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Weekly Update #45 - November 9, 2021

Hello Mendo!!

I am Mo. The Second District Supervisor for Mendocino County. 

Each week I use the internet to provide you an update of what I am working on, this is not an exhaustive list rather an opportunity for you to comment or ask questions about a particular topic that may interest you and catch a glimpse of how one of the five Supervisors works on a variety of topics during any given week. I post this to my website at MaureenMulheren.Com, on Facebook and I would be happy to email it to you directly to your inbox. Plese just let me know by emailing me at MulherenM@MendocinoCounty.Org and put "Add to email" in the subject line.


Once a month I meet with City Councilmember Jim brown and the City Manager for a City of Ukiah - Second District Meeting. Its important that the cities and the Supervisors meet regularly to discuss the issues that affect each other. I think each Supervisor should coordinate a monthly meeting with their governing bodies in their area or at least attend meetings regularly. 


Every Thursday morning I start the day with Coffee and Conversation. You can join in on Zoom Meeting ID 7079548230Password LOCAL707

I am on the CSAC Leadership Institute learning path. This month the seminar was 

Customer Service in the Public Sector: Balancing Satisfaction with Priorities 

Coming from a background of being a small business owner I know just how key having strong customer service is. I hope to support our departments as they work to streamline their work to become more efficient and provide better customer service. 


On Friday I attended a Holiday Planning Meeting, this is not necessarily BOS related but I’m sharing it because I think its important for you to know that there are people working behind the scenes in our community to bring back some holiday joy this holiday season. But if you have time on December 4th to volunteer for the Ukiah Parade of Lights I could use your help closing streets! 

I was invited by Chair Gjerde to attend a meeting with the City of Ukiah and the County to discuss Electric efficiency. This was just an initial conversation to discuss what opportunities for collaboration there might be with the County and the City and our efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions. 


For those of you that don’t know I wake up very early, 5am every day even on the weekends. That quiet time in the morning is usually when I spend time reviewing the agendas and responding to emails etc. Weekends always include working. This Saturday I also added Yoga

And a little Granddaughter time at the Farmers Market, had lunch at Taste Buds, bought some mittens at Little Brown Bear and then she had a little nap. I can’t believe she’s almost a year old! 


I went hiking at Konocti County Park, they pay to maintain and update their trail system through cell tower rentals. It was pretty darn chilly but a very good work out. There are some portions of the trail that go through private property but everyone seemed to be very good at following all the rules! 


LAFCO Special Meeting - receive the protests for the Annexation and Tax Sharing for the Ukiah Valley Fire District Annexation over the City of Ukiah area, the number of protests did not qualify to be sent to the ballot and the LAFCO decision stands. This is a big win for our community as we have struggled to enhance and streamline fire service for decades. 



1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.) 

1a) Roll Call 

1b) Pledge of Allegiance 



3a) Public Expression 11-08-21 Ferreira Correspondence 11-08-21 Hake Correspondence 11-08-21 Marcus Correspondence 11-08-21 Mcdonell Correspondence 11-08-21 Meuschke Correspondence 11-08-21 Rouse and Vittum Correspondence 11-08-21 Stampfli Correspondence 11-08-21 Thies Correspondence 11-08-21 Tibbon and Hansbury Correspondence 11-08-21 Wheeler Correspondence 11-8-21 Bailey Correspondence 11-8-21 Cannabis Coalition Correspondence 11-09-21 G'Acha Correspondence 11-09-21 Perrin Correspondence 11-09-21 Puetz Correspondence 11-9-2021 Davis Correspondence 11-08-21 Bush Correspondence 11-08-21 Byarlay Correspondence 11-08-21 Cardone Correspondence 11-08-21 Clein Correspondence 11-08-21 Cummings Correspondence Attachments:

Creation of an Ad Hoc of McGourty and Williams to work on the removal of trees in Faulkner Park and throughout the County by PG&E 



4a) Approval of Minutes of October 19, 2021 Regular Meeting Recommended Action: Approve minutes of the October 19, 2021 regular meeting. Attachments: 10-19-21 Minutes DRAFT


