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Weekly Update #28 - July 13, 2021


On Wednesday I went to the Jail to meet with Kate Feigin about some work she's doing with Sheriff Kendall and Chief of Probation Izen Locatelli. The jail has a garden and a bee keeping program. They also have GED and some college classes. I have asked Kate, the Sheriff and Chief Locatelli to come to a meeting in September to share their program vision. Inmates learn the art of beekeeping at Mendocino County jail (

As usual I listened in to the City Council Meeting. The City is applying for CDBG grants and they also received a report and update from EDFC which they help fund. 



You know that every Thursday begins with Coffee and Conversation. We discussed a fellow named James that has taken up residency a few hundred feet away from Building Bridges. He does not receive services from Building Bridges and so far they have not been able to successfully encourage him to move along. Presumably because he has no where else to go but it has an impact on their City permit and the perception of the community. Homelessness is a complicated issue every where. Always looking forward to having conversations and being a sounding board. Feel free to join the conversation on Thursday morning 7:15am Zoom Meeting ID 7079548230 Password LOCAL707. Assemblymember Jim Wood will be joining me on 7/29/21

I went to the Hopland Resource Education center to have a conversation with a researcher regarding Cannabis and the economy in Mendocino County. This is a subject that I would never be done talking about. Especially why I support the cannabis industry as a legal business in Mendocino County. Make sure you follow me on @Mo4Mendo to learn more

At the EDFC Board Meeting we approved a loan for a local company in Fort Bragg. I hope to be able to share more soon!

I listened in on the Covid Equity Working Group. They are still working on trying to get people vaccinated and thinking about how to protect kids in the fall when school comes back in session.

At the IWPC meeting of course the conversation was mostly focused on the drought of course. If you are looking for more updates on the drought please follow me on Facebook @ Mo4Mendo



I had a meeting on Friday with County staff regarding the City of Ukiah and Project Homekey 2.0. Last month the BOS sent letters to all of the municipalities to ask if they would be interested in a homeless to housing project. I had listened in to the City Council meeting and they seemed reluctant so I wanted to meet with County staff before meeting with Council-member Brown my  liaison with the City. If you would like to know how the current project is going you can read more at or listen in to the City Council meeting next Wednesday when Megan Van Sant does a presentation.



I spent Saturday morning at the Farmers Market. It was not hot as it had been so that was good! I love talking about food waste. Our “dumbest” environmental problem (according to Vox online). I hosted one contest already on my Facebook. Did you read this far? Text me a picture of your food waste from all day tomorrow and I will give you a prize! 707-391-3664

Saturday was the Pear Tree Cruise-In and Car Show. Oh man it was hot but a couple of dozen cars showed up and a good time was had by all. Looking forward to the Grand Opening of the Streetscape where the classic cars are invited to line up on School Street. If you’d like to put your car out for display you can contact Katrina Kessen at the Greater Ukiah Business and Tourism Alliance.



Sundays are for Agenda Prep! It was a hot one out so I didn’t mind being tied to my iPad indoors.

This was our first Sundays in the Park with local Country favorites Johnny Young Band and Charlie Crocket. I worked in the Ukiah Main Street Program beer and wine booth a fundraiser for the Downtown. I had a great night!



At our Monday Mendocino LAFCO meeting we had a review of the Covelo draft Municipal Service Review and Sphere Update. Covelo has a hard time getting an accurate census but it is important that they have adequate services for the residents. You can read the report here:



Board Outcomes:

1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.)

1a) Roll Call

1b) Pledge of Allegiance



3a) Public Expression

07-12-21 Fletcher Correspondence

07-12-21 Gaska Correspondence

07-12-21 MCA Correspondence

07-12-21 Colangelo Correspondence Attachments:




4a) Approval of Minutes of June 22, 2021 Regular Meeting Recommended Action: Approve minutes of the June 22, 2021 regular meeting. Attachments: 6-22-21 Minutes - DRAFT July 13, 2021 

