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Weekly Update #6 - February 8, 2022


Hi I’m Mo Mulheren, the Second District Supervisor. Each week I issue a written report about some of the projects I’m working on and the meetings I attend. This is not a comprehensive list of my activities but meant to give you some ideas about topics that I am working on that might be of interest to you.


Once a month I meet with the City of Ukiah City Manager and Councilmember (and Current Mayor) Jim Brown. This is our opportunity to discuss issues that affect the Second District. Some that the County is working on and some that the City of Ukiah is working on. We talk about everything from traffic enforcement, to trash pick up and streets in Ukiah. If you have any specific questions you have I would be happy to hear from you and pass them along.

We had our RRWA Mendocino Annual Meeting. The Russian River Watershed Association spans across Mendocino and Sonoma Counties. I appreciate the Mendo staff advocating to make sure that we have equal representation as issues arise. We approved the work plan with our feedback. Our consultant West Yost is doing a good job of balancing the many varied needs of all of the agencies of this watershed. Would you like to learn more:


I was happy to have FIVE people come to my Coffee and Conversation meeting this Thursday. We talked about everything from cannabis to housing and mental health. I hold this space every Thursday morning so that you can come and speak to me about whatever is on your mind. Its every Thursday from 7:15a-7:45a and the Zoom Meeting ID is 7079548230 and the Password is LOCAL707

As part of my work as a Supervisor I regularly attend workshops and meetings on Leadership. This last week I went to a Zoom meeting called Strengths-Based Leadership Building and Maintaining a Team Culture. In advance of the meeting there was a quiz that determined what are your top 5 strengths based on answering a series of questions within 10 seconds. I found the results interesting (especially the part about how people perceive my strengths as negatives). Here are the results: Positivity; You bring enthusiasm to people, groups and organizations, you can stimulate people to be more productive and hopeful, can get people excited about...., some will think you are too optimistic, others are energized to move towards excellence. Empathy;

Can sense what it feels like to be someone else, you can pick up on the pain and joy of others before they express it, People are drawn to you when they have a need or problem, you can become overwhelmed with daily issues, this is valuable because it allows the formation of close relationships. Developer;

You can see how others can move changes and grow, you love to see others make progress, the best experience in the world is to be part of other's development, others may not be interested or want to make the changes you think best, valuable because it helps you to see the potential in others. Futuristic; Fascinated by the future, see it positively, can see in detail what the future might hold, can energize yourself and others by your vision, others may dismiss you as a dreamer, valuable because your vision raises others insights. Activator; Can see how ideas can become action, want to do things now, very powerful in making things happen, may be criticized for being impatient, valuable because you generate the energy to get things done. I think that everyone should work on their personal and professional development but I specifically encourage all employees of the County to use the resources provided to you. If you aren't sure what they are please reach out to your Supervisor or HR.


On Friday morning I had a MCAFD Ad Hoc meeting in Anderson Valley. We discussed the CSA3 process through LAFCO and a potential Fire Warden position. It was a beautiful drive, as it always is. These conversations need to be ongoing and I look forward to hearing everyone's opinions on it and seeing how we can move reach compromises.


Not BOS related but I did get to Celebrate my granddaughter Teagan's 1st Birthday and my youngest daughter Andie turned 12. I love these little winter girls.


On Sunday afternoon I took a tour of JDSF with Chairman Michael Hunter from Coyote Valley Tribe. We started at the Jug Handle access point and went to Road 409 to view some of the work that has been done by loggers at JDSF a few years ago. There are two more opportunities for this tour on February 27th and 28th. The flyer is posted on my Facebook page or just text me if you'd like and I can send it to you. My cell is 707-391-3664


Monday morning we had our regularly scheduled LAFCO meeting and reviewed the workplan and budget. I know its challenging that some of these processes have taken so long. I'm hopeful that agencies will be able to coordinate with LAFCO staff to bring forward a plan to deal with future connections in the Ford Road area.

