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Weekly Update #7 - 2/14/21

February 14, 2021 Weekly Update #7



On Monday there was a General Government Meeting. Here is my summary:



Committee Members: Supervisors Mulheren and Williams

1) Call To Order

2) Committee Action Items

2a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Staff Regarding the

Review of all Countywide Contracts

✅Staff will bring back contracts to review by department, note some contracts especially in BHAB are retroactive because of funding sources

2b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Staff Regarding

Improvement of Agenda Item Quality Prior to Publication

✅ Bring back with Department Heads to discuss direction

2c) Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff Regarding Clarification on

Boards and Commissions Appointments Process

✅ The new tracking chart is very helpful, bring back each year for Board review

3) Other Business

3a) Approval of Minutes of July 13, 2020 General Government Committee


✅ Approved without modification

3b) Approval of Minutes of September 21, 2020 General Government

Committee Meeting

✅ Approved without modification

3c) Approval of Minutes of November 4, 2020 General Government

Committee Meeting

✅ Approved without modification

3d) Public Expression

3e) Announcements

3f) Matters from Staff

3g) Adjournment




Tuesday Board of Supervisors Notes ala The Mo You Know:


February 9, 2021

1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.)

✅1a) Roll Call

✅1b) Pledge of Allegiance


See consent Calendar


3a) Public Expression

✅ Public comment received





4a) Approval of Minutes of November 17, 2020 Regular Meeting

4b) Approval of Minutes of December 8, 2020 Regular Meeting

4c) Approval of Minutes of December 15, 2020 Regular Meeting

✅ I abstained from the vote on the minutes as I was not in attendance

4d) Approval of Recommended Appointments/Reappointments

Recommended Action:

1. Ms. Holly Madrigal, Member, Mendocino Historical Review Board;

2. Ms. MaryEllen Sheppard, Board Member, Assessment Appeals Board; and

3. Mr. Terry Poplawski, Second District Representative, Civil Service


Attachments: Madrigal - MHRB

✅ Each Appointment/Reappointment Approved


4e) Adoption of Proclamation Recognizing February 2021 as African

American/Black History Month in Mendocino County (Sponsors:

Supervisors Mulheren and Haschak)

✅ Proc received

4f) Adoption of Proclamation Recognizing The Coast-KOZT FM for 30

years of Local Programming and Community Service (Sponsors:

Supervisors Gjerde and Williams)

✅ Proc received

4g) Approval of Changes to the Child Care Planning Council Bylaws; and

Approval of Annual Certification Statement Regarding Composition of

Local Planning Council Membership (Sponsor: Supervisor Haschak)

✅ Approved

4h) Adoption of an Ordinance Adding Chapter 2.39 of the County Code

Creating a Public Safety Advisory Board

✅ Removed for more review by the Ad Hoc to include possible upcoming legislation

4i) Adoption of Resolutions of (1) the County of Mendocino and (2) the

Mendocino County Public Facilities Corporation Approving,

Authorizing and Directing the Execution and Delivery of an

Amendment to a Site Lease, an Amendment to a Facility Lease and an

Amendment to an Assignment Agreement in Connection with the

Removal of a Portion of the Existing Leased Property and the

Execution and Delivery of Easements Across County Property with

Respect to the County of Mendocino Refunding Certificates of

Participation 2012 Series A and 2012 Series B (Federally Taxable) and

the SB844 Project and Authorizing and Approving Other Actions and

Matters Related

✅ Approved

4j) Approval of Agreement with Brokaw Design in the Amount of

$120,000.00 for Design and Engineering Services to Complete Permit

and Construction Documents for the Relocation of the 911

Communications Equipment and Related Sheriff’s Office Servers to a

New Secure Facility at 589 Low Gap Road in Ukiah for the Period from

the Date of Execution through December 31, 2022

✅ Approved

4k) Authorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division to Purchase a

