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Weekly Update #40. October 5, 2021

Hi friends! As you know every Tuesday I share what I've been up to for the week. Last week I was in Monterey at the RCRC Conference (Rural County Representatives of California). There is some info from the presentations that I attended in this weeks report. As I say every week this is not all of the activities that I do in a given week I just want to give you an idea of things that I’m working on in case they interest you.

Wednesday: RCRC the two interesting topics this morning were about the implications of the migration of California except for... the data is not showing that people are leaving the state but instead are moving from more urban areas to more rural areas. Especially with the ability to work from home the change in where people in California live. Another interesting point is that because of the large number of Baby Boomers that are hanging on to their homes and not choosing to downsize which doesn't leave room in the housing market for millennials that are now ready to purchase a home. Also we heard from Leon Panetta, Former U.S. Secretary of Defense about his long career in politics. In the afternoon we heard from several companies that turn plastic in to building blocks. The one I'm the most excited about only charges $300,000 per year. The blocks could be used for a variety of structures although not residential homes. Its exciting that we are getting innovative what to do with the plastic that is just sitting on loading docs. We also heard from three reporters that cover Politics in America. What happened with the Capitol Hill Riot, the Newsom Recall campaign and what is going to happen in 2022. 

Thursday: RCRC

We had a good conversation about parks and activities for kids at Coffee and Conversation on Thursday morning. 

I took a break from the conference to attend the Blue Zones meeting about Active Transportation. I think what the City of Ukiah did with the Streetscape is a great example of a built environment that is meant to encourage additional pedestrian activity. There is a lot more work to do though, where do you think additional pedestrian and bicycle access could go? 

We had to have a Closed Session MSWMA Board meeting to discuss the potential of hiring an Interim Director 

In the afternoon at the Conference we had the opportunity to explore. I went for a walk down to Cannery Row to buy a souvenir for my girls and granddaughter. Thursday evening there was a dinner and raffle at the conference and I won a gift basket from Tuolumne County so I can't wait to visit and take a tour with Supervisor Jaron Brandon.


The final day of the RCRC Conference is a Policy Discussion and Vote. I am not currently the County BOS Delegate but this is much like what I did with the Redwood Empire Division for the League of California Cities when I was on the Ukiah City Council. I look forward to someday serving as the Mendocino County delegate.  


As you know there was a special BOS Meeting scheduled for Tuesday so on Saturday I was reviewing all of the information for that agenda and the LAFCO Agenda. 


I spent some time with my youngest daughter and my granddaughter on Sunday <3 Love that time we get to have together. That's not County related I just wanted to remind you how important it is to connect with your family. 


LAFCO -Will continue to meet remotely, reviewing every 30 days.

UVFD annexation of the City of Ukiah. 

RECOMMENDATION 1) Find the Ukiah Valley Fire District Municipal Service Review and Sphere of Influence Update and UVFD Fire Services Annexation and Fire District Sphere Amendment (File No. A-2021-02) exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Public Resources Code §21065 and Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations §15306, §15378(a), §15061(b)(3), 15261, 15301, and 15320 and approve the Notice of Exemption for filing; APPROVED


2) Adopt LAFCo Resolution 2021-22-02, approving the Ukiah Valley Fire District Municipal Service Review and Sphere of Influence Update and amending the existing coterminous Ukiah Valley Fire District Sphere of Influence to add the entire City Limits of the City of Ukiah and designate as Areas of Interest the proposed Western Hills annexation area and two unincorporated island areas within the District boundary; APPROVED WITH REVIEW IN TWO YEARS


3) Adopt LAFCo Resolution 2021-22-03, conditionally approving the UVFD Fire Services Annexation and Fire District Sphere Amendment (File No. A-2021-02) change of organization application to annex the City Limits of the City of Ukiah for fire services. APPROVED 



October 5, 2021

1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.) 

1a) Roll Call 

1b) Pledge of Allegiance 


10-04-21 Carrera Correspondence 10-05-21 MCA Correspondence 10-04-21 Lai Correspondence 10-04-21 Gibson Correspondence 10-04-21 Rashall and Green Correspondence Attachments:


3a) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Program Including 1) Direction to Staff to Prepare an Application for up to $18,084,837.00 in Local Jurisdiction Assistance Program Grant Funding, 2) Providing Recommendations to Staff on Program Purposes and Uses, and 3) Direction to Staff to Bring a Completed Application Back to the Board of Supervisors on the Consent Calendar for the October 26 or November 9 Meeting of the Board for Review and Approval Prior to Submission (Sponsor: Cannabis) Recommended Action: 1) Direct Staff to Prepare an Application for up to $18,084,837.00 in Local Jurisdiction Assistance Program Grant Funding 2) Provide recommendations to staff on program purposes and uses, and 3) Direct staff to bring a completed application back to the Board of Supervisors on the consent calendar for the October 26 or November 9 meeting of the Board for review and approval prior to submission. Local Assistance Application Form DRAFT Local Assistance Guidelines DRAFT DRAFT Budget Report Form DRAFT Application Budget 20210928 10-05-21 MCA Correspondence 10-04-21 Harness Correspondence Attachments:

These funds provide an opportunity for our Phase 1 applicants to jump through the hoops required by the State and the County 

Approve recommended action to include one stakeholder meeting regarding the funds 

3b) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Amendments to the County of Mendocino Cannabis Equity Program Including, But Not Limited To, 1) Eliminating the Income Threshold Associated with the Cannabis Equity Program’s Eligibility Criteria, 2) Allowing Direct Grant Funds to be Dispersed in a Single Tranche, 3) Expanding the Direct Grant Criteria, and 4) Authorizing and Directing the Cannabis Program Manager (Director) to Execute Grant Agreements with Eligible Equity Awardees on Behalf of the County (Sponsor: Cannabis) Recommended Action: Direct staff to amend the County of Mendocino Cannabis Equity Program including but not limited to 1) eliminating the income threshold associated with the grant program's eligibility criteria, 2) allowing direct grant funds to be dispersed in a single tranche, 3) expanding the direct grant criteria to reflect the criteria outlined in statute, and 4) authorize and direct the Cannabis Program Manager (Director) to execute grant agreements with eligible equity awardees on behalf of the County. 10-05-21 MCA Correspondence 10-04-21 Clein Correspondence 10-04-21 CCAG Correspondence Attachments:

Approve the recommended action, try to make sure that people that are receiving grants have paid their taxes, give preference to the existing pool that have applied for eligibility or been granted eligibility to date


4a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Receiving a Workshop Presentation from the Sheriff’s Office on the Annual Budget of the Sheriff-Coroner’s Office (BU 2310) (Sponsor: Sheriff-Coroner and Supervisor McGourty) Recommended Action: Receive a workshop presentation from the Sheriff's Office on the annual budget of the Sheriff-Coroner Office (BU 2310). Attachments: Budget Workshop Presentation PDF - Oct 5th 

Presentation by Juanita Dreiling about the MCSO budget, one topic that comes up often is the amount being use by the Sheriff's office for overtime this year they used vacant position funds to balance a potential overtime gap

The Sheriff and his fiscal team will bring back a future agenda item that will show what funds will be needed to provide a realistic number for a fully staffed MCSO that meets the expectations of the public 


Want to chat? You can find me on Zoom every Thursday at 7:15am. Meeting ID 7079548230 Password LOCAL707

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