4b) Approval of Minutes of October 26, 2021 Regular Meeting Recommended Action: Approve minutes of the October 26, 2021 regular meeting. Attachments: 10-26-21 Minutes DRAFT 



4c) Adoption of Resolution Approving an Allocation of $558,957 in Funding, an Application for Funding, and the Execution of a Grant Agreement and Any Amendments Thereto from the 2019-2020 Funding Year of the CDBG-Mitigation (CDBG-Mit) Resilient Planning and Public Services Program Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving an allocation of $558,957 in funding, an application for funding, and the execution of a grant agreement and any amendments thereto from the 2019-2020 funding year of the CDBG-Mitigation (CDBG-Mit) Resilient Planning and Public Services Program; and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution 17MIT PPS Eligibility Notice_Mendocino County_CWPP 17MIT PPS Eligibility Notice_Mendocino County_Implementation Planning 17MIT PPS Eligibility Notice_Mendocino County_Implementation Public Services 17MIT PPS Eligibility Notice_Mendocino County_HMP 17MIT PPS Eligibility Notice_Mendocino County_General Plan Safety Element Attachments:


4d) Approval of Agreement with LACO Associates to Increase the Amount of $25,000 from Agreement EO-21-52 to $50,000 to Provide Drought Technical Assistance Services Term Starting When Executed to June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve agreement with LACO Associates to increase the amount of $25,000 from Agreement EO-21-52 to $50,000 to provide drought technical assistance services term starting when executed to June 30, 2022; and authorize Chair to sign same. LACO Drought Assistance Amendment Original Agreement Attachments:



4e) Approval of Agreement with CliftonLarsonAllen in the Amount of $6,000 to Perform a Financial and Compliance Audit to Determine Whether the Financial Statements of the Mental Health Oversight Committee Comply with the Expenditure Restrictions as Described in Chapter 5.180 of the Mendocino County Code Entitled the “Mental Health Treatment Act” During Each of the Periods: July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020; July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021; and July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022; to be Funded by Measure B Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with CliftonLarsonAllen in the amount of $6,000 to perform a financial and compliance audit to determine whether the financial statements of the Mental Health Oversight Committee comply with the expenditure restrictions as described in Chapter 5.180 of the Mendocino County Code entitled the "Mental Health Treatment Act" during each of the periods: July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020; July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021; and July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022; authorize the Behavioral Health Director to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that do not exceed the maximum amount authorized for a Department Head to sign pursuant to Policy 1 ($25,000); and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: CliftonLarsonAllen LLP $6000 21-22 BHRS Agreement



4f) Approval of Submission of the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program Application; and Authorization for the Cannabis Program Manager, or Department Head, to Execute the Grant Agreement on Behalf of the County of Mendocino Should the Grant be Awarded Recommended Action: Approve the submission of the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program application; and authorize the Cannabis Program Manager, or Department Head, to execute the grant agreement on behalf of the County of Mendocino should the grant be awarded. 11-05-21 MCA Correspondence DRAFT.LJAGP.Application_FacilitiesRoughDraft DRAFT Budget V3 LJAGP Application 20211108 11-08-21 Birger Correspondence 11-08-21 McCowen Correspondence 11-5-21 Thilman Correspondence Attachments:

After MCP review roughly 833 applications should become legally compliant operators with both the County and the State, which is about 80% of the original applicants 

The Civil Service hiring process slows the hiring of staff as does the pay for the amount of work required, staff will work to find ways to make sure they have ongoing recruitment 

Approve the grant to move forward and make adjustments as needed 


4g) Adoption of Proclamation Recognizing the Recipients of the 2021 Arts Champion Awards as Nominated by the Community and Selected by the Arts Council of Mendocino County: Black Oak Coffee Roasters, Business Champion; Gualala Arts, Arts Organization; Corine Pearce, Artist Champion; Larry R. Wagner, Individual Champion; Blake More, Educator Champion; and Honorable Mention: MEDIUM Gallery Recommended Action: Adopt Proclamation recognizing the recipients of the 2021 Arts Champion Awards as nominated by the community and selected by the Arts Council of Mendocino County: Black Oak Coffee Roasters, Business Champion; Gualala Arts, Arts Organization; Corine Pearce, Artist Champion; Larry R. Wagner, Individual Champion; Blake More, Educator Champion; and Honorable Mention: MEDIUM Gallery PROCLAMATION - Arts Champion Awards 2021 2021 Arts Champions Press Release PROCLAMATION - Arts Champion Awards 2021 Attachments: 


4h) Authorization for the Museum to Offer Free Admission to Honor Groups on Specific Holidays or on an Alternate Open Day and on Special Event Days Coordinated with the Roots of Motive Power Organization Recommended Action: Authorize the Museum to offer free admission to honor groups on specific holidays or on an alternate open day and on special event days coordinated with the Roots of Motive Power organization. 