Wheel Balancer for the County Garage in the amount of $7,498.87; and

Addition of the item to the County List of Fixed Assets

✅ Approved


4l) Approval of Agreement with Mendocino County Office of Education in

the Amount of $542,338 Utilizing Mental Health Student Services Act

of 2019 Grant Funds Over a Period of Four Years to Enhance Services

and Supports Available to Children and their Families in a School

Based Setting, Effective Upon Full Execution of the Agreement through

August 31, 2024

✅ Asked that the contract be brought back each year for a review of progress

4m) Approval of Agreement with Mendocino County Youth Project in the

Amount of $549,402 Utilizing Mental Health Student Services Act of

2019 Grant Funds Over a Period of Four Years to Enhance Services and

Supports Available to Children and their Families in a School Based

Setting, Effective Upon Full Execution of the Agreement through

August 31, 2024

✅ Asked that the contract be brought back each year for a review of progress

4n) Approval of Agreement with Redwood Community Services, Inc., in the

Amount of $549,402 Utilizing Mental Health Student Services Act of

2019 Grant Funds Over a Period of Four Years to Enhance Services and

Supports Available to Children and their Families in a School Based

Setting, Effective Upon Full Execution of the Agreement through

August 31, 2024

✅ Asked that the contract be brought back each year for a review of progress

4o) Approval of Agreement with Tapestry Family Services in the Amount

of $549,402 Utilizing Mental Health Student Services Act of 2019 Grant

Funds Over a Period of Four Years to Enhance Services and Supports

Available to Children and their Families in a School Based Setting,

Effective Upon Full Execution of the Agreement through August 31,


✅ Asked that the contract be brought back each year for a review of progress

4p) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Adelwisa Realista, Doing

Business as AMR Consulting, in the Amount of $40,000 to Provide

County Medi-Cal Administrative Activities and Targeted Case

Management Fiscal Expertise, Effective September 1, 2020 through

June 30, 2022

✅ Approved

4q) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Community Foundation of

Mendocino County in the Amount of $225,000 to Rapidly Deploy Grant

Funds to Local Agencies to Provide Food, Water, and Personal Hygiene

Products During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Effective January 1, 2021

through June 30, 2021

✅ Approved

4r) Approval of Retroactive First Amendment to Agreement No.

PH-20-042, PA 21-101 with Patrona Restaurant in the Amount of

$100,000 for a New Total of $150,000 to Provide Meals to Home Bound

Seniors in the Ukiah Area Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Through the

Great Plates Delivered Program, Effective December 10, 2020 Through

a New End Date of March 31, 2021 (Original End Date December 31,

2020); and Delegation of Authority to the Purchasing Agent to Sign

Amendments to the Agreement up to $604,000 Total through March

31, 2021, to Allow Continuation of the Program at Current Levels (i.e.,

With No Increase to the Cost Per Meal and That Maintain a Weekly

Average of $40,000), Provided Said Amendments are Reported to the

Board of Supervisors

✅ Approved

4s) Approval of Retroactive First Amendment to Agreement No.

PH-20-043, PA 21-54 with Angelina’s Bar and Grill in the Amount of

$100,000 for a New Total of $150,000 to Provide Meals to Home Bound

Seniors in the Fort Bragg Area Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Through

the Great Plates Delivered Program, Effective September 14, 2020

Through a New End Date of March 31, 2021 (Original End Date

December 31, 2020); and Delegation of Authority to the Purchasing

Agent to Sign Amendments to the Agreement up to $300,000 Total

through March 31, 2021, to Allow Continuation of the Program at

Current Levels (i.e., With No Increase to the Cost Per Meal and That

Maintain a Weekly Average of $18,500), Provided Said Amendments

Are Reported to the Board of Supervisors

✅ Approved


4t) Approval of Second Amendment to Agreement No. PM 20-004, PA

21-034 with Fiber Channels, Inc. for Digital Infrastructure Planning;

Increase the Contract Amount by $22,500, for a Total Agreement not

to Exceed $67,000, Extend the Term from October 31, 2020, to June 30,


✅ Approved


4u) Approval of Submission of Grant for State of California Board of State

and Community Corrections (BSCC) Proposition 64 Public Health and

Safety Grant Program in an Amount up to $1 Million, to Re-Establish

the Teen Peer Court Program, for the Term of May 1, 2021 to April 30,


✅ Approved

4v) Approval of Retroactive Cooperative Law Enforcement Agreement with

the USDA, Forest Services Mendocino National Forest, in the Amount

of $65,000 to Provide Law Enforcement Services on National Forest

System Lands, for the Period of October 1, 2020 through September 30,


✅ Approved

4w) Approval of Retroactive Revenue Agreement No. 2021-27 with the U.S.

Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (DOJ DEA) in

the Amount of $210,000 for the Eradication and Suppression of Illicit

Cannabis on Federal Lands for the Term of October 1, 2020 to

September 30, 2021

✅ Approved

4x) Adoption of an Ordinance Delegating Authority to Invest or Reinvest

the Funds of the County and its Other Depositors in the County

Treasury to the Treasurer for Calendar Year 2021

✅ Approved


5a) Discussion and Possible Action Including an Update Associated with the

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19); and Provide Possible Direction Regarding

Essential Services in Mendocino County, Operational Preparation and

Response, and Associated Countywide Economic Impacts

✅ Update received, request to have data presented in a written report the day of the meeting for public and media reference

5b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Introduction and Waive First

Reading of Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.48 of the Mendocino County

Code Regarding Composition of the Planning Commission

✅ Amended to remove the “Alternate Planning Commission” positions

5c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Tax Refund Claim

in the Amount of $4,220.40 by Karen A. Calvert, Pursuant to Revenue and

Taxation Code Sections 5096 and 5097, Regarding Certain Taxes Paid to

the Albion Little-River Fire Protection District

✅ Approved

5d) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Tax Refund Claim

in the Amount of $5,118.64 by James H. Calvert, Pursuant to Revenue and

Taxation Code Sections 5096 and 5097, Regarding Certain Taxes Paid to

the Albion Little-River Fire Protection District

✅ Approved

5e) Discussion and Possible Action Including Introduction and Waive First

Reading of an Ordinance Creating Mendocino County Code Chapters 8.77

Providing for the Abatement of Hazardous Vegetation and Combustible

Material to Reduce Fire Hazards

✅ Approved

5f) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Setting

the Dog Licensing Period for Dogs Licensed in Mendocino County; and

Introduction and Waive Reading of Ordinance Amending Title 10 of

Mendocino County Code Regarding Animals, Reducing Dog License

Renewal Period to Thirty Days

✅ Approved

5g) Discussion and Possible Action Including Introduce and Waive First

Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 10A.15A.030 of the

Mendocino County Code Modifying Certain Definitions Related to

Genetically Modified Organisms

✅ Approved, will continue to watch the science and if there is a need it will come back

5h) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Retroactive

Agreement with Elizabeth “Liz” Barney in the Amount of $50,000, for the

Purpose of Providing Social Media, Web Design, and Training Services for

the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office, for the period of January 1, 2021

through December 31, 2021, with the Option to Extend the Agreement in

the Amount of $50,000 for One Additional One-Year Period from January

1, 2022 through December 31, 2022, with the Total Possible Agreement

Amount of $100,000 and the Possible Term Period of January 1, 2021

through December 31, 2022

✅ Approved

5i) Discussion and Possible Action Including Review, Adoption, Amendment,

Consideration or Ratification of Legislation Pursuant to the Adopted

Legislative Platform

✅ Nothing to add at this time

5j) Chief Executive Officer's Report

✅ Not available at this time


6a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Cannabis Cultivation Phase 1

Update and Direction to Staff in Regard to Related Priorities

✅ Discussion related how to move Phase 1 forward. Hire the Cannabis Manager, bring that person under the BOS, review whether or not an Urgency Ordinance would allow for Phase 1 cultivators to continue cultivating until there is a resolution, recommend that each applicant prepare all of their documents as if the were to submit them again, more info at Cannabis Town Hall

6b) Supervisors’ Reports Regarding Board Special Assignments, Standing and

Ad Hoc Committee Meetings, and Other Items of General Interest

✅ I had nothing to report due to the interest of time and the fact that I release an update each Sunday in writing


The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors meets concurrently as the Board of Directors of

the: In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Governing Board; Mendocino County Air

Quality Management District; Mendocino County Public Facilities Corporation; and the

Mendocino County Water Agency.