Approved, Haschak add vote to item 4AX


4b) Approval of Recommended Appointments/Reappointments Recommended Action: 1. Janice Marcell, Fourth District Representative, Library Advisory Board; 2. Denise Gorny, Community Representative, Child Care Planning Council; 3. Deborah Fader Samson, Museum Director, Archaeological Commission of Mendocino County; 4. Deborah Fader Samson, Ex-Officio - County Librarian, Library Advisory Board; 5. Tess Albin-Smith, Fourth District Representative, Mendocino County Climate Action Advisory Committee; 6. Cathy Monroe, First District Representative, Mendocino County Climate Action Advisory Committee; 7. Richard Towle, First District Representative, Library Advisory Board; 8. Patty Bruder, Third District Representative, Health and Human Services Agency Advisory Board; and 9. Lynn Zimmermann, Second District Representative, Library Advisory Board. Marcell Application Gorny Application Fader Samson Application Albin-Smith Application Monroe Application Towle Application Bruder Application Zimmermann Application Attachments:

All Approved

4c) A p p r o v a l o f R e c o m m e n d e d S p e c i a l D i s t r i c t Appointments/Reappointments Recommended Action: Approve the following appointments/reappointments: 1. Juliette Wilcox, Elk County Water District. 



4d) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company in the Amount of $1,298,953 for Third Party Medical Claims and Flexible Spending Administration and to Continue to Lease the Blue Cross Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Network of Providers for Discounted Claim Costs for the County’s Self-Funded Health Plan for a Three Year Term, Effective January 1, 2021 Through December 31, 2023 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Agreement with Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company in the Amount of $1,298,953 for third party medical claims and flexible spending administration and to continue to lease the Blue Cross Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Network of Providers for discounted claim costs for the County's self-funded health plan for a three year term, effective January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2023, authorize the Assistant Chief Executive Officer to approve future amendments that may increase the annual Agreement amount only due to enrollment numbers but do not exceed the Per Employee Per Month (PEPM) rates that have been proposed and guaranteed, for a period not to exceed five (5) years or when the next full market evaluation is performed; whichever comes sooner; and authorize Chair to sign same. Mendocino Co. - Carmel Angelo letter 06072021_ Anthem_COM _2021 Base Administrative Services Agreement_for BOS Attachments:


4e) Adoption of Resolution Approving a Grant Fund of $197,620 from the State Coastal Conservancy for the Mendocino County Fuels Reduction Capacity Building Project Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving a grant fund of $197,620 from the state Coastal Conservancy for the Mendocino County Fuels Reduction Capacity Building Project; and authorize Chair to sign same. Coastal Conservancy Resolution Mendocino County SCC Application Form Attachments:


4f) Approval of the Second Amendment to Agreement BOS-20-113 with North Coast Opportunities for COVID-19 Awareness and Education Campaign Services, Increasing the Amount from $153,337 to $177,831, Effective Upon Execution through September 30, 2021 Recommended Action: Approve the second amendment to agreement BOS-20-113 with North Coast Opportunities for COVID-19 awareness and education campaign services, increasing the amount from $153,337 to $177,831, effective upon execution through September 30, 2021; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Agreement


4g) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Community Foundation of Mendocino County in the Amount of $275,000 for COVID-19 Relief Services, Term starting June 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive agreement with Community Foundation of Mendocino County in the amount of $275,000 for COVID-19 Relief Services, term starting June 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021; and authorize the Chair to sign same. Community Foundation Food Relief June-Dec 2021 CFMC COVID-19 FEMA Grant Activity Summary as of 5.31.21 Attachments: 4h) Approval of Retroactive Change Order No. 1 to Board of Supervisors Contract 21-042 with Adams Commercial General Contracting, Inc. in the Amount of $9,265 for a Revised Total Agreement Amount of $305,123 and an Extension of Contract Time through July 31, 2021 to Address Accessibility and Other Issues for the Regional Behavioral Health Training Center at 8207 East Road in Redwood Valley Recommended Action: Approve Retroactive Change Order No. 1 to Board of Supervisors Contract 21-042 with Adams Commercial General Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $9,265 for a revised total agreement amount of $305,123 and an extension of contract time through July 31, 2021 to address accessibility and other issue for the Regional Behavioral Health Training Center Project at 8207 East Road in Redwood Valley Attachments: ACGC Change Order No. 1 