I had a meeting with Cherie Johnson regarding the CEO/CAO agenda item. I have no changes at this time other than the redline that was presented at a prior meeting and look forward to reading whatever red line versions my colleagues bring to the table.

I also had a meeting about the Depot Infrastructure project that is incomplete after several years due to funding challenges from the JCC to the local contractors. I will be working with our State leaders to hopefully get some relief to this contractors.


As always this is NOT the official Board record. I post this so that you all have the opportunity to learn what happened during the meeting without having to turn in to a full day on YouTube. Have a great day!

Board of Supervisors


1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.)

1a) Roll Call

1b) Pledge of Allegiance


2a) Public Expression




3a) Approval of Recommended Appointments/Reappointments Recommended Action: 1. Elora Babbini, Second District Representative, Mendocino County Planning Commission; 2. Lesli Langslet, Fourth District Representative, Community Development Commission; 3. Michael Carter, Public Appointee, Mendocino Council of Governments; 4. Katrina Kessen, At Large Member, Mendocino County Tourism Commission; and 5. Henry Mayer, Member, Gualala Municipal Advisory Council. Babbini Application Langslet Application Carter Application Kessen Application Mayer Application Attachments:


3b) Adoption of Proclamation Recognizing February 2022 as African American/Black History Month in Mendocino County (Sponsors: Supervisors Mulheren and Haschak) Recommended Action: Adopt Proclamation recognizing February 2022 as African American/Black History Month in Mendocino County; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: African American Black History Month February 2022 Proclamation


3c) Acceptance of Report on the Debris Removal Program and Disbandment of the Debris Removal Ad Hoc Committee (Sponsors: Supervisors Haschak and McGourty) Recommended Action: Accept report on the Debris Removal Program and disband the Debris Removal Ad Hoc Committee. Attachments: County of Mendocino - Alternative Debris Removal Program FINAL V2

Haschak pulled to have discussion about the importance of this program, Travis Killmer joined to discuss the process that created the ordinance



3d) Approval of Agreement with Fort Bragg Fire Protection Authority in the Amount of $90,909.10 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric Disaster Settlement Funds for Purchase of Structural and Wildland Gear, and Equipment, Effective Upon Full Execution through December 31, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Fort Bragg Fire Protection Authority in the amount of $90,909.10 from one-time Pacific Gas and Electric disaster settlement funds for purchase of structural and wildland gear, and equipment, effective upon full execution through December 31, 2022; authorize the Assistant Chief Executive Officer to sign amendments that do not increase the total contracted amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Fort Bragg Fire Protection Authority, $90,909.10, 21-22, EO - Preliminary


3e) Approval of the Public Facilities Corporation (PFC) Annual Report Recommended Action: Approve the Annual Report of the Public Facilities Corporation. Public Facilities Annual Report 2021.pdf Long Term Debt Schedule - Fund 1510 06.30.2021 Attachments:


3f) Approval of Agreement with Westport Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. in the Amount of $20,000 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds to Purchase Emergency Medical Services Equipment and Supplies, Effective Upon Full Execution through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Westport Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. in the amount of $20,000 from one-time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds to purchase Emergency Medical Services Equipment and Supplies, effective upon full execution through June 30, 2022; authorize the Assistant Chief Executive Officer to sign amendments that do not increase the total contracted amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Westport Volunteer Fire Department, $20,000


3g) Approval of Agreement with Long Valley Fire Protection District in the Amount of $45,454.55 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric Disaster Settlement Funds for Purchase of Equipment and Supplies, Effective Upon Full Execution through December 31,2022 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Long Valley Fire Protection District in the amount of $45,454.55 from one-time Pacific Gas and Electric disaster settlement funds for purchase of equipment and supplies, effective upon full execution through December 31, 2022; authorize the Assistant Chief Executive Officer to sign amendments that do not increase the total contracted amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Long Valley Fire Protection District, $45,454.55