✅ No updates


Items added to the agenda subsequent to agenda publication, up to 72 hours in advance of the

meeting, pursuant to Government Code section 54954.

✅ No modifications


Any public reports of action taken in the closed session will be made in accordance with

Government Code sections 54957.1.

9a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 - Public Employee

Performance Evaluation - Chief Executive Officer

9b) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) - Conference with

Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Barbara Howe, et al. v. County of

Mendocino, et al. - United States District Court-Northern District of

California Case No. 1:20-cv-02622-RMI

9c) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) - Conference with

Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Meribeth Dermond v. County of

Mendocino, et al. - Case No. SCUK-CVPO-2020-74369

9d) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 - Conference with Labor

Negotiator - Agency Negotiators: Carmel J. Angelo and William Schurtz;

Employee Organization(s): All

9e) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 - Public Employee

Appointment - County Librarian

February 9, 2021 Page 6

Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISORS


9f) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) - Conference with

Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant Exposure to Litigation

9g) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4) - Conference with

Legal Counsel - Initiation of Litigation: One Case

✅ All closed session report out “Direction given to staff”





On Wednesday I started my morning with a Downtown Merchants Association Meeting. We talked about bringing back the Streeterie this summer and how we can help businesses open safely as more customers are able to return.

In the afternoon I had a conversation with the team from Guillon Inc about their housing project Bella Vista on the south end of Ukiah. They shared about some updates that they had for the plans from the original Gardens Gate. Hopefully being able to remove the Cannabis Phase 1 ordinance from Planning and Building will allow for more time to focus on housing projects.

In the evening I attended the Building Bridges Community meeting where they discussed a clean up for Saturday and how they were keeping folks safe during COVID and what the options might be for vaccines for the homeless population.

On a personal note, on Wednesday we had a parent meeting with Andie's teachers. Her school is going back in two weeks and it seems like half of the kids will be attending in person learning. We are excited for the safe reopening even if its only for a few months.



Thursday was not boring! I had my regular Coffee and Conversation, at the Business and Government leaders we discussed how to improve the vaccine roll out and make sure the CDBG grants get issued so we can get the money in to the hands of local businesses owners.

I volunteered at the City of Ukiah vaccine clinic, they were working on second doses for the Ukiah Unified School District staff.

In the afternoon I attended the Economic Development and Financing Corporation meeting. I used to serve on that board as a City Councilperson so I'm just catching up! Excited to learn more.

I met with Judson Howe the new President of Adventist Health and we talked about his vision for the hospital system and the upcoming roll out of the Blue Zones Project and I can't wait to tell you more about that.

I attended a meeting with the Clinics and interested partners about the vaccine roll out and how to make sure that we are reaching out to the Latino community.

Thursday night I had one more meeting and that was Inland Water and Power Commission and we discussed the drought update and heard a little more about the possibility about raising the dam and why that would be important to Mendocino County.



On Friday I had a couple of calls about Cannabis. One about the 10% of acreage proposal and one about Cannabis in Potter Valley that will include a field trip! I'll report back.



Saturday morning I went to Building Bridges clean up, I worked with one of the staff members and we cleaned around the block. It was a little rainy and none of the shelter guests joined us but hopefully they will next month.

After that I attended the virtual meeting for the Northern California Indian Housing Authority. It was their 42nd Annual Meeting and the them was "Building our Future". There was a great guest panel and I was very impressed at how much work they are doing. Its awesome!



Sunday was Allies for Equity Part Two on Zoom. I had a guest co-host Medie Jesena and we had a good community conversation about racism in Mendocino County and what it was like to be raised here. I'm so grateful for everyone that spent and hour and a half on Valentine's Day with me. We need more love, and to show our children that the changes within the next generation starts with them.


Have a successful week!






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