4i) Approval of Appointments-In-Lieu of Election for the August 31st 2021 All Mail Special District Election for the Irish Beach Water District and Mendocino County Waterworks District 2; and Further Authorize Additional Appointments of Qualified Persons be Made for Those Districts that Did Not Have the Sufficient Number of Candidates Recommended Action: Approve the Appointments-In-Lieu of Election for all candidates who filed their Declaration of Candidacy forms for the Irish Beach Water District and Mendocino County Waterworks District 2; and further authorize additional appointments of qualified persons be made for those districts that did not have the sufficient number of candidates. Attachments: Cert of Appt by BOS scanned and signed IBW and MCWD2.pdf


4j) Adoption of Resolution Approving the County of Mendocino to Establish an Electronic Recording Delivery System Recommended Action: Adopt resolution approving the County of Mendocino Recorder to establish an Electronic Recording Delivery System; and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution CERTNA ERDS Client MOU-Mendocino.pdf CERTNA G2G MOU - Mendocino.pdf APPENDIX_A-Services_and_Benefits.pdf APPENDIX_B-CeRTNA_Client_Tier_Costs-1-1-2021.pdf APPENDIX_C-Workstation_Requirements.pdf Bill Text - AB-578 County recorders_ electronic recording.pdf Attachments:



4k) Adoption of Two (2) Resolutions Establishing the Proposition 4 Gann Spending Limit Appropriations for the County of Mendocino and Special Districts Governed by the Board of Supervisors for Fiscal Year 2021-22 Recommended Action: Adopt two (2) Resolutions establishing the Proposition 4 Gann Spending Limit Appropriations for the County of Mendocino and Special Districts governed by the Board of Supervisors for fiscal year 2021-22; and authorize Chair to sign same. Gann Limit Calculation 21.22 Gann Limit Reso Lighting Dist 21-22 Gann Limit Reso County 21-22 Attachments: 



4l) Adoption of Resolution Establishing Behavioral Health and Recovery Services as Public Conservator and Agency Designated to Provide Conservatorship Investigation Under the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution establishing Behavioral Health and Recovery Services as Public Conservator and agency designated to provide conservatorship investigation under the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Lanterman-Petris-Short, Public Conservator and Investigation, BHRS, 2021, Resolution


4m) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with National Alliance on Mental Illness Mendocino in the Amount of $57,000 to Provide Mental Health Services Act, Prevention and Early Intervention Funded Programs, Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Agreement with National Alliance on Mental Illness Mendocino in the amount of $57,000 to provide Mental Health Services Act, Prevention and Early Intervention funded programs, effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; authorize Health and Human Services Agency Assistant Director/Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Director to sign any future amendments that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: National Alliance on Mental Illness, $57,000


4n) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Consolidated Tribal Health Project in the Amount of $107,000 to Provide Mental Health Services Act, Prevention and Early Intervention and Community Services and Supports Programs to Native American Communities, Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Agreement with Consolidated Tribal Health Project in the amount of $107,000 to provide Mental Health Services Act, Prevention and Early Intervention Services and Community Services and Supports programs to Native American communities, effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; authorize Health and Human Services Agency Assistant Director/Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Director to sign any amendments that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Consolidated Tribal Health Project, $107,000


4o) Approval of Retroactive Amendment to Agreement No. BOS 21-011 with Redwood Quality Management Company in the Amount of $451,750 for a New Total of $1,191,750 to Provide Direct Service, Facilitation, Administration, and Participant-Specific Data for the County of Mendocino, Whole Person Care Pilot Project, Effective January 1, 2021 Through and New End Date of December 31, 2021 (Original End Date June 30, 2021) Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Amendment to Agreement No. BOS 21-011 with Redwood Quality Management Company in the amount of $451,750 for a new total of $1,191,750 to provide direct service, facilitation, administration, and participant-specific data for the County of Mendocino, Whole Person Care Pilot Project, effective January 1, 2021 through and new end date of December 31, 2021 (original end date June 30, 2021); authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Assistant Director or designee to sign any future amendments that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Amendment - Redwood Quality Management Company, Amendment, $451,750 ($1,191,750), 20-21, ACT, WPC - Preliminary Original Agreement - Redwood Quality Management Company, $740,000, ACT, 2021, BOS 21-011 Attachments:



4p) Adoption of Resolution Authorizing a Title Change and Salary Revision of General Services Agency Director, Salary No. D46B to Director General Services Agency, Salary No. 6298; Re-Establishment of the Classification of Director Social Services, Salary No. 6214 and Amending Position Allocation Table as Follows: Budget Unit 5010 - Add 1.0 FTE Director Social Services Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing a title change and salary revision of General Services Agency Director, Salary No. D46B to Director General Services Agency, Salary No. 6298; re-establishment of the classification of Director Social Services at Salary No. 6214 and amend Position Allocation Table as follows: Budget Unit 5010 - add 1.0 FTE Director Social Services; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 07.13.21 #21-0676 HR Adopt GSA DSS RESO.docx 


4q) Adoption of Resolution Adopting the Classification of Caseworker, Salary No. 2310 and Amending Position Allocation Table as Follows: Budget Unit 2080 - Add 1.0 FTE (Temporary Grant Funded) Caseworker Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution adopting the classification of Caseworker, Salary No. 2310 and amending Position Allocation Table as follows: Budget Unit 2080 - add 1.0 FTE (Temporary Grant Funded) Caseworker; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 07.13.21 #21-0743 HR Adopt Caseworker Amend PAT BU 2080 RESO.docx


4r) Adoption of Resolution Amending Position Allocation Table as Follows: Budget Unit 5020 - Delete 1.0 FTE Department Analyst II, 1.0 FTE Senior Department Analyst, 1.0 FTE Staff Services Administrator; Budget Unit 1020 - Add 2.0 FTE Department Analyst II - Confidential, 1.0 FTE Senior Administrative Analyst Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution amending Position Allocation Table as follows: Budget Unit 5020 - Delete 1.0 FTE Department Analyst II, 1.0 FTE Senior Department Analyst, 1.0 FTE Staff Services Administrator; Budget Unit 1020 - Add 2.0 FTE Department Analyst II - Confidential, 1.0 FTE Senior Administrative Analyst; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 07.13.21 #21-0796 HR Amend PAT BU 5020 to BU 1020 RESO jc.docx


4s) Authorization of the Issuance of Administrative Coastal Development Permit (CDP_2021-0003) to Convert an Existing Garage/Guest Cottage with Attached Deck to a Multi-Story Single Family Residence Located at 44435 Little River Airport Road Little River APN: 121-310-36 Recommended Action: Authorize the Issuance of Administrative Coastal Development Permit (CDP_2021-0003) to convert an existing garage/guest cottage with attached deck to a multi-story single family residence located at: 44435 Little River Airport Road; Little River; APN: 121-310-36. 00. CDP_2021-0003 BOS MEETING NOTICE ~(FINAL) 02. CDP_2021-0003 STAFF REPORT -(FINAL) ~(FINAL) 03. Combined Maps Attachments:


4t) Authorization of the Issuance of Administrative Coastal Development Permit (CDP_2021-0001) to Construct a 1,680 Square Foot Single Family Dwelling with an Attached Deck, and Associated Infrastructure, and Connection to Utilities; Located at: 41301 Seascape Drive, Westport; APN: 013-830-02 Recommended Action: Authorize the Issuance of Administrative Coastal Development Permit (CDP_2021-0001) to construct a 1,680 square foot single family dwelling with an attached deck, and associated infrastructure, and connection to utilities; located at: 41301 Seascape Drive, Westport; APN: 013-830-02. 00. CDP_2021-0001 BOS MEETING NOTICE 02. CDP_2021-0001 Charboneau Staff Report (FINAL) 03. Combined Maps (Revised) Attachments:



4u) Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Mendocino County Chief Probation Officer to Submit Grant Application for State of California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) Youth Programs and Facilities Grant Program in an Amount of $167,529, to Support Infrastructure and Improvements to Programs, Services, or Facilities Serving Youth who are Realigned as a Result of the Closure of the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing Mendocino County Chief Probation Officer to submit grant application for State of California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) Youth Programs and Facilities Grant Program in an amount of $167,529, to support infrastructure and improvements to programs, services or facilities serving youth who are realigned as a result of the closure of the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ); authorize the Chief Probation Officer to sign the grant agreement, including any amendment thereof; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Resolution 



