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Monthly Update May 2022

Hi, I’m Mo Mulheren the Second District Supervisor.


Each month the Board members submit a written report that updates the other Board members and the community on the work that we are doing. I would also like to use this as an opportunity to share with you all events I’ve attended as well as other updates from our community. Here is a list of pertinent meetings and links so that you can look at websites or videos and of course reach out if you have additional questions.


At the beginning of the month County IT made the switch to Microsoft Outlook. I am hoping this will make it easier to search and archive emails which was a challenge with the other system. Using the mobile Microsoft applications will also make it more efficient to work from wherever I am, County Office, IPad, Home Office, or my cell phone. As you know being a County Supervisor is a 24/7 job, I have an album on my @Mo4Mendo Facebook page that shows a little bit about where I am working from just to give context.


Every Thursday morning I start my day with a Zoom Meeting I call “Coffee and Conversation”. The Meeting ID is 7079548230 and the password is LOCAL707. I hope you will consider joining and asking your questions about what is happening in Mendocino County.


May 2nd LAFCO

LAFCO meetings are still on Zoom but the commissioners would like to go back to in person soon. We discussed the upcoming work plan and budget for next fiscal year.


May 3rd BOS Meeting: at this meeting we recognized the work that our team members do through three proclamations, one for Public Service Week, one for National Police Week and one for National Correction Officers Week. We also approved the Ag Pass program to allow small business owners to have access to the farms in the event of an emergency. We also reviewed and approved the Juvenile Justice Coordination Plan and Approve the agreement with AECOM Technical Services, Inc to provide the Construction Management Services to complete the Measure B Psychiatric Health Facility at 131 Whitmore Lane, expected year of completion 2025.


May 4th Mendocino County - City of Ukiah Second District Meeting. On the first Wednesday of the month I meet with Mayor Jim Brown and the city manager for the City Of Ukiah. This helps connect the county and the city so that we don’t duplicate efforts and we understand important discussions and initiatives incurred occurring in each others agencies.


May 4th Walking Wednesday- I started a “Walking Moai” with the Blue Zones Project. A Moai is a group of 5-10 people that connect through a healthy activity like walking or volunteering. Connecting with the community are key in my life. Our mental and physical health improve by getting outdoors. Please contact the Blue Zones Project of Mendocino County to learn how to create a Moai in your neighborhood.


May 10th CEO/CAO Ad Hoc Discussion - We had to update the CEO/CAO Ad Hoc item to bring it back to the Board for the final decision, at this time I don’t have anything different to add than what was proposed which is the Board having more direct contact with Department Heads and their evaluations.


May 10th Mental Health Data Reports Ad Hoc - We had a meeting to review the Mental Health Data Reports to try and provide information about outcomes to our community. It’s very challenging in that no agencies across the State have such a report. RQMC analyses and posts data on the shared website of all of our service providers. Here is the link in case you need it:


May 11th Fire Chiefs Meeting in Hopland, I attended the Fire Chiefs meeting in Hopland. We received a presentation on Emergency services and had a round robin conversation about the challenges the departments face with more calls and less volunteers.


May 12th Coffee and Conversation, this is a good place to remind you that every Thursday morning between 7:15a-7:45a I have a meeting on Zoom. This is your opportunity to bring to me any issues or questions or share successes that are happening in our communities.


May 12th Monthly Parks Ad Hoc Committee - The Parks Ad Hoc meets monthly with staff to get updates on the maintenance, outreach and repairs. We were discussing the needs going in to budget hearings. We realize there are way more projects than dollars so that will be a challenging conversation but we can’t retain the parks and not fund the repairs or at least maintain them. We continue to do outreach and seek possible partnerships with organizations like the City of Ukiah and volunteer groups in our communities.


May 12th Tax Sharing Ad Hoc - The Tax Sharing Ad Hoc of Supervisor Gjerde and myself met with the City Manager of Willits, City Manager of Ukiah and their team members as well as County Executive Staff. We are trying to keep it as simple as possible so that if the Cities in our County need to annex there is a simplified process. All of the cities have agreed to this simplified approach and the County would like some time to consider the process.


May 12th Adopt-A-Road Pilot Program - I am working with County Staff and Supervisor Gjerde to enhance the Adopt-A-Road Program. We have volunteers throughout the County that want to clean up illegal dumps and the program would essentially cover their disposal fees. Through this conversation we decided that it wasn’t a fit with the Adopt-A-Road Program but could be a stand alone program called Clean Mendocino. It needs to go before the MSWMA Board for discussion before it comes back to the Supes.


