Hi, I’m Mo Mulheren the Second District Supervisor.
Each month the Board members submit a written report that updates the other Board members and the community on the work that we are doing. I would also like to use this as an opportunity to share with you events I’ve attended as well as other updates from our community. Here is a list of pertinent meetings and links so that you can look at websites or videos and of course reach out if you have additional questions.
September 1st, 2022
At the Emergency Medical Care Committee Meeting there was a discussion of the progress of the JPA, we are still waiting for some data from local providers to move forward as well as an update on the Hospital Preparedness Program for Covid, Monkey Pox and any Heat Emergency.
I had a meeting of the Professional Development Academy and we talked about our own personal Rules of Leadership. Here are a couple of my key takeaways; “Be Trustworthy. Be Dependable. Be Authentic. Be Engaged. Help Others Flourish. Use abundance language. “ I’m happy to share my experiences with this program to encourage our team members to join Leadership initiatives. As a Supervisor part of our role does involve continued education and development.
September 2nd, 2022
I met with Jim Brown about Mendo Recycle and our possible next steps. The Board has engaged a consultant to work on process for being able to move the agency (MSWMA) forward.
MCAFD Steering Committee and BOS Ad Hoc meeting
This is an opportunity for Supervisor Williams and I to meet with stakeholders from the Fire Districts to discuss challenges that the departments are having regarding funding, training or Government interactions. It’s a valuable opportunity to keep our lines of communication open.
September 3rd, 2022
On Saturday I attended a Suicide Awareness event put on by Behavioral Health and Recovery Services in the Alex Thomas Plaza in Ukiah. The team did a beautiful job of using multi-colored bags with candles in them to represent the community members that we have lost in Mendocino County over the last few years.
September 5th, 2022
I attended the Labor Day Picnic to show support for our Union employees and celebrate all of those that do the work in Mendocino County.
September 6th, 2022
We had a Special BOS meeting to adopt Bylaws and a resolution for the Mendocino County Public Facilities Corporation and appointing the CEO, Secretary and Treasurer.
September 7th, 2022
At the beginning of the month, I meet with the City of Ukiah City Manager and Mayor.
We discussed illegal camping, the current construction projects.
September 8th, 2022
I am the alternate for the UVBGSA Board, I listened in to the meeting on the 8th
September 9th, 2022
I had the honor of judging the Chili Cook Off which is a fundraiser for the Ukiah Boys and Girls Club. There was a great turn out for this years event and the community really enjoyed a chance to get back together.
September 10th
I attended a community cleanup of an illegal household trash dump on Dogwood Terrace in Brooktrails, organized by City of Willits City Council Member Greta Kanne.
When I came back to Ukiah, I visited the Ukiah Recovery Centers Annual event “Recovery in the Park”. This year our community and their families came together to celebrate a collective 217 of years of sobriety. Please visit their website at
September 11th , 2022
I had the chance to Volunteer for Big Earl’s BBQ on Patriots Day. We served local military, and public safety folks a great lunch. It's always an honor to participate in this event.
I attended the Mendocino Women’s Political Coalition annual meeting.
September 12th, 2022
At our LAFCO meeting we had a joint presentation workshop on the Ukiah Valley Sanitation District and City of Ukiah Joint Participation Agreement.
September 13th
At our Board meeting we discussed the Grand Jury responses, and Approved MOU’s with the Deputy Sheriff’s Association and the Confidential Employees Bargaining units.
September 14th, 2022
RCRC Conference in Napa
September 15th, 2022
RCRC Conference in Napa
September 16th, 2022
RCRC Conference in Napa
September 17th, 2022
This Saturday was the California Statewide Coastal Clean-up which we celebrate inland as well. For several years I have cleaned up under the future “Courthouse Drive” bridge on Perkins Street. I had several folks that sleep on our streets help me clean up the heavy stuff before the community came and we were able to clean up the rest of the depot site. It was a successful clean for all of the sites.
September 18th
I attended the Fiesta de indepencia event at the Alex Rorbaugh Center in Ukiah
September 19th
At the Great Redwood Trail Agency Meeting in Healdsburg we received a presentation by the consultant about the Master Plan Process for the Great Redwood Trail.
I met with a constituent about issues and concerns that the Fish and Game Commission will be sharing during public comment at a future meeting.
September 20th
We had a regularly schedule Board meeting to discuss the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, discussed Staff Vacancies over 18 months and heard the Space Needs Assessment.
September 21st
I was asked to attend the City of Ukiah Leadership Academy lunch and learn as a local leader. I talked about why I ran for City Council and what it's like being a Supervisor and my goals for the future of the County.
September 22nd
I had a meeting with someone interested in serving in my Planning Commission seat.
I had the opportunity to meet and discuss what the potential options are for the Palace Hotel and the benefits to the community. I know this has been discussed before but its still very exciting to think about the possible benefits to the Ukiah Valley, it would great to see the sale of the building to a new owner with the vision to finally move this project forward.
I listened in on the Substance Use Disorder Quarterly Meeting. Its great that the service providers can meet to discuss who is doing what so they can coordinate and send people to the appropriate resources.
September 24th
My daughter and I joined the community at the Suicide Prevention Walk presented by the Pinoleville Band of Pomo Indians.
September 25th
I Volunteered at the fair in Anderson Valley. It was hot but great to get out and talk to the community.
September 26th
I attended the virtual National Association of Counties Arts and Culture Commission.
I attended the Candidate forum in Ukiah to share the information about how the funds from Measure P, if approved by voters, would be allocated.
September 27th
I was invited to attend a walking Moai at Live Oak. Unfortunately, there were not a lot of the residents that were able to join us, but I was able to take a walk with some of the staff of Live Oak and team members from the Blue Zones Project to talk about the built environment and how the project is going.
Members of State Assembly Member Jim Wood’s office were in town to visit the Live Oak project as a District tour of all the Homekey projects. Throughout the State Live Oak has become a model for these types of projects due to the good work of our team in building a project that sets the residents up for success.
September 28th
Attended the regularly scheduled meeting of the Behavioral Health Advisory Board, some ability to staff up is improving.
I attended the Measure B Committee virtually, where much of the discussion revolved around whether or not to fund the Ukiah Recovery Center proposal for Sober Living Beds at their treatment center. Ultimately the Board voted to go through an RFP Process which Dr Miller is working on.
September 30th
On Friday night I attended a meeting of the revived Mendocino County Food Policy Council. I look forward to sharing more about the local sourcing and health and wellness benefits of local food.
This is not an exhaustive list of the meetings and events that I attended and instead is meant to provide an opportunity to remind my colleagues and the public about the projects that I am working on to be able to ask questions about these meetings or events.
Maureen Mulheren
501 Low Gap Road
Ukiah, CA 95482
707-391-3664 cell