Reminder that the First Day of Hispanic Heritage Month, is September 15, 2021!! If you are a teacher or interested community member this website has a lot of resources for you:
On Wednesday we had a City of Ukiah + County Parks meeting with Neil Davis and Supervisor Glenn McGourty. I know Neil from being on the City Council and his work with Walk & Bike Mendocino. He is also the Executive Director of the Ukiah Valley Trail Group so he has parks experience as well. Several of the County parks have UVTG trails and as you know portions of Low Gap Park are owned by the City. The City of Ukiah is also great at getting grants so it seems like a logical partnership. More to follow.
The Library Advisory Board meets once a month to share what is going on with each of the branches, they also have the renewal of the Sales Tax coming up which is an important conversation. I think we will hear a lot more about that soon.
The final Ukiah Valley Russian River Cleanup planning meeting was on Wednesday. Deborah said there were 80 volunteers and 16 sites. I am heading up the area underneath the “New Courthouse“ bridge. Hope to see you there Saturday.
As usual we had the Coffee and Conversation meeting. This is every Thursday at 7:15am-7:45am on Zoom! Log in with your questions, concerns, rants, raves whatever. Let’s talk as in real life as we can get, virtual. Meeting ID 7079548230Password LOCAL707
At our monthly Mendocino Business and Government Leaders meeting we discussed the possible order that Dr Coren was coming out requiring signage for restaurants and bars. Here is the link to the official Public Health Order:
We had the MSWMA meeting on Thursday. The TAC has been working on a solution to bring forward for the future of the agency. In the meantime there is an urgent funds need that each member agency is going to need to speak with their individual boards about.
I organized a meeting with the City, Ukiah Valley Fire District, the Assessor, Acting Auditor and Executive Office staff about the annexation of the City of Ukiah into the Ukiah Valley Fire District. The tax sharing is an important piece that needs to happen before the end of the year. It a zero exchange with the County but the Board of Supes needs to approve it.
I had the Workforce Alliance of the North Bay Governing Board Meeting we heard updates about their programs. Mendocino County is a piece of this larger collaboration and its a great resource for a small agency like ours.
I dropped in on the MCAAC to make sure that the “Coal Train” is on their radar. You can read more here:
Of course Saturday was National Clean Up day. I did a clean up at the Courthouse Bridge. I had a few community members and some students from UHS Club Latino come out to help. I can’t wait to hear how many tons were collected.
I was prepared to do an advertisement for Sheriff's Office recruitment but it turned out they were too short staffed to do the project. A reminder that we are actively recruiting for jobs in Mendocino County.
I had a meeting with Jim Brown from the Ukiah City Council about MSWMA having an Interim Director take over to sort out what needs to happen next. The situation with the budget has been highlighted with so many people cleaning out their garages and closets over the last year during the Shelter in Place. Mendo Recycle has served the County for quite some time but with the changes in recycling and hauling regulations related to treated wood and policies coming down about Mixed Waste Organics we need to prepare for what the future is going to look like.
September 21, 2021
1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.)
1a) Roll Call
1b) Pledge of Allegiance
2a) Public Expression Attachments: 09-14-21 Smallcomb Correspondence
Jude Thillman Public Comment on the Cannabis Program
3a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Ratifying the Declaration of a Local Emergency Related to the Hopkins Fire as Proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and Ratifying the Existence of a Local Health Emergency as Proclaimed by the Health Officer (Sponsors: Executive Office and Public Health) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution ratifying the declaration of a Local Emergency related to the Hopkins Fire as proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and ratifying the existence of a Local Health Emergency as proclaimed by the Health Officer; and authorize Chair to sign same. Hopkins Fire Resolution - Final Draft Hopkins Fire Proclamation - OES Hopkins Fire PHO Declaration Attachments:
If there are community members that need assistance and don't have computer access please have them call
Mendocino County Disaster Recovery Hotline: 707-234-6303
County staff is working with the Calpella Water District to assist with possible needs and funding
Approve - Resolution to declare a local emergency of the Hopkins Fire
3b) Discussion and Possible Adoption of Urgency Ordinance Authorizing an Administrative Permit Program for the Temporary Use and Occupancy of Trailer Coaches For Use as a Shelter Following the Hopkins Fire for Affected Properties within the Footprint Area of the Hopkins Fire (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services) Recommended Action: Adopt urgency ordinance authorizing an Administrative Permit Program for the Temporary Use and Occupancy of Trailer Coaches for use as a Shelter following the Hopkins Fire for affected properties within the footprint area of the Hopkins Fire; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 1. Urgency Ordinance - Temporary Trailers - Hopkins.docx
Staff is proposing waiving the fee for administrative permits and its not likely that those costs will be reimbursable
Approve - Urgency Ordinance