May 12th Special IWPC Meeting - Closed session discussion with legal council regarding the PG&E relicensing. Open session updates on committees and a PVP proposed ballot measure, raising of the Coyote Valley Dam and the Coho Salmon and Steelhead. If you are reading this please take some time to understand what the Potter Valley project and Increased capacity to Lake Mendocino mean to our economy. Here is a link:


May 13th MCAFD Special Meeting- We had a special meeting of the Fire/EMS Ad Hoc and our fire partners to discuss the possibility of bringing a Fire Sales Tax Initiative forward to the Board, Discussion of the Fire Training Structures and how to get them placed and EMS services funding in the County.


May 15th Extension of the City View Trail - I attended the Grand Opening of the new section of the “City View Trail” in Low Gap Park. I encourage you to check it out. Here is a link to the maps:


May 15th RCS Foster Care Awareness Event - I attended the RCS Foster Care Month event to raise awareness for connected communities to our Foster Kids. It was unfortunately poorly attended but I had a great time meeting the people in their booths and talking with the kids. Resource families are so important for our kids.


May 17th BOS Meeting - Receive a presentation of the BID and a future Mendocino County Water Agency. Have a kick off discussion to tie the Sales Tax conversations together for the Boar, contemplate combining fire and water and spreading the resources County wide.


May 18th Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency Workshop - Discussion of Drought Concerns, You can watch the YouTube link here:


May 18th Meet re Brush Street Homeless Encampment clean up options I met with some potential contractors to discuss the possible cost of cleaning up the Brush Street homeless Encampment.


May 19th MSWMA Meeting - Meet to discuss possible candidates for General Manager and it is not looking good. Only one qualified candidate from out of State, looking at alternative options.


May 19th Rivino Fire Survivor Event - I was honored to present the Volunteer of the Year awards to United Disaster Relief at this year’s Fire Survivor Reunion Event.


May 20th FB Blue Economy Summit - I went to Fort Bragg to listen in on the Blue Economy Summit. Although its out of my district I think its important that every Supervisor understand the concerns of our entire County. Changing environments and environmental standards make this economy tough but they are working on innovative ideas!


May 20th Meet with Julia Krog to discuss constituent concerns - There were some concerns with Planning and Building so I met with Director Krog. I find it more efficient to have one meeting and discuss issues. Our department heads are very responsive to the needs of our constituents. I realize nothing happens fast enough especially when you are working through Government but our team is trying to get things through as quickly as possible.


May 21st and 22nd Andie’s SPACE show - This one is not on County time but I wanted to say I am grateful to SPACE and all of their sponsors for providing out youth with an outlet for their creativity. My daughter Andie was in three shows this weekend, every one was a little unique and the kids loved it.


May 23rd GRTA Board of Directors The GRTA Board meets to discuss the dissolution of NCRA and the creation of the new Great Redwood Trail Board. We hope to have a staff member on Board soon as the project officially kicks of July 1.


May 23rd Arbor to talk about nitrous oxide ban in tobacco shops - I went to the youth Council at the Arbor. They would like to bring a Nitrous Oxide ban in tobacco shops in the Unincorporated County to the Board. Because summer vacation is about to begin it may take some time. The City of Ukiah has already approved a ban.


May 24th Meet with a member of the community about a future business idea. If you have something you’d like to talk about please reach out I’m happy to hear your thoughts.


May 25th BHAB Board

Public Comment: NewLife.Health facility that offers Addiction support services came to talk about the services they are offering to make the community aware that they are open and accepting new patients. We need members on BHAB please consider joining!

Bring a flyer to local farmers markets, Big Times and other events to try and recruit membership Dr Miller - Contracts with the service providers will be going to the Board of Supervisors. RQMC will still continue as the ASO but there will be more direct collaboration with the County to the service providers

We are spending about $3 million a year on LPS conservatorships and that’s for about 60-64 persons and that will increase if California Care Court is approved. We are going through many audits MHSA program, MHSA finance, EQRO audit, Medical Audit, Triennial Audit, SUDT Cost report audit and that has taken up a lot of staff time. It seems that the State is catching up after COVID, so far the feedback has been positive

County Mental Health is trying to work more collaboratively with our Tribal Communities to create more collaboration.


May 26th

Russian River Watershed Association - High School Video Contest tonight

20/21 Work Plan Wrap Up of Our Water Our World. Promotion of less toxic gardening, DEA Take Back event on April 30th was successful



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