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January 10, 2021 Weekly Update #2
On Monday was my swearing in and Oath of Office. My oldest daughter, Kasie, my youngest daughter Andie, my father James, my mother Anita and my oldest sister Maggie attended to view physically distanced. You can watch the replay on YouTube, scroll ahead to minute 22 :
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 was my first meeting as a new Supervisor.
The agenda had the following items, here is my summary of the outcomes.
1. Open session 9am
1a. Roll Call
1b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Proclamations
3. Public Expression
4. Consent Calendar:
4a. Appointments/Reappointments:
Marie Jones, Mendocino County Commission, Fourth District
Mills Matheson, Behavioral Health Advisory Board, Third District
Jenine Miller, First Five Mendocino, County of Mendocino Representative
Patricia Rock, Hopland Municipal Advisory Council, Alternate Member
Charlotte Scott, Law Library Board of Trustees, Trustee
✅Approved as presented
4b. Proclamation recognizing January 2021 as Positive Parenting Awareness Month in Mendocino County
✅ Approved as presented
4c. Resolution designating the CEO responsible for the 2021-2022 Budget
✅ Approved as presented
4d. Approval of Agreement with Nokia of America for upgrades to Microwave Radio Communications for $1,170,271.85
✅ Approved as presented
4e. Roof repairs at the Willits Justice Center for $15,000
✅ Approved as presented
4f. Continuation of the emergency declaration for the August Complex, Oak Fire and Hopkins Fire
✅ Approved as presented
4g. Continuation of the emergency declaration for the 2019 PSPS events
✅ Approved as presented, Mulheren requests that more information of open items be presented at the next meeting
4h. Approve two easements across Low Gap for utility improvements
✅ Approved as presented
4i. Budget Appropriation Transfers for Election 2020
✅ Approved as presented
4j. Agreement with Round Valley Indian Tribes for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs
✅ Approved as presented
4k. Agreement with Dr Neomi Doohan for 1/1/2021-12/31/2021 in the amount of $100,000
✅ Approved as presented, Mulheren dissenting stating the importance for the Deputy Public Health Offiber to be located in Mendocino County and to not extend the contract for 12 months
4l. Approval of Agreement with CASA Serenity LLC in the amount of $50,000 for a total of $75,000
✅ Approved as presented, Mulheren pulls for clarification for increased cost. Initially 0 patients living in facility, currently two with the possibility for two more is what is driving the increase in costs
4m. Approval of Amendment to Agreement with Delta Dental in the amount of $837,100 for a total amount of $5,218,540 for the years 2016-2021
✅ Approved as presented
4n. Ordinance to add expedited Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permitting
✅ Approved as presented
4o. Ordinance to amend County code Enforcement Procedures and Regulations relating to Stormwater, Cannabis and Building Violations
✅ Approved with amendments
4p. Adoption of Proclamation recognizing January 9, 2021 as Law Enforcement Day
✅ Approved as presented
4q. Appoint Supervisor McGourty, Mulheren as alternate to the Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency Board of Directors
✅ Approved as presented
5a. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
✅ 4th District Chair, Gjerde. 5th District Vice-Chair Williams
5b. Covid-19 Update Discussion and Possible Action
✅ Regarding the Monday freezer thaw the four locations that distributed vaccines were the jail, the City of Ukiah, Adventist Health and a residential care home. Since then the County has a new freezer, the alarms are tested and functioning and manual inspections are included to insure that there isn't another failure.
The State Data is available for review at
Contract investigation is focused on positive cases with work to bring on more State volunteers. Cases continue to come from break rooms, small gatherings and close contacts.
There are four ways that vaccines come in to the County. Directly to the County Public Health Department, to Tribal Governments, to Adventist Health hospitals to Walgreens and CVS specifically for the Federal program to vaccinate those in residential care facilities.
5c. BOS Rules of Procedure
✅ Approved, Muheren add Districts to Chair rotation. Haschak recommendations and consensus
5d. 2021 Master Meeting Calendar
✅ Approved as presented, Mulheren wants “on location meetings off site to continue to be on the radar”
5e. BOS Special Assignments and Appointments
✅ My Assignments: General Government, National Association of Counties (Alternate), North Coast Railroad Authority (Public Seat), Area Agency on Aging (Alternate), Behavioral Health Advisory Board, Economic Development & Finance, West Company, First 5 Mendocino (Alternate), Inland Water and Power Commission (Alternate), Local Agency Formation Commission, Mendocino Solid Waste Management Authority, Mendocino Transit Authority, Policy Council on Children and Youth (Mulheren), Remote Area Network (RAN-MCSO), Russian River Watershed Association, Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency, Workforce Alliance of the North Bay
5f. 2021 Standing Committees Master Meeting Calendar
✅Approved as presented
5g. PPFC Appointments including Janet Pauli, Chris Watt and a ✅ First District Representative - Glenn McGourty
5h. 2021 Legislative Platform
✅ Haschak and Williams will work to incorporate information from memo's received. Mulheren will provide minor edits to staff.