4v) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with In-Custody Transportation, Inc. in the Amount of $450,000 to Provide Prisoner Transportation Services for the Mendocino County Jail for the Period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2026 Recommended Action: Approve Retroactive Agreement with In-Custody Transportation, Inc. in the amount of $450,000 to provide prisoner transportation services for the Mendocino County Jail for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2026; authorize the Sheriff to sign any future amendments that do not affect the maximum Agreement total; and authorize Chair to sign same. b In-Custody Transportation $450,000 FY 21-26 dept-vend sigs.pdf Inmate Transportation 2021 RFP Final.pdf Attachments:


4w) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Armorous in the Amount of $400,000 to Provide Security Guard Services for Inmates Temporarily Housed in Facilities Other than the Mendocino County Jail for the Period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2025 Recommended Action: Approve Retroactive Agreement with Armorous in the amount of $400,000 to provide security guard services for inmates temporarily housed in facilities other than the Mendocino County Jail for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2025; authorize the Sheriff to sign any future amendments that do not affect the maximum Agreement total; and authorize Chair to sign same. 2021 Jail Security Guard RFP.pdf b Armorous FY 21-25 $400,000 dept-vendor sigs.pdf Attachments:


4x) Approval of Retroactive Revenue Agreement with the Department of State Hospitals in the Amount of $2,879,097 for the Administration of a Jail-Based Competency Treatment Program at the Mendocino County Jail for the Period of May 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive revenue Agreement with the Department of State Hospitals (DSH) in the amount of $2,879,097 for the administration of a Jail-Based Competency Treatment (JBCT) program at the Mendocino County Jail (MCJ) for the period of May 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024; and authorize the Sheriff to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that do not affect the maximum Agreement amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: c Dept State Hosp JBCT $2,879,097 FY 20-24 Rev dept sig.pdf July 13, 2021 Page 19 Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA 4y) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Armorous in the Amount of $25,000 to Provide Security Personnel Services on a Stand-By Basis for Inmates Receiving Medical Care Outside of the Mendocino County Jail Effective May 11, 2021 through June 30, 2021 Recommended Action: Approve Retroactive Agreement with Armorous in the amount of $25,000 to provide security services on a stand-by basis for inmates receiving medical care outside of the Mendocino County Jail effective May 11, 2021 through June 30, 2021; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: b Armorous FY 20-21 $25,000 dept-vendor sigs.pdf


4z) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Tamarack Management in the Amount of $69,500 to Prepare the Mendocino County Emergency Operations Plan and Support Annexes for the Office of Emergency Services for the Period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Retroactive Agreement with Tamarack Management in the amount of $69,500 to prepare the Mendocino County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and Support Annexes for the Office of Emergency Service (OES) for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; and authorize Chair to sign same. b Tamarack Management $69,500 FY 21-22 dept-vend sigs.pdf 2021 Emergency Operations Plan OES RFP Final.pdf Attachments: TRANSPORTATION 4aa ) Adoption of Resolution Approving and Levying a Special Tax for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 in the Amount of $48.49 on Each Parcel Within the Lakewood Lighting District of Mendocino County (Ukiah Area) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving and levying a Special Tax for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 in the amount of $48.49 on each parcel within the Lakewood Lighting District of Mendocino County (Ukiah Area); and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution Tax Calculation Attachments: 


4ab ) Adoption of Resolution Approving Amendment Number 3 to Board of Supervisors Agreement Number 19-004/Department of Transportation Agreement Number 180073, for Professional Engineering Services with Brelje & Race Consulting Engineers, for an Additional Amount of $95,000 for Redwood Valley Water Infrastructure Retrofit Project Engineering Services for the Term Starting Upon Execution of this Agreement Through December 31, 2023, and Authorizing the Director of Transportation to Sign Any and All Amendments to the Agreement not Exceeding $30,000 (Redwood Valley Area) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving Amendment Number 3 to Board of Supervisors Agreement Number 19-004/Department of Transportation Agreement Number 180073, for professional engineering services with Brelje & Race Consulting Engineers, for an additional amount of $95,000 for Redwood Valley Water Infrastructure Retrofit Project engineering services for the term starting upon execution of this Agreement through December 31, 2023, and authorizing the Director of Transportation to sign any and all amendments to the agreement not exceeding $30,000 (Redwood Valley Area); and authorize Chair to sign same. Letter Resolution Amendment No. 3 - Unsigned Attachments:



