Hi Everyone! Things get a little hectic with my schedule this time of year so I’ll do my best to at least let you know which meetings I am attending so you know if you are interested in hearing more please call me or email and we can set up a time.
Mendocino County - City of Ukiah Second District Supervisor meeting with Jim Brown from the Ukiah City Council. It’s important for the County Supes to connect with their counterparts in the Cities and with the MACs. We talk about everything from infrastructure to housing and mental health.
We had an additional Mental Health Data Statistics Ad Hoc meeting. We are working on charting the data with the ANSA scores in a different way to share if people are improving over a variety of factors including; danger to others, meds compliance, suicide risk, anti-social behavior, substance use, residential stability.
I had another Leadership meeting with the CSAC Institute. The title was “Finding the blind spots: Personal and Organizational Best Practices and Strategies for Countering Implicit Bias.” It was a good opportunity to work with Mendocino, Lake and Countywide leadership to come up with a plan for dealing with this important topic.
Mendocino County Parks Ad Hoc met with the consultant and County staff to discuss some ideas for next steps after the BOS meeting.
On Friday morning I met with Jim Brown to discuss the Mendo Recycle Interim Director position.
Supervisor McGourty and I met with the City of Ukiah City Manager and some members of the Ukiah Rifle and Pistol Club to learn more about their current fire mitigation activities and their future plans. They wanted to make sure that everyone had the correct website http://www.ukiahrifleandpistol.com/ so theySorr can adequately address the concerns of neighbors.
I attended the MWPC Training for future political candidates. My most important message to those folks is to remember who you were before the campaign, and if you are lucky enough to be elected to not lose yourself to the position. At least that’s what I keep reminding myself.
I volunteered for the Plowshares Empty Bowls Fundraiser. They’ve really got the drive thru event down! Such a great cause! If you’d like to know more about Plowshares please take a look at their website and consider donating. https://www.plowsharesfeeds.org/
PACKING - psstttt moving day is this weekend! And then I’ll own a half a home (haha a townhouse) and I won’t have to worry about needing to move for the next four years.
Agenda Items and email - Just getting caught up from the weekend! Hope you all had a good day off.
I had a check in with Anne Molgaard to hear about how things were going at Child Support Services and Public Health.
In the afternoon I volunteered at the Good Farm Fund Fundraiser - It was a picnic at Barra and I had a great time talking to folks about how the grants that they give out help keep local farms running. They could use your support! Here is the website link: https://www.goodfarmfund.org
Sorry this is so short, I am sure I missed a few things, I’ll try to catch up next week after the move. Have a beautiful week!!