4i) Adoption of Resolution Amending the Position Allocation Table as Follows: Animal Care Services - Budget Unit 2860, Add 1.0 FTE Animal Control Assistant Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution amending the Position Allocation Table as follows: Animal Care Services - Budget Unit 2860, Add 1.0 FTE Animal Control Assistant; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 11.09.21 #21.1208 HR Amend PAT ACS BU 2860 Reso .docx


4j) Adoption of Resolution Amending Position Allocation Table as Follows: Public Health Budget Unit 4010 - (Temporary Grant Funded) Add 1.0 FTE Program Administrator; 1.0 FTE Senior Department Analyst; 1.0 FTE Senior Program Specialist; Public Health - Environmental Health Budget Unit 4011: Add 1.0 FTE Senior Program Specialist; Delete 1.0 FTE Supervising Staff Assistant Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution Amending Position Allocation Table as Follows: Public Health Budget Unit 4010 - (Temporary Grant Funded)Add 1.0 FTE Program Administrator; 1.0 FTE Senior Department Analyst; 1.0 FTE Senior Program Specialist; Public Health - Environmental Health Budget Unit 4011: Add 1.0 FTE Senor Program Specialist; Delete 1.0 FTE Supervising Staff Assistant; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 11.09.21 #21.1210 HR Amend PAT PH BU 4010 and 4011 Reso.docx


4k) Adoption of Resolution Amending Position Allocation Table as Follows: Social Services Budget Unit 5010; Delete 2.0 FTE Department Information Systems Technician; 3.0 FTE Department Information Systems Analyst; Add 2.0 FTE Information Systems Technician II; 1.0 FTE Information Systems Specialist, 1.0 FTE Network Systems Analyst, 1.0 FTE Staff Assistant II; and Approving Reclassification of Incumbents, Including Y-Rating Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution amending Position Allocation Table as follows: Social Services Budget Unit 5010; delete 2.0 FTE Department Information Systems Technician; 3.0 FTE Department Information Systems Analyst; add 2.0 FTE Information Systems Technician II; 1.0 FTE Information Systems Specialist, 1.0 FTE Network Systems Analyst, 1.0 FTE Staff Assistant II; and approving reclassification of incumbents, including Y-rating; and authorize Chair to sign same. 11-08-21 Resolution Clean #21.1220 HR Amend PAT Dept IS Positions - Reclassification RESO.docx 11-08-21 Resolution Redline Attachments: 


4l) Adoption of Resolution Amending Position Allocation Table as Follows: Public Health Budget Unit 4010, Delete 1.0 FTE Senior Program Specialist, Add 1.0 FTE Program Administrator; Alcohol and Other Drug Programs (SUDT) Budget Unit 4012, Add 1.0 FTE Program Administrator; Mental Health Services Act Budget Unit 4051, Delete 1.0 FTE Mental Health Clinical Manager; Mental Health (BHRS) Budget Unit 4050, Add 1.0 FTE Senior Program Manager Recommended Action/Motion: Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution amending Position Allocation Table as follows: Public Health Budget Unit 4010, delete 1.0 FTE Senior Program Specialist, add 1.0 FTE Program Administrator; Alcohol and Other Drug Programs (SUDT) Budget Unit 4012, add 1.0 FTE Program Administrator; Mental Health Services Act Budget Unit 4051, delete 1.0 FTE Mental Health Clinical Manager; Mental Health (BHRS) Budget Unit 4050, add 1.0 FTE Senior Program Manager; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 11.09.21 #21.1222 HR Amend PAT PH BU 4012 and 4050 RESO.docx


