoing

County roads - unfortunately we just need to keep doing what we are doing, work to incorporate roads with the Cities and advocate at a State and Federal level - disband Ad hoc

Mental Health Data - Almost complete, need to bring final review forward

Depredation Plan - RFP out and more work to do with partners 

Parks Needs Assessment - still ongoing, meeting monthly should be coming forward in February and March 

21-22 Budget Process - remain active for the term of the fiscal year

Housing Countywide - wish to remain active, still work to do 

Human Resources Director Recruitment - ongoing

Cannabis Workshop; regarding Equity Grant and Portal Issues - ongoing

Short Term Rentals - active

CEO/CAO - keep active

Fire Clean Up Ordinance - keep active

Provide a brief update of Ad hocs for CEO Report starting in January 

5g) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Fifth Amendment to BOS Agreement 17-131 with NaphCare Inc. in the Amount of $3,484,847.76 for a New Agreement Total of $19,105,009.38 for Medical Health Services for the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) Jail with a New Term End Date of December 31, 2022 (Sponsor: Sheriff-Coroner) Recommended Action: Approve Fifth Amendment to BOS Agreement 17-131 with NaphCare Inc. in the amount of $3,484,847.76 for a new agreement total of $19,105,009.38 for medical health services for the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office Jail with a new term end date of December 31, 2022; authorize Sheriff to sign any future amendments that do not affect the maximum Agreement total; and authorize Chair to sign same. b NaphCare FY 21-23 Amend 5 $3,484,847.76 dept-vend sigs.pdf a Naphcare $13,112,990.90 FY 17-21 final signed.pdf c 09-19-17 Jail Inmate Medical RFP - staff report.pdf 2-8-17 RFP Jail Medical Health Care SO FINAL.pdf NaphCare Presentation Mendocino Co CA BOS 12.8.2021 v2 NaphCare Contract Summary Mendocino Co CA 2018-2021 12.8.21 12-13-21 Supervisor Williams Comments Attachments: 

Add clinical social worker - and in the future increase the mental health portion of the NaphCare contract 

Approve contract today, Direct Dr Miller to coordinate an amendment to provide clinical mental health services

5h) Discussion and Possible Adoption of Ordinance Repealing Mendocino County Code Section 2.16.041, Adding Section 2.16.070 and Amending Chapter 2.36 for the Purpose of Consolidating the Offices of the Auditor-Controller and the Treasurer-Tax Collector (Sponsor: County Counsel) Recommended Action: Either: 1) Adopt ordinance repealing Mendocino County Code Section 2.16.04, adding section 2.16.070 and amending Chapter 2.36 for the purpose of consolidating the Offices of the Auditor-Controller and the Treasurer-Tax Collector; and authorize Chair to sign same; or 2) Direct County Counsel to prepare an ordinance and ballot materials for the creation of a Director of Finance Position; or 3) Affirm preference for current County structure and direct staff that no further action on consolidation is required. Ordinance Summary Ordinance - Consolidation Current County Codes Treasurer-Tax Collector Correspondence Acting Auditor Controller Correspondence 12-13-21 Memo 12-14-21 Yolo County Fiscal Leadership Attachments:

Approve Action 1 - to consolidate offices and have an elected official oversee the combined office

5i) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Establishing the Compensation of the Consolidated Elected Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector at $176,267.30 Annually (Sponsors: Human Resources and County Counsel) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution establishing the compensation of the consolidated elected Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector at $176,267.30 annually; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 12.14.21 HR 21.1371 Consolidated AC TTX Reso.docx 


5j) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of a Resolution Making Government Code Section 31641.56 Applicable from January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2009 and Government Code Section 31648.3 Applicable from January 1, 2005 through March 31, 2011 to Conform Mendocino County Employees Retirement Association (MCERA) Plan Documents to Plan Operations During Those Periods of Time, and Thereby, Subject to Internal Revenue Service Approval, Authorize Formally and Ratify Purchases of Service Credits Pursuant to Those Sections Previously Permitted by MCERA (Sponsor: Mendocino County Employees Retirement Association) Recommended Action: Adopt a resolution making Government Code section 31641.56 applicable from January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2009 and Government Code section 31648.3 applicable from January 1, 2005 through March 31, 2011 to conform Mendocino County Employees Retirement Association (MCERA) plan documents to plan operations during those periods of time, and thereby, subject to Internal Revenue Service approval, authorize formally and ratify purchases of service credits pursuant to those sections previously permitted by MCERA; and authorize Chair to sign same. 12-13-21 Resolution - Updated 60153207_1 - Resolution-Conforming to Document Past Practices-final, ADe LTR, 13459-003, Non-Privileged Client Version of_ 2021, MCERA Service Purchase Study (#5704841), CLI Attachments:

Approved with a revised resolution

5k) Chief Executive Officer's Report (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Accept the Chief Executive Officer's report. Attachments: CEO Report 12-14-21 FINAL

State and county are working to help Sherwood Oaks residents on the Coast 

Equity report included in the CEO Report 

5l) Discussion and Possible Action Including Review, Adoption, Amendment, Consideration or Ratification of Legislation Pursuant to the Adopted Legislative Platform (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Provide direction to staff on matters of legislation. 

Updated at General Government Committee and will come to the BOS first meeting in January 


6a) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Investing One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds or Other Identified Source in the Amount of $1,000,000 to Fund Mendocino County Association of Fire Districts (MCAFD) as Outlined in Attachment A (Sponsors: Supervisor Mulheren and Supervisor Williams) Recommended Action: Discuss and provide direction to staff regarding investing one-time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds or other identified source in the amount of $1,000,000 to fund Mendocino County Association of Fire Districts as outlined in Attachment A. Attachments: Attachment A: MCAFD - Recap PG&E


6b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Update from the Drought Task Force Ad Hoc Committee (Countywide) Recommended Action: Accept update from the Drought Task Force Ad Hoc Committee (Countywide).

Grants being sought for the Mendocino Township Project, Also funding being sought for the Potter Valley Project and the Russian River Flood Control Groundwater recharge project

UVSGBA will have a meeting this week as well 

6c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Update Regarding the Strategic Planning Process (Sponsor: Strategic Plan Ad Hoc of Supervisors McGourty and Haschak) Recommended Action: Accept update and provide input regarding the next steps in the Strategic Planning Process. Attachments: Mendo Strat Plan 12.14.21 BOS update 12.8.21

Provide feedback and need more public input at Town Halls, headed in the right direction 

6d) Supervisors’ Reports Regarding Board Special Assignments, Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Meetings, and Other Items of General Interest 

7. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MATTERS The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors meets concurrently as the Board of Directors of the: In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Governing Board; Mendocino County Air Quality Management District; Mendocino County Public Facilities Corporation; and the Mendocino County Water Agency.

7a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Proposed Prioritized List of Applications for Carl Moyer Program Funds; Authorization for District Staff to Fund Projects as Proposed and Enter into a Contractual Agreement with Each of the Applicants that Outlines the Requirements Associated with These Funds; and Authorization for the Transfer of Funds to Each of the Applicants Upon Receipt of Proof of Work Completed (Sponsor: Air Quality Management District) Recommended Action: Approve the proposed prioritized list of applications for Carl Moyer Program funds (Table 1); authorize the District staff to enter into a contractual agreement with each of the applicants that outlines the requirements associated with these funds following final approval of each project by the Air Resources Board; and authorize the transfer of funds to each of the applicants upon receipt of proof of work completed. Agenda 21-XXX CMP Projects Year 22 Memo Agenda 21-XXX CMP Year 22 Application List Attachments:

Approved as presented


9. CLOSED SESSION Any public reports of action taken in the closed session will be made in accordance with Government Code sections 54957.1.

9a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 - Conference with Labor Negotiator - Agency Negotiators: Carmel J. Angelo and Cherie Johnson; Employee Organization(s): All

Direction given to staff

9b) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: One Case - Harinder Grewal v. Mendocino County - Case No. SCUK-CVPO-2020-73798

Direction to staff

9c) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9d(2) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant Exposure to Litigation - One Case 

Direction to staff 


10a) Communications Received and Filed

None listed 


If you want to chat you are welcome to join my Thursday meeting at 7:15am or text me at 707-391-3664 or email

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