5i. 30 Kitchenette Units for 555 Orchard Ave
✅ Approved. Mulheren request for more information on the project.
5j. MCSO Additional Deputy Request
✅ Referred to Haschak and Williams to work with the Sheriff to bring back more information specifically related to Cannabis
5k. CEO Report
✅ Not provided
6a. Discussion of Board Priorities, Roles and Responsibilities
✅ Haschak/McGourty will bring back an idea for a path forward to create a Strategic Plan
6b. Cannabis Discussion and Possible Action
✅ Direct Staff in the use of possible third party Consultants for Phase 1 applicants to hire for their Site Specific CEQA
Approved to bring forward a possible contract and scope of work for consultants
6c. Supervisors Reports
✅ Mulheren reports she will continue weekly Mendocino Business and Government Leaders Discussion on Covid-19 Economy and Recovery
7. Board of Directors Matters
✅ Nothing to report
8. Modifications to Agenda
✅ None
Closed Session:
9a. Borges & Gurr vs. County of Mendocino
✅ Direction to staff for an appellate court review, Mulheren dissenting.
9b. Labor Negotiations
✅ Nothing to report
9c. Property Negotiation: 551 S Orchard Ave, Ukiah, CA. 95482
✅ Direction given to staff
On Wednesday I had the opportunity to volunteer for the Covid Vaccine Clinic at Carl Purdy Hall in Ukiah.
This was a great way for me to understand the process and see how I can support staff as we move forward
with a need to ramp up to having multiple clinics per day in various locations.
You can catch me every Thursday morning on Zoom at 7:15am
The link is to my private Zoom room (see below) or visit the Facebook event by clicking on this image.
When the Shelter In Place first began in March myself and Jason Lyles from Senator McGuire's Office gathered a group of local electeds and agency staff as well as community partners to meet to discuss the Coronavirus and the economy. We have continued to meet weekly and it has provided a good opportunity to cate continuity in economic recovery across the County. This meeting will be ongoing and discusses relevant topics. The roll out of the vaccine, updated testing data and the Deadline being Extended for First Round of Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program Applications dominated this hour long conversation.
At noon on Thursday I met with the Project Homekey County Team to get caught up on next steps. There will be a community meeting at the end of the month to receive community feedback and answer questions. This project is located at 555 S Orchard Ave and will become supportive housing for families and homeless individuals. I will post an update about when the meeting is and how to log in as soon as I have it. I have watched the Board of Supervisors meeting regarding this project and the McGuire Town Hall and although I heard it a few times I think its important for the community to know and be reminded that the people that will live here are not temporary and this is not a shelter. This project will not have a visible impact on street level homelessness. The target population for this housing is current residents of hotels in the Project Roomkey program and people living in cars etc. There will be more to come on this project. I know this has happened quickly and I am glad that the County will be managing it for at least the first few years. I hope that people will attend their meeting to see if their questions have been addressed and if not work towards ways to address possible challenges.
Thursday afternoon I drove to Laytonville for a tour of Henry's Original. I had never visited their cannabis facility and its a good idea to understand the goals and objectives of everyone in the industry. If you'd like to set up a tour please let me know. That goes for people that don't want the industry as well. I'm a hands on kind of person and a site visit helps me make better decisions.
Thursday night myself and newly elected First District Supervisor were on KZYX and interviewed by Sarah Reith. We discussed our first meeting and our thoughts for the County moving forward. Here is the link in case you missed it: KZYX Open Lines
On Saturday I had a Zoom meeting with Rotary and Clean River Alliance to talk about partnerships moving forward to make sure we keep trash out of our waterways. Stay tuned for a big clean up in March. I visited the Ukiah Farmers Market to bring hand sanitizer and masks to the vendors. I also attended the Climate Action Mendocino meeting which is a grassroots group in Ukiah I’ve been involved with for a couple of years.
Today was my Second Sunday - Open Door Meeting. I had about five people on and off join in the conversation to talk about everything from vaccines to Project Homekey. If you missed this meeting but would like me to join a few of your friends on Zoom please let me know otherwise the next meeting will be February 14th at 11am.
Here is my Zoom link for any meetings that are my personal meeting room:
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What a first week to 2021! I am having a great time and can’t wait to hear from you and share more about your thoughts on local County government and how I can support our community.
My official County email address is:
and my cell is still 707-391-3664
Here’s to a successful week!
The Mo You Know
Copyright © 2021 Maureen Mulheren, All rights reserved.
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104 N School Street, Ukiah, CA 95482
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