4m) Adoption of Resolution Amending Position Allocation Table as Follows: Transfers, Including Add/Deletes of Positions from Health and Human Services Agency Budget Unit 5020 to Social Services Budget Unit 5010, Mental Health Budget Unit 4050 and Public Health Budget 4010 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution Amending Position Allocation Table as Follows: Transfers, including Adds/Deletes of Positions from Health and Human Services Agency Budget Unit 5020 to Social Services Budget Unit 5010, Mental Health Budget Unit 4050 and Public Health Budget 4010; and authorize Chair to sign same. 11-08-21 Resolution CLEAN 11.09.21 #21.1223 HR Amend PAT TRANSFER POSITIONS FROM BU5020 to 5010, 4050, 4010 RESO.docx 11-08-21 Resolution REDLINE Attachments: 


4n) Adoption of Resolution Re-Establishing the Classification and Adopt Salary of Risk Manager $89,897.60 - $109,262.40/Annually; and Amending the Position Allocation Table as Follows: General Liability - Budget Unit 0713, Add 1.0 FTE Risk Manager; Delete 1.0 FTE Senior Risk Analyst Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution re-establishing the classification and adopt salary of Risk Manager $89,897.60 - $109,262.40/annually; and amending the Position Allocation Table as follows: General Liability - Budget Unit 0713, add 1.0 FTE Risk Manager; delete 1.0 FTE Senior Risk Analyst; and authorize Chair to sign same. 11.09.21 #21.1209 HR Adopt Risk Manager Amend PAT BU 0713 Reso.docx 11.09.21 #21.1209 HR Adopt Risk Manager Class Spec.docx Attachments: 



4o) Authorization of the Issuance of Administrative Coastal Development Permit No. CDP_2020-0026 (Blackmer), to Construct a 405 Square Foot Guest Cottage and Allow for Associated Vegetation Removal, Located at 32857 Leof’s Lane, Fort Bragg (APN: 017-350-56) Recommended Action: Authorize the issuance of Administrative Coastal Development Permit No. CDP_2020-0026 (Blackmer), to construct a 405 square foot guest cottage and allow for associated vegetation removal, located at 32857 Leof's Lane, Fort Bragg (APN: 017-350-56). 00. CDP_2020-0026 Blackmer BOS Public Notice (Final) 01. CDP_2020-0026 Blackmer SR (Final) 02. Combined Maps Attachments:



4p) Authorization to Purchase Tek84 Intercept Whole Body Scanner for the Mendocino County Jail in the Amount of $163,040.31; and Addition of the Item to the County List of Fixed Assets Recommended Action: Authorize the purchase of Tek84 Intercept Whole Body Scanner for the Mendocino County Jail in the amount of $163,040.31; and add the item to the County List of Fixed Assets; and authorize Chair to sign same. Tek84 Intercept Whole Body Scanner Quote.pdf Fixed Asset Request Tek84 Intercept Whole Body Scanner.pdf Attachments:



4q) Adoption of Resolution Adopting California Department of Fish And Wildlife’s Aquatic Invasive Species Disinfection/Decontamination Protocols for Mill Creek Ponds (Talmage Area) Recommended Action: Adopt resolution adopting California Department of Fish And Wildlife's Aquatic Invasive Species Disinfection/Decontamination Protocols for Mill Creek Ponds (Talmage Area); and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution Attachment A - Mill Creek Ponds AIS Protocol CDFW AIS Disenfection/Decontamination Protocol Attachments: 


4r) Adoption of Resolution Approving Notice of Completion and Release of Contract Surety, Department of Transportation Contract Number 170060, 2017 Storm Damage Repairs on Comptche Ukiah Road, County Road 223, Milepost 17.25 (Comptche Area) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving Notice of Completion and Release of Contract Surety, Department of Transportation Contract Number 170060, 2017 Storm Damage Repairs on Comptche Ukiah Road, County Road 223, milepost 17.25 (Comptche Area); and authorize Chair to sign same. Memo Resolution Notice of Completion Attachments:


4s) Adoption of Resolution Approving Notice of Completion and Release of Contract Surety, Department of Transportation Contract Number 170063, 2017 Storm Damage Repairs on Orr Springs Road, County Road 223, Milepost 36.84 (Ukiah Area) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving Notice of Completion and Release of Contract Surety, Department of Transportation Contract Number 170063, 2017 Storm Damage Repairs on Orr Springs Road, County Road 223, milepost 36.84 (Ukiah Area); and authorize Chair to sign same. Memo Resolution Notice of Completion Attachments: 


4t) Authorization to Fund Work Under Department of Transportation Agreement Number 190035 / Board of Supervisors Agreement Number 19-270, an Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., for General Solid Waste Consulting Services, using Caspar Transfer Station Rent Funds in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $26,915, to Perform a Preliminary Financial and Environmental Analysis for Two Potential Central Coast Transfer Stations Sites (Fort Bragg Area) Recommended Action: Authorize to fund work under Department of Transportation Agreement Number 190035 / Board of Supervisors Agreement Number 19-270, an Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., for General Solid Waste Consulting Services, using Caspar Transfer Station rent funds in an amount not-to-exceed $26,915, to perform a preliminary financial and environmental analysis for two potential Central Coast Transfer Stations sites (Fort Bragg Area) Attachments: Mendocino County Central Coast Transfer Station Analysis 



5a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of an Update Associated with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19); and Adoption of Resolution Finding That State or Local Officials Continue to Recommend Measures to Promote Social Distancing In Connection With Public Meetings (Sponsor: Public Health) Recommended Action: Receive update regarding COVID-19 in Mendocino County and adopt Resolution finding that State or local officials continue to recommend measures to promote social distancing in connection with public meetings; authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution Recommendation Health Officer Report COVID BOS 11_9_2021 11-09-21 Zbitnoff Correspondence 11-09-21 Weibel Correspondence Attachments:

See report attached to the agenda 

5b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Presentation of the Adventist Health Community Well-Being Program (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Accept presentation of the Adventist Health Community Well-being program. Attachments: Presentation

Withdrawn, to be heard at a later date

5c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Conduction of Public Meeting with Members of the Mendocino County Community-Based Advisory Redistricting Commission (ARC) to Review Draft Maps Recommended by the ARC, Receive Input on Communities of Interest, and Identify Preferred Map(s) with any Requested Revisions in Compliance With Required Redistricting Criteria (Sponsors: Executive Office and County Counsel) Recommended Action: Conduct public meeting with members of the Mendocino County community-based Advisory Redistricting Commission to review the draft maps recommended by the ARC, receive input on communities of interest, and identify the preferred map(s) with any requested revisions in compliance with required redistricting criteria. ARC Recommended Map Draft_10 ARC Recommended Map. Draft_9 11-08-21 Presentation Attachments:

Create a map "12" to be posted, includes a small section of Hopland to be added and posted for community approval. 

5d) Adoption of Resolution Approving Department of Transportation Agreement Number 210054, Professional Services Agreement with GEI Consultants, Inc., in the Amount of $306,808, for the Term Starting Upon Execution of the Agreement through December 31, 2022, for the Re-Establishment of a Stand-Alone Mendocino County Water Agency (Countywide) (Sponsor: Water Agency) Recommended Action: Adopt resolution approving Department of Transportation Agreement Number 210054, Professional Services Agreement with GEI Consultants, Inc., in the amount of $306,808, for the term starting upon execution of the agreement through December 31, 2022, for the re-establishment of a stand-alone Mendocino County Water Agency (Countywide); and authorize Chair to sign same. Letter Resolution Agreement Attachments: 