3h) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Mendocino County Fire Safe Council in the Amount of $150,000 ($75,000 Per Year for Two Years) of One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds for Its Community Chipper Program, Effective November 1, 2021 through October 31, 2023 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive agreement with Mendocino County Fire Safe Council in the amount of $150,000 ($75,000 per year for two years) of one-time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds for its Community Chipper Program, effective November 1, 2021 through October 31, 2023; authorize the Assistant Chief Executive Officer to sign amendments that do increase the total contracted amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Mendocino County Fire Safe Council, $150,000


3i) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Mendocino County Fire Safe Council in the Amount of $650,000 ($130,000 Per Year for Five Years) of One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds for Its Defensible Space Program, Effective November 1, 2021 through October 31, 2026 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive agreement with Mendocino County Fire Safe Council in the amount of $650,000 ($130,000 per year for five years) of one-time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds for its Defensible Space Program, effective November 1, 2021 through October 31, 2026; authorize the Assistant Chief Executive Officer to sign amendments that do increase the total contracted amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Mendocino County Fire Safe Council, $650,000


3j) Adoption of Proclamation Recognizing and Honoring Human Resources Manager Juanie Cranmer upon her Retirement on February 20, 2022 Recommended Action: Adopt the Proclamation recognizing and honoring Human Resources Manager Juanie Cranmer upon her retirement on February 20, 2022; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: JC Proclamation

Gjerde pulled to acknowledge all of the work that Juanie has been able to bring to the department



3k) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Redwood Community Services in the Amount of $75,000 to Provide On-Call Drivers to Transport Mendocino County Residents on a 5150 Hold from Mendocino County to Out-of-County Psychiatric Hospitals, Effective August 15, 2021 Through December 31, 2021 Recommended Action: Approval of retroactive agreement with Redwood Community Services in the amount of $75,000 to provide on-call drivers to transport Mendocino County residents on a 5150 hold from Mendocino County to Out-of-County Psychiatric Hospitals, effective August 15, 2021 through December 31, 2021; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Redwood Community Services, $75,000, 21-22, BHRS MH, BOS approval

McGourty pulled but the information was in the Agenda Summary as to why it was retroactive, Covid and Medstar were unavailable



3l) Adoption of an Ordinance Terminating the Urgency Moratorium on Commencement of Phase Three Cannabis Cultivation Permitting under Mendocino County Code Chapters 10A.17 and 20.242 Recommended Action: Adopt an ordinance terminating the urgency moratorium on commencement of Phase Three cannabis cultivation permitting under Mendocino County Code Chapters 10A.17 and 20.242; and authorize Chair to sign same. Phase 3 Moratorium Termination - Staff Memorandum Att. A - Ordinance 4488 Att. B - Ordinance 4490 Att. C - Ordinance 4492 Att. D - Clerks Certificate to Referendum Petition Att. E - 9.14.21 BOS Minutes Att. F Phase 3 Moratorium Termination - Ordinance Att. G Phase 3 Moratorium Termination - Ordinance Summary Attachments:



3m) Approval of First Amendment to Agreement No. BOS 21-113 with Karpel Solutions, in the Amount of $3,500 for a New Total Amount of $371,175, for the Acquisition and Implementation of a Criminal Justice Case Management System Recommended Action: Approve First Amendment to Agreement No. BOS 21-113 with Karpel Solutions, in the amount of $3,500 for a new total amount of $371,175, for the acquisition and implementation of a criminal justice case management system; authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Karpel Solutions, Amendment 1



3n) Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the General Services Agency Director/Purchasing Agent to Submit an Application to Accept Per Capita Funding (Approximately $400,000) for County Owned Parks Through the California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018 Recommended Action: Adopt the resolution to authorize the General Services Agency Director/Purchasing Agent to submit an application to accept Per Capita Funding (approximately $400,000) for County owned parks through the California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018; authorize the General Services Agency Director/Purchasing Agent to sign all necessary grant related documents; and authorize Chair to sign same. Per Capita Resolution 1-21-22 Per Capita Application Packet Attachments:



3o) Adoption of Resolution Amending the Position Allocation Table as Follows: Budget Unit 2070 - Delete 1.0 FTE Legal Secretary II, Position No. 3312, and 1.0 FTE Supervising Legal Secretary, Position No. 3324; Add 2.0 FTE Legal Administrative Assistant; and Authorize the Reclassification of Incumbents Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution amending the Position Allocation Table as follows: Budget Unit 2070 - delete 1.0 FTE Legal Secretary II, Position No. 3312, and 1.0 FTE Supervising Legal Secretary, Position No. 3324; add 2.0 FTE Legal Administrative Assistant; authorize the reclassification of incumbents; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 02.08.22 HR 22-0315 Amend PAT DA Reclass Incumbents RESO.docx


3p) Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Adoption of New Classifications of Business Systems Analyst $35.41-$43.04/hour; Senior Business Systems Analyst $40.72-$49.50/hour; and Amend Position Allocation Table for Budget Unit 1960 as Follows: Add 2.0 FTE Business Systems Analyst; Add 1.0 FTE Senior Business Systems Analyst Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing adoption of new classifications of Business Systems Analyst $35.41-$43.04/hour; Senior Business Systems Analyst $40.72-$49.50/hour; and amend Position Allocation Table for Budget Unit 1960 as follows: add 2.0 FTE Business Systems Analyst; add 1.0 FTE Senior Business Systems Analyst; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 02.08.22 HR 22-0075 IS New Classes Amend PAT RESO.docx


3q) Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Adoption of Salary Revision of Supervising Health Program Coordinator from $25.63-$31.16/hour to $34.56-$42.01/hour; and Amend Position Allocation Table for Budget Unit 4013 as Follows: Add 1.0 FTE Supervising Health Program Coordinator Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing adoption of salary revision of Supervising Health Program Coordinator from $25.63-$31.16/hour to $34.56-$42.01/hour; and amend position allocation table for budget unit 4013 as follows: add 1.0 fte Supervising Health Program Coordinator; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 02.08.22 HR 22-0115 PH Revise Salary SPHC and Amend PAT RESO.docx


3r) Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Re-Establishment of Director Public Health and Adoption of Salary $133,369.60 - $162,115.20; and Amend Position Allocation Table for Budget Unit 4010 as Follows: Add 1.0 FTE Director Public Health; Delete 1.0 FTE Assistant Health and Human Services Agency Director, Position No. 4085 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing re-establishment of Director Public Health and adoption of salary $133,369.60 - $162,115.20; and amend Position Allocation Table for Budget Unit 4010 as follows: Add 1.0 FTE Director Public Health; Delete 1.0 FTE Assistant Health and Human Services Agency Director, Position No. 4085; and authorize Chair to sign same. 02.08.22 HR 22-0331 PH Director and Amend PAT RESO.docx 02.08.22 HR 22-0331 Public Health Director Spec 2.2022.pdf Attachments:

Pulled by the department



3s) Discussion and Possible Action including Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Processing of a Consolidated Coastal Development Permit, LCP_2021-0001 (Caltrans, Elk Creek Bridge), by the California Coastal Commission, for the California Department of Transportation, to Replace the Elk Creek Bridge, Located at Approximately Post Mile Marker 31.4 of State Route 1 (SR 1) Recommended Action: Adopt the Resolution authorizing the processing of a Consolidated Coastal Development Permit, LCP_2021-0001 (Caltrans, Elk Creek Bridge), by the California Coastal Commission, for the California Department of Transportation, to replace the Elk Creek Bridge, located at approximately Post Mile marker 31.4 of State Route 1 (SR 1); and authorize Chair to sign same. 00. LCP_2021-0001 (Caltrans, Elk Creek) Draft Memo to BOS (FINAL) Attachment A. LCP_2021-0001 (Caltrans, Elk Creek) BOS Resolution (FINAL) Attachment A. LCP_2021-0001 (Caltrans, Elk Creek) BOS Resolution (FINAL) Attachment B. LCP_2021-0001 (Caltrans, Elk Creek) Request Attachment C. LCP_2021-0001 (Caltrans, Elk Creek) Application Attachment D. LCP_2021-0001 (Caltrans, Elk Creek) Location Attachment E. LCP_2021-0001 (Caltrans Elk Creek) Appeal Attachment F. LCP_2021-0001 (Caltrans, Elk Creek) Site Plan Attachment G. LCP_2021-0001 (Caltrans, Elk Creek) Proposed Project Attachment H. LCP_2021-0001 (Caltrans, Elk Creek) MVR Map Attachments:

Caltrans staff on the call to answer questions

Mr Dall spoke to that he did not have sufficient public notice


3t) Approval of Agreement Between Stone Creek Environmental Consulting and Mendocino County Planning and Building Services (PBS) in the Amount of $248,180, to Provide Services Related to the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Program, NPDES (Commonly Known as Storm Water), Including but Not Limited to Compliance with Low Impact Development (LID) Standards, Update of the LID Manual, Staff Training, Storm Water Management Meetings, Illicit Discharge Detection, and State Permit Requirements, Effective Upon Execution through December 31, 2024 Recommended Action: Approve the agreement between Stone Creek Environmental Consulting and PBS in the amount of $248,180 to provide services related to the NPDES/Storm water Program, including, but not limited to compliance with LID Standards, update of the LID Manual, staff training, Storm water Management Meetings, Illicit Discharge Detection, and State permit requirements, effective upon execution through December 31, 2024; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Stone Creek Environmental Consulting, $248,180, 22-24


3u) Acceptance of Informational Report Regarding the Issuance of Emergency Coastal Development Permit EM_2021-0010 (Martin) to Replace Septic Tank, Located at 18725 N Highway 1, Fort Bragg, APN: 017-140-13 Recommended Action: Accept the informational report regarding the issuance of Emergency Coastal Development Permit EM_2021-0010 (Martin) to replace septic tank, located at 18725 N. Highway 1, Fort Bragg, APN: 017-140-13. Attachments: EM_2021-0010 Signed Permit


3v) Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Processing of a Consolidated Coastal Development Permit, LCP_2021-0002 (Caltrans, Albion Bridge), by the California Coastal Commission, for the California Department of Transportation, to inspect, repair, and Upgrade Various Undercarriage Sections to the Albion Bridge on State Route 1 (SR 1) at Postmile Marker 43.70 in Mendocino County Recommended Action: Adopt the Resolution authorizing the processing of a Consolidated Coastal Development Permit, LCP_2021-0002 (Caltrans, Albion Bridge), by the California Coastal Commission, for the California Department of Transportation, to inspect, repair, and upgrade various undercarriage sections to the Albion Bridge on State Route 1 at postmile

Caltrans staff on the call to answer questions

Mr Dall spoke to that he did not have sufficient public notice

43.70 in Mendocino County; and authorize Chair to sign same. 02. LCP_2021-0002 Draft BOS Memo - FINAL LCP_2021-0002 BOS Resolution - FINAL Attachment B. LCP-The Department of Transportation Request, dated October 21, 2021 Attachment C. LCP-2021-0002 CALTRANS ALBION BRIDGE APP Attachment D. LCP 2021-0002 Location Attachment E. LCP 2021-0002 Aerial Attachments:

Same speakers above 3S



3w) Acceptance of Communication of Receipt of Annual Growth Funds for Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) for FY2021-22 Recommended Action: Accept communication of receipt of Annual Growth funds for Community Corrections Partnership(CCP) for FY2021-22.