5a) Presentation of the 2021 Spring Supervisor/Management Academy Graduates (Sponsor: Human Resources) Recommended Action: Accept and approve the presentation of the 2021 Spring Supervisor/Management Academy Graduates. Attachments: 2021 Spring Academy Graduates 6.29.21

5b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Amendment of the Board of Supervisors 2021 Master Meeting Schedule Adding a Potential Regular Meeting on August 10, 2021, and Cancelling a Regular Meeting on August 3, 2021, and/or Other Dates as Directed by the Board (Sponsor: Clerk of the Board) Recommended Action: Approve amendment to the Board of Supervisors 2021 Master Meeting Schedule adding a Regular Meeting on August 10, 2021, and cancelling a regular meeting on August 3, 2021, and/or other dates as directed by the Board. Attachments: 07-13-21 Proposed Master Meeting Calendar July 13, 2021

withdrawn by the department 

5c) Discussion and Possible Action Including an Update Associated with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19); and Provide Possible Direction Regarding Essential Services in Mendocino County, Operational Preparation and Response, and Associated Countywide Economic Impacts (Sponsor: Public Health) Recommended Action: Receive update regarding COVID-19 in the County, discuss and/or provide direction regarding essential services in Mendocino County, operational preparation and response, and associated countywide economic impacts. Attachments: 7-13-21 BOS Written Report

Receive report, follow CDPH guidelines regarding masking. We need more vaccines out in the community. 

5d) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Department of Transportation to Authorize, for an Amount Greater Than Previously Authorized, Department of Transportation Contract Number 200055 Bid Additives 1 and 2, for the Reconstruction and Widening of East Side Potter Valley Road, County Road 240, Milepost 4.95 to 5.09 and Milepost 6.37 to 6.58 (Potter Valley Area) (Sponsor: Transportation) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing Department of Transportation to authorize, for an amount greater than previously authorized, Department of Transportation Contract Number 200055 Bid Additives 1 and 2, for the reconstruction and widening of East Side Potter Valley Road, County Road 240, milepost 4.95 to 5.09 and milepost 6.37 to 6.58 (Potter Valley Area); and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution Letter and Bid Additive 1 and 2 Attachments:

On hold for PG&E funds

5e) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Amending the Exhibit X - Master Fee Schedule Effective August 15, 2021 for Probation, Juvenile Hall, Animal Care, Clerk-Recorder, and Cannabis Management Unit (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution amending Exhibit X - Master Fee Schedule effective August 15, 2021 for Probation, Juvenile Hall, Animal Care, Clerk-Recorder, and Cannabis Management Unit; and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution Attachment #2 - CEO Memo.pdf Attachment #3 - Proposed Changes to the Master Fee Schedule.pdf Attachment #4.pdf Attachment #5 - DRAFT Exhibit X - Master Fee Schedule-REVISED JULY 12-2021 MCEO Affidavit 6589174 07-12-21 Herbanology Team Correspondence 07-12-21 MCA Correspondence 07-12-21 Munn Correspondence 07-12-21 Powell Correspondence 07-12-21 Wheeler Correspondence 07-12-21 Zachreson Correspondence 07-12-21 Bush Correspondence 07-12-21 CCAG Correspondence 07-12-21 Ferreira Correspondence 07-12-21 Harness Correspondence Attachments:

Deferred to 7/19/21

5f) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Urgency Ordinance for Allowing and Establishing Requirements for Temporary Installation and Use of Water Tanks during the 2021 Drought Emergency (Sponsors: County Counsel and Planning & Building Services) Recommended Action: Adopt Urgency Ordinance Allowing and Establishing Requirements for Temporary Installation and Use of Water Tanks during the 2021 Drought Emergency; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Urgency Ordinance Water Tanks - FINAL.docx


5g) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Presentation Regarding County Road Dust Suppression Program - Dust-Off (Laytonville Area) (Sponsor: Transportation) Recommended Action: Accept presentation regarding County Road Dust Suppression Program - Dust-Off (Laytonville Area)