5e) Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action Including (1) Adoption of a Resolution Amending the Mendocino County General Plan Coastal Element, Chapters 3.2, 3.3, and 3.9 (GP_2018-0003) to Establish Policies for Accessory Dwelling Units in the Coastal Zone of Mendocino County; and (2) Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Mendocino County Code, Title 20, Division II, Chapters 20.308, 20.316, 20.456, 20.458, 20.472, 20.532, 20.536, and 20.544 (OA_2018-0009), to Establish Regulations for Accessory Dwelling Units in the Coastal Zone (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services) Recommended Action: (1) Adopt Resolution amending Mendocino County General Plan Coastal Element, Chapters 3.2, 3.3, and 3.9 (GP_2018-0003) to establish policies for Accessory Dwelling Units in the Coastal Zone of Mendocino County and authorize Chair to sign same; and (2) Adopt an ordinance amending Mendocino County Code, Title 20, Division II, Chapters 20.308, 20.316, 20.456, 20.458, 20.472, 20.532, 20.536, and 20.544 (OA_2018-0009), to establish regulations for Accessory Dwelling Units in the Coastal Zone; and authorize Chair to sign same. 0. OA_2018-0009.GP_2018-0003 Legal Notice (BOS 11-09-21) 2. BOS Memo- LCP Amendment for ADUs (11-09-21) FINAL ATT 1, Coastal Element Amendment with redline modifications ATT 2, Coastal Zoning Code Amendment with redline modifications ATT 3, PC Resolution PC2021-0012 ATT 4, BOS Resolution - GP_2018-0003 (11-09-21) FINAL ATT 5, BOS Ordinance - OA_2018-0009 - FINAL - CLEAN ATT 6, Coastal Commission Certification ATT 7, 10-7-2021 PC packet FINAL BOS PPT Presentation- LCP Amendment for ADUs (11-09-21) Ordinance Summary - OA_2018-0009 - LCP Amendment for ADUs Ordinance Summary - OA_2018-0009 - LCP Amendment for ADUs Proof of Pub (UDJ) OA_2018-0009 & GP_2018-0003 (Coastal ADU) BOS 11-9-21 Proof of Pub (FBA) OA_2018-0009) & GP_2818-0003 (Coastal ADU) BOS 11-9-21 Proof of Pub (ICO) OA_2018-0009 & GP_2018-0003 (Coastal ADU) BOS 11-9-21 Attachments:


5f) Chief Executive Officer's Report (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Accept the Chief Executive Officer's report. 

No report

5g) Discussion and Possible Action Including Review, Adoption, Amendment, Consideration or Ratification of Legislation Pursuant to the Adopted Legislative Platform (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Provide direction to staff on matters of legislation.

No report


6a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Presentation about the Restorative Justice Program at the Mendocino County Jail (Sponsors: Supervisor Mulheren, Sheriff-Coroner and Probation) Recommended Action: Accept presentation and provide direction to staff. Attachments: Presentation

Receive Report

6b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Update from the Drought Task Force Ad Hoc Committee and Direction to Staff Regarding Contracting with Larry Walker Associates for Grant Writing Services for the Urban and Multi-Benefit Drought Relief Grant Program (Countywide) (Sponsors: Drought Task Force Ad Hoc Committee of Supervisors McGourty and Haschak) Recommended Action: Accept update from the Drought Task Force Ad Hoc Committee; and provide direction to staff regarding contracting with Larry Walker Associates for grant writing services for the Urban and Multi-Benefit Drought Relief Grant Program (Countywide).

Try to seek additional grants to create a robust Water Agency and come up with a plan to create a stand alone agency by this upcoming fiscal year 

6c) Supervisors’ Reports Regarding Board Special Assignments, Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Meetings, and Other Items of General Interest

Receive reports

7. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MATTERS The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors meets concurrently as the Board of Directors of the: In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Governing Board; Mendocino County Air Quality Management District; Mendocino County Public Facilities Corporation; and the Mendocino County Water Agency. 


8a) Adoption of Proclamation Recognizing November 11, 2021, as Veterans Appreciation Day in Mendocino County to Honor Our Veterans Recommended Action: Adopt the proclamation recognizing November 11, 2021, as Veterans Appreciation Day in Mendocino County and authorize the Chair to sign same. Attachments: Proclamation

Find an event throughout the County in your area to honor Veterans


9a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 - Conference with Labor Negotiator - Agency Negotiators: Carmel J. Angelo and Cherie Johnson; Employee Organization(s): All

No item

9b) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: One Case - County of Mendocino, et al. v. Amerisourcebergen Drug Corporation, et al. - Case No. 1:18-cv-02712

Update received

9c) Pursuant to Government Code 54957 - Threat to Public Services or Facilities - Consultation with Heather Correll Rose

No item 


10a) Communications Received and Filed ADJOURNMENT

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