3x) Approval of Retroactive Revenue Agreement with Partnership HealthPlan of California for Funds in the Amount of $367,653 to Support Critical Housing and Housing-Related Needs of Partnership HealthPlan Members through Local Innovation Grant on Housing, Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive revenue Agreement with Partnership HealthPlan of California for funds in the amount of $367,653 to support critical housing and housing related-related needs of Partnership HealthPlan members through Local Innovation Grant on Housing, effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; authorize the Public Health Transition Director to sign amendments that do not exceed the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: PHC, $367,653, Project Homekey MOU, 2021-22.pdf


3y) Adoption of Resolution Approving Third Amendment to Revenue Agreement 19-234 with the California Department of Public Health in the Amount of $8,857 for a New Total of $3,017,579 for Women, Infants and Children Program Services, Effective October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving third amendment to Revenue Agreement 19-234 with the California Department of Public Health in the amount of $8,857 for a new total of $3,017,579 for Women, Infants and Children program services, effective October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2022; authorize the Public Health Transitional Director or designee to sign future amendments that do not exceed the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. CDPH, WIC, A03, 19-22, Reso.docx CDPH. WIC, A03, 19-10160, Contract.pdf Attachments:


3z) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with RNS Communications, Inc. in the Amount of $14,400 to Provide Advertisement at Local Department of Motor Vehicle Offices to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination, Effective September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Agreement with RNS Communications, Inc. in the amount of $14,400 to provide advertisement at local Department of Motor Vehicle offices to promote COVID-19 Vaccination, effective September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022; authorize the Public Health Director to sign any amendments that do not increase the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. RNS Communications Inc. $14400 PH DOC 21-22 BOS Approval RNS Communications, $14,400, 21-22, PH COVID BAS Connie Attachments:


3aa) Ratification of Submission of Grant Application for $459,210 of Funds Available through the California Department of Justice Tobacco Grant Program to Expand Retailer Compliance Checks, Develop a Retailer Training Program and Provide Public Education Outreach to Residents of Mendocino County, for the Period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025; and Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Submission of Application, and Acceptance of Funds Recommended Action: Ratify submission of grant application for $459,210 of funds available through the California Department of Justice Tobacco Grant Program to expand retailer compliance checks, develop a retailer training program and provide public education outreach to residents of Mendocino County for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025; adopt Resolution authorizing submission of application and acceptance of funds; authorize the Public Health Director or designee to sign allocation Agreement if awarded, and any amendments that do not exceed the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Department of Justice, Tobacco Grant Program, PH, Resolution Department of Justice, Tobacco Program Grant, Application and Reso, PH, BAS Revised Summary Mendocino County PH Attachments:


3ab) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Sarah Marikos, DBA Data Strategy Consulting, LLC., in the Amount of $120,000 to Provide Epidemiology Services, Effective February 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Agreement with Sarah Marikos, DBA Data Strategy Consulting, LLC. in the amount of $120,000 to provide epidemiology services, effective February 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022; authorize the Public Health Transitional/Director to sign amendments that do not increase the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Agreement



3ac) Approval of First Amendment to Agreement No. BOS 22-014 with Bell Memorials & Granite Works Inc. in the Amount of $857.75 for a New Agreement Total of $96,550.53 to Purchase One Granite Monument Titled “Mendocino County Fallen Peace Officers Memorial” and One 20 Foot Flagpole with American Flag Effective Upon Execution Through December 31, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve First Amendment to Agreement No. BOS 22-014 with Bell Memorials & Granite Works Inc. in the amount of $857.75 for a new agreement total of $96,550.53 to purchase one granite monument titled "Mendocino County Fallen Peace Officers Memorial" and one 20 foot flagpole with American flag effective upon execution through December 31, 2022; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: b Bell Memorials & Granite Works Inc A1 $857.75 FY 21-23 dept-vend sigs.pdf


3ad) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Summit Food Service, LLC in the Amount of $500,000 to Provide Emergency Kitchen Services at the Mendocino County Jail for the Period of February 1, 2022, through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Retroactive Agreement with Summit Food Service, LLC in the amount of $500,000 to provide emergency kitchen services at the Mendocino County Jail for the period of February 1, 2022, through June 30, 2022 ; authorize the Sheriff to sign future amendments that do not affect the total amount of the Agreement; authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: b Summit Food Services FY 21-22 $500,000 dept-vend sigs