Drought Ad Hoc will be working with the Director of Transportation

5h) Discussion and Possible Action Including Explanation of Three Possible Methodologies for the Redistricting Process; and Direction to Staff to (1) Establish a Staff-Based Advisory Commission or (2) Appoint a Citizen Independent Redistricting Commission or (3) Appoint a Hybrid Redistricting Commission (Sponsors: Executive Office and County Counsel) Recommended Action: Direct staff to (1) establish a staff-based advisory commission or (2) appoint a citizen independent redistricting commission or (3) appoint a hybrid redistricting commission. Redistricting Timeline Redistricting Memo 06-22-21 Staff Memo Attachments:

Deferred to 7/19/21

5i) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Annual Report of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Mendocino County, Including Local Emergency Medical Services Agency (LEMSA) Update and Pacific Gas and Electric Settlement Proposal Request (Sponsors: Health and Human Services Agency and Executive Office) Recommended Action: Receive and approve update regarding Annual Report of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Mendocino County, including Local Emergency Medical Services Agency (LEMSA) update and Pacific Gas and Electric Settlement Proposal Request; and provide further direction to staff as appropriate. Emergency Medical Care Committee 2021 Annual Report EMCC Presentation Attachments:

Receive presentation

5j) Chief Executive Officer's Report (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Accept the Chief Executive Officer's report. Attachments: CEO Report 7-13-21 Edition 

Receive. Direct Williams and McGourty to work with the Sheriff on the report that was previously received from Supervisor Brown. Cannabis Program 5 permits issued in June. Applicants in Good Standing 150. Those applicants needing to use the portal looks to be about 688 and the portal information is now live on the Cannabis website. It is not officially open yet they are waiting for proper notice so we need to make sure you have all of your paperwork together. Tonight they should be uploading the list of those that need Portal submission by AG number. Cannabis Application Portal System | Mendocino County, CA Expired permits have 30 days to renew their permits. Appendix G checklist info is on the website. 11 people eligible for the grant program find out more at Board directive for the CEO to help with staffing and bring the Cannabis Program back to the Supervisors ASAP for consideration. We don't know the source of the fire but it was put out quickly with UVFA and CalFire. 

5k) Discussion and Possible Action Including Review, Adoption, Amendment, Consideration or Ratification of Legislation Pursuant to the Adopted Legislative Platform (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Provide direction to staff on matters of legislation. Support for Additional HBP, Safety and ATP Funding Support Highway Trust Fund (HTF) Reauthorization Attachments:

Support additional funding 


6a) Supervisors’ Reports Regarding Board Special Assignments, Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Meetings, and Other Items of General Interest

Reports Received. I generally don't report here because I post my update weekly at MaureenMulheren.Com

6b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Update from the Drought Task Force Ad Hoc Committee (Sponsor: Drought Task Force Ad Hoc Committee of Supervisors Haschak and McGourty) Recommended Action: Accept update from the Drought Task Force Ad Hoc Committee; and provide direction to staff as appropriate. Drought Task Force Agenda Item 07132021 - Supporting Information 07-12-21 Presentation Attachments:

- How can the Board work together to have this discussion without violating the Brown Act? 

- First and foremost we need to make sure that we meet health and safety needs.

- Emergency tanks will work for most families

- There is a discussion happening around how to get water from Willits to Fort Bragg via railroad. 

- Please if your well is going dry report it at

7. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MATTERS The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors meets concurrently as the Board of Directors of the: In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Governing Board; Mendocino County Air Quality Management District; Mendocino County Public Facilities Corporation; and the Mendocino County Water Agency.

8. MODIFICATIONS TO AGENDA Items added to the agenda subsequent to agenda publication, up to 72 hours in advance of the meeting, pursuant to Government Code section 54954.

9. CLOSED SESSION Any public reports of action taken in the closed session will be made in accordance with Government Code sections 54957.1.

9a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant Exposure to Litigation: One Case 

9b) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant Exposure to Litigation: One Case

9c) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant Exposure to Litigation: One Case

9d) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 - Conference with Labor Negotiator - Agency Negotiators: Carmel J. Angelo, Cherie Johnson, Darcie Antle, Kristen Nevedal and William Schurtz; Employee Organization(s): All

9e) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: One Case - County of Mendocino, et al. v. Amerisourcebergen Drug Corporation, et al. - Case No. 1:18-cv-02712 



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