3ae) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with the Community Development Commission of Mendocino County in the Amount of $250,107 to Support a Landlord Liaison Position and Associated Services Under the Direct Service Activity of Rapid Rehousing, Effective September 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Agreement with the Community Development Commission of Mendocino County in the amount of $250,107 to support a Landlord Liaison position and associated services under the direct service activity of Rapid Rehousing, effective September 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022; authorize the Social Services Director or designee to sign any future amendments that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Community Development Commission of Mendocino County, $250,107, 21-22, SS ACT Fu


3af) Approval of the Policy Council on Children and Youth/Child Abuse Prevention Commission’s Revised By-Laws Recommended Action: Approve the Policy Council on Children and Youth/Child Abuse Prevention Commission's revised by-laws. Letter from PCCY-CAPC chair confirming recommended by law changes Revised PCCY-CAPC By Laws 5-20-21 & 8-19-21- redline copy with CoCo edits 1-24-22 Revised PCCY-CAPC By Laws 5-20-21 & 8-19-21- clean copy 1-24-22 Attachments:



3ag) Adoption of Resolution Adopting the Notice of Intent to Comply with Regulatory Requirements of Senate Bill 1383, Short-lived Climate Pollutants: Organic Waste Reductions, and Authorizing the Department of Transportation to Submit the Notice of Intent to Comply to CalRecycle (Countywide) Recommended Action: Adopt resolution adopting the Notice of Intent to Comply with regulatory requirements of Senate Bill 1383, Short-lived Climate Pollutants: Organic Waste Reductions, and authorizing the Department of Transportation to submit the Notice of Intent to Comply to CalRecycle (Countywide); and authorize Chair to sign same. NOIC reso - Final NOIC Exhibit A Attachments:



3ah) Acceptance of the December 31, 2021 Report of Mendocino County Pooled Investments Recommended Action: Accept the December 31, 2021 Report of Mendocino County Pooled Investments. STAFF REPORT - QUARTERLY REPORT 12-31-21.pdf REPORTS - DEC 2021 - HOLDINGS.pdf Attachments:


3ai) Adoption of an Ordinance Delegating Authority to Invest or Reinvest the Funds of the County and its Other Depositors in the County Treasury to the Treasurer for Calendar Year 2022 Recommended Action: Adopt an ordinance delegating authority to invest or reinvest the funds of the County and its other depositors in the County Treasury to the Treasurer for calendar year 2022; and authorize Chair to sign same. STAFF REPORT - DELEGATING AUTHORITY 2022.pdf ORDINANCE - DELEGATING AUTHORITY ORDINANCE



4a) Adoption of Resolution Declaring Mendocino County’s Intent to Use Proceeds of Indebtedness to Reimburse Itself for Expenditures Related to the Jail Expansion Project (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution declaring Mendocino County's intent to use proceeds of indebtedness to reimburse itself for expenditures related to the Jail Expansion Project; and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution Public Finance Training Materials Attachments:

Approved, savings in interest rates and taking advantage of low interest rates

4b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the County of Mendocino Cannabis Program Director to Update, Amend and Implement Revisions to the Mendocino County Local Equity Program Manual to Maximize Assistance to the Extent Permitted by State Law, Regulations and Guidance (Sponsor: Cannabis) Recommended Action: Adoption of a Resolution authorizing the County Cannabis Program Director to update, amend and implement revisions to the Mendocino County Local Equity Program Manual to maximize assistance to the extent permitted by State law, regulations and guidance; and Chair to sign same. Attachments: LEP Manual Resolution

MCP staff has ideas for manual updates and will be having discussions with the Equity Ad hoc and making sure to share timeline and updates with the potential applicants, Approved

4c) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action to Consider an Appeal of the Coastal Permit Administrator for Approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP_2017-0038) to Construct a Two Story Single Family Residence with Appurtenant Structures, Located at 1401 North Highway 1, Albion; APN: 126-010-04 Including Possible Adoption of a Resolution Making Required Findings and Affirming the Action of the Coastal Permit Administrator (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services) Recommended Action: Hear the appeal and adopt a resolution denying the appeal of the Coastal Permit Administrator for approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP_2017-0038) to construct a two story single family residence with appurtenant structures, located at 1401 North Highway 1, Albion; APN: 126-010-04; and authorize chair to sign same. 00. CDP_2017-0038 Kirkman (Public Notice for Feb 8, 2022) 1. CDP_2017-0038 BOS Memo Final CDP_2017-0038 Att. A (part 1) CDP_2017-0038 Att. A (part 2) CDP_2017-0038 Att. A (part 3) CDP_2017-0038 Att. A (part 4) CDP_2017-0038 Att. B - CPA Action Sheet CDP_2017-0038 Att. C - CDP HEARING PACKET CDP_2017-0038 Att. D - Declaration of Restrictions CDP_2017-0038 Att. E - FF & COA CDP_2017-0038 Att. F - Letter from CCC CDP_2017-0038 Resolution FINAL CDP_2017-0038 Resolution FINAL Wehren Documents Kirkman Documents Kirkman Attorney Letter Waldman Documents Attachments:

Continued to meeting on May 17th so that Planning and Building can have adequate time to review the new plans and have additional time for partnering agencies review as well.

4d) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action to Consider an Appeal of the Zoning Administrator Approval of Minor Use Permit (U_2020-0004) to Convert an Existing Single-Story, 30 Room Motel into a 21 Unit Apartment Complex, located at 16580 N Highway 101, Willits (APNs: 147-170-03 & 147-180-14) (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services) Recommended Action: Reverse the Decision of the Zoning Administrator and Remand Minor Use Permit (U_2020-0004) to convert an existing single-story, 30 room motel into a 21 unit apartment complex, located at 16580 N Highway 101, Willits (APNs: 147-170-03 & 147-180-14), back to the Zoning Administrator for additional review and analysis on the issues raised in the appeal. 00. Legal Notice (Appeal BOS) Affidavit of Publication 01. U_2020-0004 Memo to BOS Rev. for 2.8.2022 FINAL 02. Attachment A U_2020-0004 ZA Staff Report 03. Attachment B Appeal 04. Attachment C Cooper Public Comment 6.10.2021 05. Attachment D U_2020-0004 Memo to ZA Attachments:

Continued to the April 5th meeting date to make sure that all of the documents are in compliance with the challenges presented by the appellant

4e) Chief Executive Officer's Report (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Accept the Chief Executive Officer's report. CEO Report 2-8-22 Spanish Edition CEO Report 2-8-22 Edition Attachments:

I have posted this to my Facebook page if you would like to see it you can visit:

4f) Discussion and Possible Action Including Review, Adoption, Amendment, Consideration or Ratification of Legislation Pursuant to the Adopted Legislative Platform (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Provide direction to staff on matters of legislation.

Williamson Act and Covid sick leave bills coming to the Governor in the next couple of weeks


5a) Discussion and Possible Action Including an Informational Update on the Coastal Emergency Winter Shelter (Sponsor: Supervisor Williams) Recommended Action: Accept informational update on Coastal Emergency Winter Shelter.

First homeless shelter run by the FBPD, collaboration with Motel 6 to take individuals that were unable to get a bed at the Hospitality Center.

The FBPD is happy to share information with any organizations that would like to carry the project next year

5b) Supervisors’ Reports Regarding Board Special Assignments, Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Meetings, and Other Items of General Interest




7a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 - Conference with Labor Negotiator - Agency Negotiators: Carmel J. Angelo, Cherie Johnson, Darcie Antle, and Jon Holtzman; Employee Organization(s): All

Direction given to staff

7b) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Initiation of Litigation: One Case

The Board voted unanimously to enter as amicus curia in City of Ft. Bragg v. Mendocino Railway, Mendocino County Superior Court Case No.: 21CV00850.




I like to end these posts by reminding you that I meet on Zoom every Thursday morning at 7:15a. The Meeting ID is 7079548230 and the password is LOCAL707, that is a great place to come and have me ask your questions. I am of course also happy to have coffee or a phone call. My number is 707-391-3664 feel free to text me to schedule an appointment.

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